Imperial Bishop
Yea, this is the last episode they have done.
Is he... Enjoying this?!
Indeed, this is the breaking point for Gurren Lagan, either you are in now or it is just not going to click.
at this point, I would call bullshit, but I'm definitely sticking around to see the rest
I'm glad I didn't quit after those damned awful episodes earlier on
At least it was your own mistake.
some buttface legit went "Kamina Dies" right after I told him I was watching the show.
goddam it.
He's right though. It's quite a ride. It's worth seeing it through to the end at least this point, I would call bullshit, but I'm definitely sticking around to see the rest
I'm glad I didn't quit after those damned awful episodes earlier on
At least it was your own mistake.
some buttface legit went "Kamina Dies" right after I told him I was watching the show.
goddam it.
The Major seems to love war.
Its easy so why not :VOMG the blood spelled out the title AGAIN.
Is this gonna happen every episode now?
I honestly wish I had been spoiled back when I watched it. I got way too attached to Kamina, he had been exactly the sort of protagonist I had been hoping for after watching a bunch of emo dudes dick around. I had to drop the show for like 2 weeks just to get over it.
I honestly wish I had been spoiled back when I watched it. I got way too attached to Kamina, he had been exactly the sort of protagonist I had been hoping for after watching a bunch of emo dudes dick around. I had to drop the show for like 2 weeks just to get over it.
I honestly wish I had been spoiled back when I watched it. I got way too attached to Kamina, he had been exactly the sort of protagonist I had been hoping for after watching a bunch of emo dudes dick around. I had to drop the show for like 2 weeks just to get over it.