GaaS, PC ports, handhelds ... I have no time for such nonsense.
Demand for PS5 is far greater than it was for PS4 and PS3 in Japan.
Famitsu LTD (Week 11)
The problem is that SIE is making decisions that only benefit Tokyo's C-suite.
Demand for PS5 is far greater than it was for PS4 and PS3 in Japan.

Famitsu LTD (Week 11)
2025 PS5 6,746,840 (PS5 DE ¥72,980 / PS5 ¥79,980 / PS5 PRO ¥119,980) Profit: $12 bn
2018 PS4 6,525,053 (PS4 ¥29,980 / PS4 PRO ¥44,980) Profit: $4 bn
2011 PS3 6,294,199 (PS3 ¥29,980) Loss ($4 bn)
The problem is that SIE is making decisions that only benefit Tokyo's C-suite.