Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Is it weird all the clone dialog is one guy talking to himself?
You'd be surprised how many characters in a single show could potentially be voiced by one person
Is it weird all the clone dialog is one guy talking to himself?
If you want peace of mind, alot of clones either regretted what they did or figured something was up but couldnt go against orders, but there was a group of clone troopers that refused to go through with order 66
You'll have to be more specific.Otherwise, I'll have to write a VERY long post.
Chopper, how could you?!
Does reeses have a commercial for every holiday?
What about Rex? ;__;
You're surprised a dude named Slick betrayed you?
Hindsight is funnyHaha. His name was Slick? No wonder he went rouge.
This is some SAO levels of awkward in InuYasha right now
ok there's no way he had time to set all that up
theres 2 other people with him right? or did i see that scene wrong