Samurai Jack: Fucking amazing episode. The second half was fucking amazing. I'm still not sure how they're going to finish it in 22 minutes, but I have a lot more faith after this episode. That last shot was insane, and I can't wait till two weeks from now. I hope they get an hour, frankly. This was my favorite episode of the night.
DB Super: Ehhhh. Ok episode. I'm not as big a fan as everyone else on Super. I guess I don't dig the plot as of right now, and the animation this episode was kind of weak.
DB Kai: Good enough episode. I really like the tournament part of it, so I'm glad the episode spent a while focusing on it. The rest was just ok, though I do like the interaction between Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and the Kai.
AoT: Great episode. I loved the interaction between all of the different characters, and shit got super desperate at the end. Can't wait for the next episode. Makes me want to watch season 1 again, which is not something I thought it would make me want to do.
Tokyo Ghoul: zzzzzzz. So apparently a cop died, who we either hadn't met until this episode, or the show put no focus on. Hey show, if you want me to give a fuck about someone's death, maybe you should actually get me to care about the character instead of giving him 60 seconds of obvious exposition before you kill him.
Also, Toka is notoriously underused and underwritten. She's close to being a good character, but boy do they just cut any good parts that make you feel for her, and just focus on her being a dick and whiny teenager to everyone. Maybe the manga did it better.
HxH: Frankly great. The use of Requiem was fucking fantastic, and boy did it get dark at the end there. Shit is going to go
down next episode. I got pissed off at Neon, but I think I was supposed to .
Gundam Unicorn:
Naruto Shipuden:
Mostly because I wasn't paying attention, though. I just want to get to the pain fight already.
GitS SAC: OMG, it's an episode that just focuses on Tachikoma, I fucking love it. Too bad about what they're planing to do to them. Kind of dark, actually. Nothing more to add, really.
Night ya'll