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Toonami |MayJun17| WE ARE ROBOTS

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Think about how your dad abandoned your mom and she was forced to raise both you and your little brother in poverty by herself for years! She's probably done some things she's not proud of!


Man the pacing for this episode took a nose dive in the second half. All the standing around and talking is just like classic DBZ :/

LOL that's what you scrubs get for standing around chatting or shook


No Scrubs
You shouldn't be so surprised Supreme Kai, Gohan filled that thing to just over half all by himself. Goku and Vegeta's damage would easily fill the rest.
I'm fairly certain the manga's pacing made it so the "standing around doing nothing" thing wasn't something I noticed.

Because I really don't remember that being an issue.


"How could I have failed so completely?"

-Supreme Kai


yeah don't forget ox king was actually king of a whole kingdom....also can we just skip this next part and get to
vegito vs buu
it's hilarious to me that they noticeably tried to edit this episode but it's still slow because they were too cheap to actually animate anything new and the cuts they did make are conspicuous and terrible
How could you have failed so completely indeed. *thinks back to the time he let the evil dudes siphon off a shit-ton of energy from Gohan and then allowed them to get back to their lair* It boggles the mind, I tell you. Time for Attack on Titan.
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