This clip shows Piccolo sucks at being a dad too.
I blame the editors at Jump and the fan character rankings during its run in the magazine.
The good thing about having the manga of this is that when I get to this part there are no flashbacks.
I mean a smart Cell, after hearing this, would just kill Gohan without ticking him off but LOL at a villain being smart in DBZ.
I blame the editors at Jump and the fan character rankings during its run in the magazine.
I mean a smart Cell, after hearing this, would just kill Gohan without ticking him off but LOL at a villain being smart in DBZ.
I mean a smart Cell, after hearing this, would just kill Gohan without ticking him off but LOL at a villain being smart in DBZ.
I mean a smart Cell, after hearing this, would just kill Gohan without ticking him off but LOL at a villain being smart in DBZ.
I mean a smart Cell, after hearing this, would just kill Gohan without ticking him off but LOL at a villain being smart in DBZ.
I mean a smart Cell, after hearing this, would just kill Gohan without ticking him off but LOL at a villain being smart in DBZ.