Z Zonic Gives all the fucks Nov 6, 2016 #10,451 "we tried to mess with human transmutation & we lost our limbs. One dude lost his arm...."
Z zedreamcast Member Nov 6, 2016 #10,456 Hopfully this guy can escape before the brainwashing process can finish. Spoiler god damn shoker
C Crocodile Member Nov 6, 2016 #10,461 BatDan said: "Earth Cold" How is that different from a Mars Cold? Oh nooooo... fish. ... Seriously? Click to expand... I mean different viruses can produce similar symptoms and what not so yeah, there could be a difference between an Earth Cold and a Mars Cold Imperial Bishop said: Let me introduce you to Shiki Click to expand... I dunno why but "the D-Roy" kills me as its a reference to such a minor character LOL
BatDan said: "Earth Cold" How is that different from a Mars Cold? Oh nooooo... fish. ... Seriously? Click to expand... I mean different viruses can produce similar symptoms and what not so yeah, there could be a difference between an Earth Cold and a Mars Cold Imperial Bishop said: Let me introduce you to Shiki Click to expand... I dunno why but "the D-Roy" kills me as its a reference to such a minor character LOL
Z Zonic Gives all the fucks Nov 6, 2016 #10,466 EAT MY COOKING OR ELSE I'LL BE EVEN MORE TSUNDERE, DAMN IT
S Seda Member Nov 6, 2016 #10,473 Jarate said: What is Gjallarhorn? Like what do they do? Click to expand... They are apparently a PMC that stopped a war a while back and now they hold power as a protectorate of Earth or something. Apparently they are oppressing colonists but they've done a poor job showing it.
Jarate said: What is Gjallarhorn? Like what do they do? Click to expand... They are apparently a PMC that stopped a war a while back and now they hold power as a protectorate of Earth or something. Apparently they are oppressing colonists but they've done a poor job showing it.
Z zedreamcast Member Nov 6, 2016 #10,475 Youd think orphans forced into child labor wouldnt be so picky
C ckohler Member Nov 6, 2016 #10,477 To be honest, that looks gross as hell. I hate fish and even more when it you can see its head.
T Tacorona72 Member Nov 6, 2016 #10,479 Is the beard guy the same voice as that jacked butler in HxH?
S Shard XBLAnnoyance Nov 6, 2016 #10,481 I am sure Gallerjorn is completely on the up and up and would never violate the law.
B BatDan Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in. Nov 6, 2016 #10,483 "Everything went better than expected"
S Schadenfreude Member Nov 6, 2016 #10,488 Oh shit, Dort is gonna get a free meal during their shifts?
H Htown STOP SHITTING ON MY MOTHER'S HEADSTONE Nov 6, 2016 #10,490 I call bullshit on that happening in like two days or whatever
M MetatronM Unconfirmed Member Nov 6, 2016 #10,495 How did they go through full economic negotiations in the like day that has transpired since Dort?