Don't know... i think at this point Teppei is stronger than Shigematsu, he's technically at the same level of the 4 heavenly kings.I can't believe Shigematsu died
Since Toriko quickly went after Teppei without even seeing if Shigematsu was taken out or not
For all we know Shige might of blocked it with one of his arms and then ripped that arm off of his body in order to prevent further damage
Remember guys Mitsotoshi always loves to play around with the fake death card
Edit: Also remember that Toriko used that Mugen Kugi on the Vice but not no anybody else.... he just attacked Teppei normally like how he did to the other Neo members
Likely he could only use it once and decided to use it on the strongest guy
:<might of
So I want to just clarify a misunderstanding about the 4 Beast arc in Toriko being addressed in the latest chapter (292)...
So it is confirmed in Toriko 292 that the Nitro created the 4 Beast in order to capture and enslave humanity....
In the end of the 4 Beast Arc we see that the humans that where "eaten" by the 4 Beast are still alive....
Which NOW makes sense seeing as the purpose of the 4 Beast to begin with was to act like a vessel in order to transport humans to the nitro
It wasn't planning on killing the humans to begin with!
Looking like the Gourmet World arc will focus almost entirely Acacia full course. Little to no exploration.
which is unfortunate seeing as Mitsotohshi's world he created for Toriko is great
I hope after Area 7 they wind down a bit... some detour from the main arcs
Some Starjun screen time too
I think Misutoshi trying to get through the main story. You do know who next on the WSJ chopping block.
I am fearing this....Fuck man T_T
Edit: How long our some arcs compared to this one that we are currently wrapping up?
Examples being Regal Mammoth Arc, Gourmet Casino, Honor Temple, etc..
I personally think we going to deep sea and another dimension based on Coco theory.
I'd like to just add that Nitro plus the Meteorite that hit the planet are likely the origin of Gourmet Beasts
Since Humans currently either have Gourmet Cells injected into them or are born with them....
Either the Asteroid that hit them gave them this ability first or the injection and/or the food has some form of Nitro DNA in them...
What I mean is that the Meteorite and the Nitro have some connection somehow.... For all we know the Nitro likely came to the Earth via that Meteorite...
Plus when Toriko and Zebra fought that ancient Nitro... the Nitro copied Toriko's nail punch just by getting hit by it
I can't wait til we get more backstory on the Nitro. Toriko has a fascinating lore when you think about it.
This[Fugo];131858759 said:Me too! It's worth tons of flashback chapters by itself
I'm also curios about how does the Nitro society work. It's a given that the Red Nitro are sort of servants/peasants while the Blue Nitro are the "main" force (same colors as Toriko's demons...mmmm)
Is there anyway to contact Mitsutoshi?
So you know the two times when Toriko entered the the Gourmet World he took the 18th Barrier route which was that massive waterfall connected to a underground valley forrest which connected the human world with the Gourmet World
Well that entrance way (after climbing up the valley to the other side) is connected to Area 7!
So when Toriko was running around with Komatsu in that place and never got the snot beaten out of him we now know that it was due to Monkey Kings Bambinas rules of the jungle (as in no hunting allowed without consent)
Also the Bishokukai had one of their headquarters there too O:
Toriko saw one of those images passing him a cup
I wonder what that entails.... will he be able to talk to people from the past with his sense ability?
indeedSo much forshadowing in this chapter. One of the panels had a picture facing off against someone using "fire attacks" which I thought was interesting.