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Tiger Mask W will replace AoT2, and we will all love it for the amount for all it's glorious wrestling cheese.
"You. Can. SMILE!"
^This, preceded by a montage of the Phantom Troupe, has been part of the OP since episode 50, btw. Toonami didn't show it, though it probably slipped their minds.
What does Quwrof Wrlccywrlir/Quoll Lucifer (yes, another name he's 'officially' had) have to say to this...?
[IMG]http://blog.hachimitsu.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/HorribleSubs_Hunter_X_Hunter_-_47_720p_.mkv_snapshot_19.21_2012.09.17_00.13.12.jpg[/IMG] [B]YOU CAN SMILE AGAIN[/B]
I find it annoying they can take so long just putting a LE up for pre-order, like the MvC Infinite one that I want to order from them, or just simple stuff like amiibo.. Though I still hate the whole BotW Master Edition crap that happened, even though I'm sure it was more on Nintendo's side.Why do I even pay for prime when Amazon never gets me games on launch date -.-
to be honest, it did for me too, lolNot gonna lie... the new Tokyo Ghoul chapter kinda makes me more interested in reading the manga lol
Man, Jack could totally die tonight.
I could see that ending happening.
-Defeats Aku
-Gets smothered by Ashi's ass celebrating
Censored for lewdness.
BTW, for the people playing it, should I promote my team in Fire Emblem Echoes early or wait till they become level 20 villagers?
BTW, for the people playing it, should I promote my team in Fire Emblem Echoes early or wait till they become level 20 villagers?
Why didn't the new Fire Emblem release for the Switch?
I promoted immediately. There were a couple posts in the OT breaking it down, but it seems it's not a huge trade off to promote asap in this one.
Edit: nvm, Seda has the in depth info
Gonna link my own stuff
In short i waited a few extra levels but not more than level ten.
sounds like the latest tokyo ghoul manga chapter got pretty interesting
1.) Likely started development too early to be a Switch title.
2.) It's a remake, nearly a spinoff, and Switch dev would be too costly for a title with this scope.
3.) They are currently making a Fire Emblem for Switch.
Part of me would love an enhanced port that fixed some of the issues (don't make me go back to that damn room in the studio just to make new weapons & such, make it like the Velvet Room & just put a door at the dungeon's entrance) & get a new audience, but I have no idea if I'd have the time/motivation to replay through that game again.The only recent FE game I'd love on Switch is TOKYO MIRAGE SESSIONS.
4.) They've had experience already making two other 3DS FE games1.) Likely started development too early to be a Switch title.
2.) It's a remake, nearly a spinoff, and Switch dev would be too costly for a title with this scope.
3.) They are currently making a Fire Emblem for Switch.
I don't think I'm that fucked up.Just jerk off on her when she's unconscious
I don't think I'm that fucked up.
Not happening since I'm never seeing this woman again.Brush her teeth.
damn it, I was actually thinking of posting that gif.Brush her teeth.
I have most likely a laundry list of attachment problems with people. It takes several dates for me to not be so nervous and to actually open up. Every woman I know is either messed up, treats me like crap or just treats me like I don't exist.damn it, I was actually thinking of posting that gif.
I think I've come to accept that I most likely have social anxiety, especially when it comes to dating. Doesn't help I feel like I'm "behind" considering my best & oldest friend for over 18 years not only has been married for 5 years, but just had a son born this month. Only one year older than me, but it just feels like a huge distance in terms of where we are in life, especially when I've failed 4 previous attempts & it just makes me feel like I'm the one at fault.
Eh. I think she wants a life of the party type. DatingGAF already thinks I'm insane.I feel Toonami-gaf is perhaps not the best place to go to for relationship advice.
That said, Jaded, have you tried telling her she's extra thick?
damn it, I was actually thinking of posting that gif.
I think I've come to accept that I most likely have social anxiety, especially when it comes to dating. Doesn't help I feel like I'm "behind" considering my best & oldest friend for over 18 years not only has been married for 5 years, but just had a son born this month. Only one year older than me, but it just feels like a huge distance in terms of where we are in life, especially when I've failed 4 previous attempts & it just makes me feel like I'm the one at fault.
Guess that it's not coming to Toonami soon, then. I know OPM was on Hulu originally, but I'd imagine the demand was so high that it made sense to get it on there, where as I feel like Blue Exorcist, especially the 2nd season, just doesn't have that same desire from the viewers.Looks like Hulu got the exclusive rights to the dub of Blue Exorcist Season 2.
Happy Toonami Day everyone.
Also, Tiger Mask W is dope.
Gonna link my own stuff
In short i waited a few extra levels but not more than level ten.