S Seda Member Oct 5, 2014 #2,604 So does porky actually think sending a swat team is going to do anything
K Korigama Member Oct 5, 2014 #2,605 *has been on an unusual sleep schedule, will have to review most of the things DVRed tonight* This has certainly been quite the thing to wake up to (around the same time as the comedy dream sequence preceding it at that).
*has been on an unusual sleep schedule, will have to review most of the things DVRed tonight* This has certainly been quite the thing to wake up to (around the same time as the comedy dream sequence preceding it at that).
L Levyne Banned Oct 5, 2014 #2,606 poor Willingham, stuck being random police dudes, must have auditioned poorly
C Crocodile Member Oct 5, 2014 #2,611 Don't those dumbasses know you're supposed to use the stairs in case of emergencies?
R ramoisdead Member Oct 5, 2014 #2,613 Holding that door open... They just asking to be killed at this point.
S Schadenfreude Member Oct 5, 2014 #2,616 Alucard is cheesier than an animatronic band at a pizza place.
I Imperial Bishop Banned Oct 5, 2014 #2,619 Those guys were astronomically royally infinitely fucked.
Z Zonic Gives all the fucks Oct 5, 2014 #2,621 Look at all these other people that'll be killed soon! ...........so anyone keeping a body count?
R ramoisdead Member Oct 5, 2014 #2,625 Awww was expecting a river of blood to flow out of that elevator like The Shining.
F foxuzamaki Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own Oct 5, 2014 #2,630 As you can see, everyone in this show is getting off to this.
A Akainu Member Oct 5, 2014 #2,632 Seda said: So does porky actually think sending a swat team is going to do anything Click to expand... Shits and giggles man.
Seda said: So does porky actually think sending a swat team is going to do anything Click to expand... Shits and giggles man.
D Doctor Decimate Member Oct 5, 2014 #2,636 Schadenfreude said: Alucard is cheesier than an animatronic band at a pizza place. Click to expand... Click to expand... .
Schadenfreude said: Alucard is cheesier than an animatronic band at a pizza place. Click to expand... Click to expand... .
S Schadenfreude Member Oct 5, 2014 #2,637 Is everyone on this show getting turned on from watching this? Oh god his eyes are just little dots.
B BatDan Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in. Oct 5, 2014 #2,643 Alhambra is a fairly Dandy person. And our boss for this week