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Toonami |OT4| Set Sail for One Piece!

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Monkey D. Luffy

Also Known As: Straw Hat Luffy
Job: Captain
Age: 17
Birthdate: May 5
Hometown: Windmill Village, Dawn Island, East Blue
Favorite Activity: Eating
Favorite Food: Meat
Personal Idol: Shanks
Known Relatives: Portgas D. Ace (brother)
Current Bounty: 100 Million Berries
Devil's Fruit: Gomu Gomu Fruit
Ultimate Goal: To become the Pirate King
First Appearance: Episode 1

Monkey D. Luffy is the eccentric, goofy, single-minded captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. With his love for pirates imbued in him at a young age while Shanks and the crew of the Red Hair Pirates used his village as a base, Luffy is 100% convinced that his singular goal in life is to find the legendary treasure One Piece and become the Pirate King. Luffy's trademark straw hat is actually a possession of Shanks and was entrusted to Luffy with the intent that he would return it someday when he became a great pirate in his own right. A dreamer, a hopeless optimist, and a few cans short of a six pack, Luffy is anything but a typical pirate, and it's no surprise that he has chosen an equally unusual crew. His childlike nature and often irrational and rash behavior makes Luffy a real hassle for his crew to deal with, but Luffy's rubber powers and surprisingly street-smart fighting style make him as reliable as they come in battle.

Roronoa Zoro

Also Known As: Pirate Hunter Zoro
Job: Unofficial Vice Captain, Swordsman
Age: 19
Birthdate: November 11
Home Sea: East Blue
Favorite Activities: Training, Sleeping
Notable Character Quirk: Possesses no sense of direction of any kind
Personal Idol: Kuina
Current Bounty: 60 Million Berries
Special Ability: Santouryuu
Weapons: Sandai Kitetsu, Yubashiri, Wadou Ichimonji
Ultimate Goal: To become the world's strongest swordsman
First Appearance: Episode 1
Joins the Crew: Episode 3

Zoro is a master swordsman who is determined to live up to a promise made to a childhood friend that he would become the strongest swordsman in the world. To do so, Zoro has taken up not one, not two, but three swords to fight his battles. Originally collecting bounties as a pirate hunter, Zoro is saved from certain death at the hands of a Marine firing squad by Luffy and subsequently pledges to serve as a pirate under Luffy's flag. He does so, however, not out of love for a life of piracy but rather because he believes travelling with this strange boy who claims he will become the Pirate King will aid him in his quest to be the world's strongest. And to do that, he needs to beat one of the Seven Warlords, the man called Hawk Eyes Mihawk...


Job: Navigator
Age: 18
Birthdate: July 3
Hometown: Unknown / Surrogate Hometown: Cocoyashi Village, Conomi Islands, East Blue
Favorite Things: Money, Mikan, Money
Notable Physical Trait: Tattoo of a pinwheel and mikan on her left shoulder
Personal Idol: Bellemere
Known Relatives: Bellemere (adoptive mother), Nojiko (adoptive sister)
Weapon: Clima Tact
Ultimate Goal: To create a map of the world
First Appearance: Episode 1
Joins the Crew: Episode 8

Nami is a talented thief, particularly skilled at stealing from pirates, but she's even more talented at navigation and cartography, skills she has honed since a very young age. Nami claims to have a deep hatred of pirates but teams up with Luffy and Zoro anyway after Luffy helps her swipe Captain Buggy's treasure and map of the Grand Line. Nami's reasons for this hatred run deep into her past and childhood, and perhaps it is best to witness how that unfolds for yourselves. Disregarding the history for now, Nami is extremely assertive and bossy, and she frequently takes on the duties of the captain, issuing orders to the various other crewmembers, because lord knows Luffy can't be counted on to do it himself. Nami's ultimate objective on the seas: to create a map of the world.


Also Known As: Captain Usopp
Job: Sharpshooter
Age: 17
Birthdate: April 1
Hometown: Syrup Village, Gecko Islands, East Blue
Notable Physical Trait: Long Nose
Personal Idols: Kaya, Dorry and Brogy
Known Relatives: Yasopp (father)
Weapons: Slingshot, Usopp Hammer, Exploding Star, Lead Star, Flame Star, Smoke Star, Tabasco Star, Usopp Rubber Band, Usopp Noise, Usopp Spell
Ultimate Goal: To become a brave man of the sea
First Appearance: Episode 9
Joins the Crew: Episode 17

Usopp is a liar. And a coward. While proud of his ability to bend the truth, Usopp is ashamed by his cowardice and joins the Straw Hat crew with the intention of becoming what he calls a "brave man of the sea." Usopp is also an amazing shot, and despite his fear, he stands tall when forced into combat. Before the arrival of the fledgling Straw Hat crew in his hometown, Usopp made it a regular habit of running through the town every morning screaming that pirates were coming and then spending the rest of the day sitting outside Kaya's window telling tall tales of his alleged exploits to try and cheer up the sickly orphaned girl. When Kaya's life is placed in danger, it's up to Usopp (and the Straw Hats) to help her. It's thanks to Usopp and Kaya that the Straw Hats can call the Going Merry their home. As a member of the Straw Hat crew, Usopp operates the cannons, frequently acts as an amateur shipwright, and often comes down with a mysterious "I-should-not-get-off-on-this-island" sickness. Usopp still feels somewhat out of place on the Going Merry as he feels like a man of ordinary strength surrounded, quite literally, by monsters.


Also Known As: Mr. Prince
Job: Chef
Age: 19
Birthdate: March 2
Hometown: Somewhere in North Blue
Favorite Thing: Nami
Favorite Pet Name for Nami: Mellorine
Favorite Insulting Name for Zoro: Marimo
Notable Physical Traits: Curly eyebrows
Personal Idol: Zeff the Red Leg
Special Ability: Fighting entirely with kicks
Ultimate Goal: To find All Blue
First Appearance: Episode 20
Joins the Crew: Episode 30

Sanji is the Assistant Head Chef at the floating restaurant Baratie when the Straw Hats come a-calling. One thing leads to another, and Sanji leaves his life at Baratie to join the Straw Hats as their full-time chef in the hopes of finding the legendary and possibly fictitious sea where all the fish of the world congregate, the cook's dream sea All Blue. Trained in both the culinary and martial arts by Baratie's Head Chef, former pirate Red Leg Zeff, Sanji is both a master with his hands in the kitchen and a master with his feet in battle. Suave and undeniably cool, Sanji's one weakness is women, and no woman holds more power over Sanji than Nami. Whether it is carrying her baggage, attacking Zoro when he makes a snide comment, or serving only the finest food to her and leaving the leftovers for Luffy and company, Nami exploits her charm and power over Sanji on a daily basis. Despite this weakness, Sanji is one of the most powerful and reliable members of the crew, which gets the gang out of trouble on a number of occasions and also makes him Zoro's natural rival.

Tony Tony Chopper

Job: Doctor
Age: 15
Birthdate: December 24
Hometown: Drum Island, Grand Line
Notable Physical Trait: Blue Nose
Personal Idols: Dr. Hiluluk, Dr. Kureha
Devil's Fruit: Hito Hito Fruit
Special Technique: Rumble Ball, Seven Level Transformation
Ultimate Goal: To be able to cure all diseases in the world
First Appearance: Episode 81
Joins the Crew: Episode 90

Tony Tony Chopper is the youngest and probably the strangest of the Straw Hats. Born in the snowy forests of Drum Island as a reindeer, Chopper was abandoned by his parents and herd as a newborn because of his odd blue nose, a physical trait he is still sensitive about. After eating a Devil's Fruit, the herd treated him as a complete monster, violently chasing him out of the herd for good. The fruit he ate, the Hito Hito Fruit, has the power to grant human features to an animal, and as such, Chopper tried to pass as human and make friends with the nearby townspeople. Of course, while no longer a pure reindeer, he was obviously not human either, and the people called him a monster, chased him into the woods, and shot him. It was at this point that he was found by a quack outcast doctor named Dr. Hiluluk, who took pity on Chopper, treated his wounds, and gave him his name and trademark pink hat. He also began to train Chopper in medicine and instilled in the young reindeer an appreciation for the values of conviction born in the Jolly Roger, the brand of a pirate. Chopper completed his medicinal training under the so-called "witch" Dr. Kureha and finally leaves his home island to see the world and learn more about medicine on board the Going Merry as the Straw Hats' resident doctor. Chopper brings youthful vigor and fascination to an already young and excitable crew and finds amazement in almost every new thing he sees. He's rather shy and bashful and takes to hiding (poorly) whenever something frightens him, and he can't contain his feelings when somebody compliments him even though he tries to pass it off like it's nothing. He also tends to believe Usopp's incredible lies and exaggerations, and so the two have become fast friends. Chopper is also no slouch in a fight as his own medical innovation, the Rumble Ball, allows him to expand the normal limits of his Zoan type Devil's Fruit and transform into any of seven different physical forms. In addition to all these other powers and abilities, the fact that Chopper is an animal means that he can communicate with other animals, a skill which has proven invaluable in obtaining information.

Nico Robin

Also Known As: Miss All-Sunday
Job: Archaeologist
Age: 28
Birthdate: February 6
Hometown: Unknown
Favorite Activity: Reading
Current Bounty: 79 Million Berries
Devil's Fruit: Hana Hana Fruit
Ultimate Goal: To learn the world's true history
First Appearance: Episode 67
Joins the Crew: Episode 130

Robin is the newest and by far the oldest member of the Straw Hats. Not too much is known about Robin as, unlike the others, she tends to keep quiet and to herself. What is known, however, is that she had a very large bounty placed on her head when she was 8 years old after she apparently accidentally sank a Marine fleet with her Devil's Fruit power. For 20 years she has lived as an outlaw, jumping from one criminal organization to the next (most recently serving under Crocodile in Baroque Works), as a means of both staying alive and pursuing the Rio Poneglyph, an ancient ruin purported to contain information on the world's true history. Robin's affiliation with unsavory characters in the past, including one of the Straw Hats' greatest and most powerful adversaries, makes Luffy's rather enthusiastic approval of Robin's admittance a bit unsettling for some members of the crew, but they all quickly learn to enjoy Robin's company and trust her as an ally and friend. Well, at least everybody trusts her except Zoro. As a member of the crew, Robin brings an adult poise and maturity that is somewhat lacking otherwise in such a youthful and rowdy bunch, and her ability to blossom body parts off of any surface makes her extremely deadly in combat.

Going Merry

Type: Caravel
Original Port of Call: Syrup Village, Gecko Islands, East Blue
Notable Quirks: Sheep's head figurehead, on-board mikan tree grove
Obtained From: Kaya
Named For: Kaya's Attendant, Merry (also the ship's designer)
First Appearance: Episode 17

The ship of the Straw Hats may very well be considered a member of the team itself. It is Usopp's pride and joy and home for all the Straw Hat crew members. The Going Merry is small compared to most other pirate ships, but that suits Luffy just fine. As a pirate ship, the Going Merry sees plenty of action and has sustained many damages, making it just as battle hardened as the rest of the crew. It is, simply put, an indispensible comrade for the Straw Hat Pirates.
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