I can tell you this much though...
It's gonna be a real bitch to rebuild the village after all this.
I can tell you this much though...
It's gonna be a real bitch to rebuild the village after all this.
nipples thodat aaassssssssssss
.....is proof that the hot springs episode has no issue of airing
It can only reverse the death of hundreds. Repair buildings? What are you, crazy?why couldn't Pain's jutsu fix the village too? I mean, why not.
so 21 episodes of filler, with some bits of canon sprinkled in the next few episodes.
depicted older hinata's face when her younger self doesn't get the fuck in there
Yamaoto get your useless ass in gear.
You know... when you put it that way... it all sounds really dumb that this scene happened the way it did.
you guys could say
she puts the ass in assassin