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Toplists of Videogame history! (superplay lists 100 different)




Swedish mag Superplay has celebrated 100 issues in their newest edition, and have assembled 100(!) lists of videogame history! Some are facts, but most of them are personal opinions. I have translated and listed some of them for your pleasure. Enjoy :)

SOME TEXT CONTAIN S P O I L E R S so read at own risk!

Worlds best selling game franchises:

1. Super Mario (160 million)
2. Pokémon (85 million)
3. Final Fantasy (50 million)
4. Legend of Zelda (43 million)
5. Dragon Quest (34 million)
6. Tetris (32 million)
7. Gran Turismo (30 million)
8. Sonic (29 million)
9. GTA (28 million)
10. Street Fighter (27 million)

Worlds best selling game machines:

1. Game Boy (120 million)
2. Playstation (100 million)
3. PS2 (73 million)
4. NES (64 million)
5. Game Boy Advance (52 million)
6. Super NES (49 million)
7. Nintendo 64 (30 million)
8. Atari 2600 (26 million)
9. Mega drive (genesis, 23 million)
10. Gamecube (15 million)
11. Commandore 64 (15 million)
12. Xbox (14 million)
13. Amiga (13 million)
14. Master System (10 million)
15. Saturn (10 million)

5 worst accessories:

1. Activator Ring (Mega drive)
2. Rumble Vest (Multi)
3. Finger Dance pad (Playstation)
4. The glove (multi)
5. Pyramat (multi)

5 coolest accessories that lacked usefulness:

1. ROB (nes)
2. The Sega 3D glassed (master system)
3. Robot Arm (C64)
4. Power Glove (nes)
5. VMU (dreamcast)

Biggest commitment on the worst hardware:

1. Virtual Boy
2. N-Gage, first edition
3. CD-I
4. 32X
5. C64 GS

Best compelations with the original music from the 8-bit games:

1. Dracula Best
2. Famicom Music Vol2
3. Project Galway
4. All sounds of Final Fantasy I & II
5. Metal Gear / Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Music collection.

Most entertaining Super Mario levels:

1. Rainbow ride (Mario 64)
2. Funky (Super Mario World)
3. 5-3 (SMB3)
4. Bowser in the sky (Mario 64)
5. 8-Super Tank (SMB3)
6. Awesome (super Mario World)
7. Lethal Lava land (Mario 64)
8. 8-1 (Smb3)
9. Outrageous (Super Mario World')
10. 7-7 (smb3)
11. Cool Cool mountain (mario 64)
12. Valley of bowser 3 (super mario world)
13. 8-4 (smb2)
14. 6-8 (smb3)
15. Bianco Hills (sms)
16. Chocolate secret (super mario world)
17. 8-1 (smb3)
18. 8-2 (smb)
19. 8-Fortress (smb3)
20. 7-1 (smb)

Best weapon combos in Halo:

1. Shotgun +pistol
2. rocket launcher + assualt rifle
3. Sniper rifle+ shotgun

Most respectful moves in Street Fighter II:

1. Play a full round with Chun-li without touching the ground
2. Jump through a fireball with dragon punch
3. Succeed with a spinning piledriver
4. Catch and throw the opponents in the air
5. settle a match with an easy blow

Most classic quotes:

1. "Thank you mario but our princess is in another castle" (toad in smb)
2. "I am like you, I have no name" (ninja in Metal Gear solid)
3. "Go up up, the mountain ahead" (The legend of Zelda)
4. "Hi, I am selling these fine lether jackets" (maincharacther in the most LucasArts adventues)
5. "The last metroid is in captivity. The Galaxy is at peace" (Super Metroid)
6. My sweet little magic user..! Uweee, he, he! With this slave Crown I'll practiclly OWN you!!" (kefka in FF6)
7. "Kick! Punch! It's all in the mind!" (chop-chop Master onion in PaRappa the rapper)
8. "Bring it on! (marines in starcraft)
9. "Go Home and be my family man" (Guile in SFII)
10. "Stay awhile, stay forever!" (the welcome in Impossible mission)

Most memorable endings:


1. Ico - an ending worthy this masterpiece
2. Metroid - Samus Aran was a Woman.
3. Half-life - Because you really don't get to know anything its what makes it so memorable.
4. Metal Gear Solid - Revolver Ocelots conversation with the unknown commissioner is a classic. The reply: Good-bye"
5. Another World - So beatutiful; so poetric. Lester Knight Chaykin never returned to his own world, but was deadly injured buried in the sky on a back on a redwinged dragon.
6. Command & Conquer - Pushing the button as a terrorist to blow up the white house was frightning.
7. Monkey island 2 - Legendary. Mysterious endings that still are discussed by the fans. Are Monkey island I and II nothing but an imaginative boy's daydreams on a theme park?
8. Street Fighter II - You are not a true SFer until you know what happens when you finnish the game on the highest difficulty setting without losing a single round.
9. Legacy of Kain - The ending is near, you only have to decide Nosgoths destiny. Savior or destoryer, hero or tyrant. A difficult and interesting choice.
10. Zelda II - "You saved Hyrule and you are a real hero. Thanks a million. Push start to replay"


Most useless abilities in a game:

1. Honk in Blast corps
2. Take out the goalie in NHL 2004
3. Use Sonics airshield in Sonic 3
4. Spray your own tag in HL.
5. Grab your crotch in Moonwalker

5 biggest problems in Japanese RPGs:

1. Talking vegetables
2. 14 year olds that should save the world.
3. ???
4. !!!
5. ...

Coolest bosses:

1. Kefka (ff6)
2. Ridley (Metroid)
3. Death (Castelvania)
4. Dark Force (Phantasy star)
5. Dobkertops (R-type)
6. Sephiroth (ff7)
7. Ganon (Zelda)
8. Psycho Mantis (MGS)
9. Sagat (Street Fighter)
10. Medusa (Castlevania, Kid icarus, Phantasy Star)

Best dressed:

1. lulu (FF10)
2. Alucard (SotN)
3. Ulala (Space Channel 5)
4. Dante (Devil May cry 2)
5. Paine (FF10-2)

Worst dressed:

1. Mika (Street Fighter Alpha)
2. Blinx (Blinx)
3. Tingle (Zelda)
4. Leblanc (FF10-2)
5. Cooper (Grabbed by the ghoulies)

Star Producers weakest moments:

1. Hideo Kojima - Penguin Adventure
2. Yuji Naka - Great Basketball
3. Yoshio Sakamoto - Gumshoe
4. Hironobu Sakaguschi - World Runner
5. Shigeru Miyamoto - Popeye

10 sequels we want to see:

1. Super Mario Bros 5
2. Final Fantasy VI-2
3. Phantasy Star V
4. Nights 2
5. Wonderboy VI
6. Punch Out 3
7. Elite online
8. Shenmue III
9. Shadowrun 2
10. Sega Rally 3

10 sequels we wish we had never seen:

1. Castlevania 64
2. Syndicate wars
3. Contra: Legacy of war
4. Legend of Mana
5. Deus Ex: Invisible war
6. Alex Kidd in High-Tech world
7. Turrican 3
8. Theme Park World
9. Last Ninja 3
10. Snake's revenge

Best button combos in gamehistory:

1. up, up, down, down, left, right, left right, B, A
2. Run stop /Restore
3. Control/Amiga/Amiga
4. Right, down, down, right, right, blow button
5. Ctrl/alt/del

Worst excuses when you have lost in a game:

1. "I have never really like this game anyway"
2. "You had the best controler"
3. "You cheated"
4. "Beginners luck"
5. "I didn't compete"

The most important translations for new game forum users:

1. "Lacks soul" = Not developed in Japan"
2. "Too short" = Under 40 hours
3. "Spoiler" = For me prior unknown info
4. "A friend has lost his/her cd-key = I think its ok to steal other people's creation
5. "Pal is unplayable" = I need to have the best, and I cannot watch a movie without THX.

5 most underrated linear platform games:

1. Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (ps2)
2. Magical Hat (Mega drive)
3. Pschyo fox (master system)
4. Alex Kidd in Miracle world (master system)
5. Bubba n Stix (Amiga 500)

5 minigames that steal the show:

1. Monkey Target (Super monkey ball)
2. Choccobo-breeding (FF7)
3. Pazaak (Knights of the old republic)
4. dart (shenmue)
5. Fishing (Zelda OoT)

10 most classic accessories:

1. TAC-2 (C64)
2. Zapper (NES)
3. 3Dfx voodoo (PC)
4. Super multitap (Super NES)
5. Rumble pack (N64)
6. 1541 discstation (C64)
7. Steel Battalion control (xbox)
8. F-16 FLCS (PC)
9. NES advantage (NES)
10. 3.5" Maxell discs (amiga)


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
GTA could move into the top five after San Andreas releases. Gran Turismo will keep moving up too. Not bad for franchises that just debuted in 1998.
8. Street Fighter II - You are not a true SFer until you know what happens when you finnish the game on the highest difficulty setting without losing a single round.

I was stupid enough to try it. After many tries I succeeded not to lose a round until the seocund round against M.Bison. But then I was utterly defeated. Not only once, no....I was defeated nearly 10 times in a row.
This costed me a lot of nerves and a SNES controller.
I still remember his voise "Psycho Crusher, Psycho Crusher"


But that was the past...it is over....



Mooreberg said:
GTA could move into the top five after San Andreas releases. Gran Turismo will keep moving up too. Not bad for franchises that just debuted in 1998.

Gonna be difficult with a new DQ game coming out as well though


now that i think about it, lots of gbc games required a gbc to be played on. that is stupid but the question remains... where the hell are the gba numbers if its not included with that 120 million figure.


teepo said:
now that i think about it, lots of gbc games required a gbc to be played on. that is stupid but the question remains... where the hell are the gba numbers if its not included with that 120 million figure.


5. GBA (52 million)


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
kpop100 said:
Gonna be difficult with a new DQ game coming out as well though

Yeah but that's pretty much four million in Japan, and not much elsewhere. Gran Turismo is big in every territory, and GTA will sell six million on PS2 before the PC and Xbox versions come out... and that's just the US. I don't think either franchise will have too much trouble passing DQ over the course of the next year.


so basicly the game boy has sold like 170 million world wide.

edit: fixed the Game boy advance spelling :p


Drunky McMurder
good to see a set of lists that doesn't really take itself seriously for the most part, but...bastards and their legend of mana hate!


classic quotes, i was looking for "Grumble Grumble"

Mini games that steal the show, thumbs up to Monkey Target.

Wonder why SMW2: Yoshi's island wasn't included in the best mario levels


" Street Fighter II - You are not a true SFer until you know what happens when you finnish the game on the highest difficulty setting without losing a single round."

isnt this just the special ending? with
the credits and the caricatures of the game designers?
and how would you beat someone without touching the ground with chun li


Barnimal said:
" Street Fighter II - You are not a true SFer until you know what happens when you finnish the game on the highest difficulty setting without losing a single round."

isnt this just the special ending? with
the credits and the caricatures of the game designers?
and how would you beat someone without touching the ground with chun li

Etc the headstomp?


The Inside Track
Miburou said:
What the fuckin' fuck?! That's my second favorite MSX game, and I didn't know Kojima had anything to do with it.

Same here. That game was really good ! I'd put it 4th favorite MSX game behind Metal Gear, F1 Spirit and Nemesis 3.
Good old MSX 1/2 days ...
Star Producers weakest moments:

1. Hideo Kojima - Penguin Adventure

Miburou said:
What the fuckin' fuck?! That's my second favorite MSX game, and I didn't know Kojima had anything to do with it.

Ditto, same here! If that's true, respect for Kojima +10 (it can't get much higher than it already is :p)


I thought the Saturn was 14 million, the DC was 11 million, and the GBA was 68/69 million.

And there was something like 12 million Atari 2600s sold.


Tag of Excellence
Superplay said:
4. Spray your own tag in HL.
Someone obviously never played Half Life multiplayer early in it's lifespan. Half the fun was tagging the buildings to let everyone know who you were OWNED by. Especially tagging the area where you killed someone.
Give me Shenmue 3, Final Fantasy VI-2 and Super Mario Bros 5 (in 2d), and I would be happy even if no other good games were ever produced (granted, I do have quite a backlog to finish too).


AniHawk said:
I thought the Saturn was 14 million, the DC was 11 million, and the GBA was 68/69 million.

And there was something like 12 million Atari 2600s sold.
Dunno about your other numbers, but I've seen the 26mm 2600s number quoted in the past. In fact, I had it memorized.


NLB2 said:
Its a Swedish magazine.

And your point is?

Superplay has been around for a long time (10 years) and is a respected among the developers. They have gotten the chance to interview Miyamoto and Kojima at several occassions, and I have found their miyamoto interviews the best in business. Check miyamotoshrine.com

I love superplay and I recall an early issue in 2003 when they was one of the first to play Ninja Gaiden. It was fun to read about the alpha impressions back in the day. They are certainly no scrubs. Their E3 DVD rocked too. Many interviews :)


People want a FF8 sequel more than any other game and Tripe Triad owns all other mini games. I would add Akira from PJ to best dressed list...



Beating Street Fighter 2 on the SNES without losing a single round on the hardest mode is probably my most found moment in gaming… ever.

I was all sweaty and my heart was pounding intensely… and I screamed in joy when I managed to beat him… Mmmmm…
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