Toronto? But that's in Canada. What the hell does does Canada have to protest about something that's happening/happened in America? I get people supporting something but protesting about events in another country is just stupid to me. I think I saw on TV that there were protests in England as well. My first reaction was like, why? What do you have to do with the current events in USA? It ain't your country.
Just my 2 cents.
My take is that when you go on social media a huge number of people posting are American.
So Americans, who have every right to protest and demand some kind of reform regarding policing, are posting all their protest stuff online and getting likes and clicks and having their hot takes shared around.
Other westerners feel a bit left out and jealous.
When you look at places like London and Toronto it's basically an opportunity to get all of the credit for protesting without any of the risk of doing it in NYC where things could get quite dangerous.
The Internet sometimes really does just feel like an extension of the USA and so people are going online and getting REALLY invested in American issues (guilty!) and so this leaks back into the real world in the form of protests in countries where the issues being protested in the US are not actually an issue.
Imagine dinner tables all over the western world where people in countries that are not the USA and who have never been to the USA are passionately debating American talking points that will never affect them.
Over here it's like you are supposed to care about Trump.
I don't care though because this isn't the US and the Trump presidency has never affected us.
The reply to that is always that people in the US are suffering because of Trump and that's why I should care.
Shall I list the other nations where people are also suffering under bad governments?
If anything Americans are better equipped to deal with their own issues than places in Africa, South America etc.
People outside of the US feel invested in American issues because they are exposed to them on a daily basis via social media.