So yeah, Kakayoin was basically coming onto Jotaro at the end there right?
What does DTL have to say about this interaction
I'm taking VRV break. Hope you guys sticking around enjoy the solid 5 minutes ofKaneki slowly walking in the snow.
Man, Singapore sure likes gondolas...
Fun fact:
Jotaro's trademark point pose was based on Clint Eastwood. That "aren't I lucky?" line was probably a nod to that.
plz don't let the finale be as dreadfully boring like the last few episodes.....
lolwonder if the show is actually gonna do anything with that author lady they randomly introduced
wonder if the show is actually gonna do anything with that author lady they randomly introduced
wonder if the show is actually gonna do anything with that author lady they randomly introduced
Jotaro looks wrong in the Jojolion style.
At least we don't have to see that dreadful opening
The mummy who snitched on the coffee shop?wonder if the show is actually gonna do anything with that author lady they randomly introduced
Who?The only cool character in the show.
His art devolved along with his taste in music.Yeah, I give Araki props for his art evolution but seeing his older characters in his newer style can be off-putting.