Right, so all that was to really build up Vegeta so that he can be fed to Hit.
so basically hit was promised a new car
New END had an English dub. I wonder what the original sounds like.
Super Saiyan Blue < Super Saiyan God
I feel like Vegeta is about to go back to losing. Hey, new ending! Time for Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters.
No, Blue is a Super Saiyan size transformation above Super Saiyan God, hence its original name: Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. It's as if a Super Saiyan God went Super Saiyan.
The endings only get worse from here on for a while.
So instead of a food or drink pun his name is just his profession.
Oh hey it the nimbus and extend staff. 'member those?
Time for a Kai feel trip
*insert Freeza's tongue twister explanation here*
Presenting the about 30th episode hyping up fusion.
This is the smartest Goku ever sounded
new ending
was this always english or is it another dubbed song