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Top 10 Renting Games for the week ending July 11, 2004 (Xbox gets half)

Home Video Essentials Results [7/15/2004 10:30:14 AM ET]
Home Video Essentials, a product of Rentrak Corporation, has released a preliminary list of the top renting videogames for the week ending July 11, 2004.
Here are the top 10:
1. Spider-Man 2—PS2
3. Spider-Man 2—Xbox
4. DRIV3R—Xbox
5. Red Dead Revolver—PS2
6. Need for Speed: Underground—PS2
7. NBA Ballers—PS2
8. Full Spectrum Warrior—Xbox
9. Shadow Ops: Red Mercury—Xbox
10. Red Dead Revolver—Xbox

Spider-Man 2 on the PS2 brought in a whopping $852,488 in weekly earnings to lead the pack, while the Xbox version, in third place, earned an estimated $435,620 in rental turns. DRIV3R meanwhile, took in $636,226 on the PS2 and another $333,565 in its Xbox incarnation.
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