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Toronto Police Union Wants Pride Funding Pulled After Floats Banned

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But it the lgbt police who want this. So you're saying they are oppressing themselves.
LGBT police officers are employed by an arm of institutional racism and and some of the people of color on the receiving end of this oppression will inevitably be LGBTQ+


And if they don't get funding they can still all participate, just no one gets a float. I daresay there are plenty of black people in the LGBTQ community, and they're more than capable of associating as much or as little with the police float as they like.
So black people should just suck it up?


This seems like a complete step backwards. The stupidity of banning a group or placing stipulation on a group in a pride parade is mind boggling.
This seems like a complete step backwards. The stupidity of banning a group or placing stipulation on a group in a pride parade is mind boggling.

Pride is about rebellion, it is not about making your oppressors feel better about themselves.

Pride is not about your most vulnerable members being forced to march with the arm of the government that discriminates against and targets them....
Really if this is successful (ie if Pride capitulates to the Police Union) it'll just be the next step in the growing irrelevancy of Pride... it used to be about fighting the inherent bigotry in the system... it used to be about refusing to be silenced and rendered invisible, but now it's almost a different type of invisibility... we're losing the inherent political nature of what it mean to be queer in society... we are buying into a system that will tolerate us in return for us not rocking the boat anymore.

Pride used to be about rebellion now it's about putting on a family friendly show for non queer folk to marvel and gawk at.

Pride TO cannot capitulate, it must stand for some of their most vulnerable members, failure to do so renders Pride a toothless PR arm of the government.

We're well already passed that, people have been bitching about de-politicizing for at least a decade. And it's not just a parade, it's a week. It's all the parties, all the menus, all the flags hanging off every street. And why wait for an American movement to raise your voice? I've worked with enough queer gay Black men and women who most definitely feared their identity in public for a long time, especially around fellow Black colleagues. Not to mention the dancehall parties that play songs that denigrade or even fictionalize the murder of homosexuals. This is not the stage for a fight. It's sub optimal messaging and won't make a dent in the real lives of people. This is not the audience you need to target for real change. This isn't the age to through bricks anymore.


I don't see how anything is accomplished by preventing the police from having a float. Were the bad cops just going to get shamed out of being bad cops over a float in a parade? I knew this exact reaction would happen a year later after what went down last year. You don't search for inclusiveness and understanding by excluding people. This just sends some message that BLM Toronto thinks all cops are bad. Way to do exactly to another group that which you don't want done to you. Sure there is some shitty police officers. I have seen first hand an officer purger themselves on the stand and straight up lie about the facts of a case. That doesn't mean I think they are all liars. I just can't condone vilifying a whole group of people. I am not sure a lot will be done to help fix issues when both sides are not working together but at odds with each other. Congratulations I guess.
We're well already passed that, people have been bitching about de-politicizing for at least a decade. And it's not just a parade, it's a week. It's all the parties, all the menus, all the flags hanging off every street. And why wait for an American movement to raise your voice? I've worked with enough queer gay Black men and women who most definitely feared their identity in public for a long time, especially around fellow Black colleagues. Not to mention the dancehall parties that play songs that denigrade or even fictionalize the murder of homosexuals. This is not the stage for a fight. It's sub optimal messaging and won't make a dent in the real lives of people. This is not the audience you need to target for real change. This isn't the age to through bricks anymore.

Then it is time for it to die lest it become a weapon to attack the black queer community and shove their issues into the closet.

If Pride cannot stand as an action of activism then it should go the way of the dodo.

Fortunately Pride TO has yet to capitulate


Pride is about rebellion, it is not about making your oppressors feel better about themselves.

Pride is not about your most vulnerable members being forced to march with the arm of the government that discriminates against and targets them....

Here I thought is was a celebration of self. What year do you think it is? Marching in support arm and arm is a weird idea of oppression.
Here I thought is was a celebration of self. What year do you think it is? Marching in support arm and arm is a weird idea of oppression.

The police oppress, yes even in Canada, black folk and black queer folk.... We cannot and must not ask that they march arm and arm with an arm of the government that targets them...


Pride is about rebellion, it is not about making your oppressors feel better about themselves.

Pride is not about your most vulnerable members being forced to march with the arm of the government that discriminates against and targets them....
Nothing says rebelling like cashing $260,000 checks from your government oppressors.
Yikes. I'm not sure the rational for withholding municipal funds is sound (the officers aren't exactly barred from attending), even though I generally support the inclusion of a police float overall and think this ban is pretty stupid. Very ugly situation.


The police oppress, yes even in Canada, black folk and black queer folk.... We cannot and must not ask that they march arm and arm with an arm of the government that targets them...

Going to need some receipts on that one. Yes I am sure there are incidents but I in no way believe the Police in Canada as an establishment target and oppress blacks. You can't see the forest for the trees.


Every time this situation evolves and we inevitably get a new thread, I grow increasingly impatient with the uninformed posts. The Chantelois era of Pride Toronto was such a hindrance to this community to the extent that we truly are now fractured. It's heartbreaking.


Nothing says rebelling like cashing $260,000 checks from your government oppressors.
lol pretty much, you ban the police float then you don't get their $$. The pride parade can still continue without the $260,000, decisions have consequences.
Going to need some receipts on that one. Yes I am sure there are incidents but I in no way believe the Police in Canada as an establishment target and oppress blacks. You can't see the forest for the trees.


lol pretty much, you ban the police float then you don't get their $$. The pride parade can still continue without the $260,000, decisions have consequences.

So all government funding must include embracing the police?
So black people should just suck it up?

Not all black people have a problem with the police in Canada. Not all people who have a problem with the police in Canada are black. Not all policemen are white. Not all gay policemen are white. Making it into a "blacks vs cops" argument removes agency from the individuals involved.


The police oppress, yes even in Canada, black folk and black queer folk.... We cannot and must not ask that they march arm and arm with an arm of the government that targets them...

Yes, but at the same time don't you think it wouldn't be a little bit hypocritical to subsequently demand that that same government sponsor your event. I think that Pride can either be confrontational and political or it can be a large cultural celebration, but not both at once. Putting it in political terms instantly creates tension with involved parties in what at this point is the queer equivalent of corporate sponsored St. Patrick's Day.
Yes, but at the same time don't you think it wouldn't be a little bit hypocritical to subsequently demand that that same government sponsor your event. I think that Pride can either be confrontational and political or it can be a large cultural celebration, but not both at once. Putting it in political terms instantly creates tension with involved parties in what at this point is the queer equivalent of corporate sponsored St. Patrick's Day.

Hey if they can get money to fight the system from the system all power to them.... if they system demands they embrace the police then yes it is time to find a new funding source.
Then it is time for it to die lest it become a weapon to attack the black queer community and shove their issues into the closet.

If Pride cannot stand as an action of activism then it should go the way of the dodo.

Fortunately Pride TO has yet to capitulate

You've like, read the first sentence of my post and then decided to reply. As a bi minority male, I believe this not the place for this fight. Call me an old fart, but people seem to be caught up in the glamourization of radicalizing, because the Americans did it too, We had this kind of social movement before too, with Michie Mee and Kardinal, etc. And no one gave a flying fuck. So what's the impetus today? Instead of 10, 20 years ago?
I definitely understand the point that cops, even if they are still LGBT, are still part of the institutionalized racism that cops often push.

At the same time....I have to imagine that being a cop is probably one job that could be harder than a lot to be openly out in, given the culture of masculinity and other nasty shit that's associated with it.

I don't know, this is kind of a tough one for me. I understand where BLM is coming from here, I know there are black LGBT people that are a part of the community. But they also share the same community with the LGBT cops, and Pride should represent all LGBT people who want it.


Hey if they can get money to fight the system from the system all power to them.... if they system demands they embrace the police then yes it is time to find a new funding source.

I'm saying that Pride as it exists today doesn't exist to fight the system and hasn't for several years now. That doesn't necessarily mean it's a complete waste of time as an event (though I can see why some would argue it is)


Why should government funding require that the police be allowed to march in uniform?

Maybe ask yourself why a police man should not be allowed to march in uniform? Why the fuck should they take it off, should they not be proud of who and what they are? I think you're just trolling and will never realise how stupid this is.
You've like, read the first sentence of my post and then decided to reply. As a bi minority male, I believe this not the place for this fight. Call me an old fart, but people seem to be caught up in the glamourization of radicalizing, because the Americans did it too, We had this kind of social movement before too, with Michie Mee and Kardinal, etc. And no one gave a flying fuck. So what's the impetus today? Instead of 10, 20 years ago?

I think we simply disagree on this not being the right place for a fight... now granted I am tying in my lifelong issue with Pride, in that it has always felt as more of a show for queer folk to put on for the benefits of non queer folk... It's always felt to me like some sort of performance piece for amusement of non queer folk.


Not all black people have a problem with the police in Canada. Not all people who have a problem with the police in Canada are black. Not all policemen are white. Not all gay policemen are white. Making it into a "blacks vs cops" argument removes agency from the individuals involved.
Who said anything about white cops?
Do you think BLM exists for no reason? There is clearly major issue with how police treat black people.
The focus should be on fixing that and then they can worry about their silly float.
.. wut? Reread your post, think about it and get back to me lol

It's the City's money, it is not from the police budget.
Maybe ask yourself why a police man should not be allowed to march in uniform? Why the fuck should they take it off, should they not be proud of who and what they are? I think you're just trolling and will never realise how stupid this is.

I mean you've already dismissed my example of how they target black folk as not relevant... so I really don't know what else to tell you...

But yes I'm just trolling... That's always a great counter-argument.

Edit: Post 88 down below me addresses this really well so I want to echo and that post.


This whole thing is such a clusterfuck.

I really can't side with anyone on this. BLM, Pride, and the police have all fucked up in their own ways.

EDIT: There is still a part of me that probably sides with the police a bit more on this, since BLM initiated this situation. I take no issue with tackling oppression and voicing your opinion on the negative actions of police officers in Toronto, but removing them from the parade doesn't solve anything. It just furthers the "us vs. them" conflict and fractures any sense of unity and togetherness with police that was present during Pride. Having a police float is a good thing and doesn't stop BLM or other organizations from critiquing how the police treat ethnic, gender, and sexual minorities.


The story you posted is a perfect example of what the person you quoted is saying.

I'd advise you to actually read it because it most certainly is not.

Maybe ask yourself why a police man should not be allowed to march in uniform? Why the fuck should they take it off, should they not be proud of who and what they are? I think you're just trolling and will never realise how stupid this is.

Police officer is not an identity.

Police officers do not face oppression because of their skin color, gender identity or sexual orientation.

Police officers are a symbol of the system discrimination that the LGBTQ+ community, the black community and several other minorities face on a daily basis.

Police officers are the reason why Pride began in the first place: Pride was a response to the discriminatory raids conducted in the 1980s.

Why should they be allowed to parade in a uniform that represents the very oppression that Pride stood in opposition to?


Is celebration of cops are requirement for that $260,000?

sure looks that way for some folks here, yeah

***BLM is a decentralized movement where local chapters can be created with the name of BLM. The actions of one BLM group does not have any bearing on another.

i really wish more people knew/understood this

Nothing says rebelling like cashing $260,000 checks from your government oppressors.

that's a mighty fine hot take you've got there, the #alllivesmatter movement still going strong

lol pretty much, you ban the police float then you don't get their $$. The pride parade can still continue without the $260,000, decisions have consequences.

it's not the PD's $

Maybe ask yourself why a police man should not be allowed to march in uniform? Why the fuck should they take it off, should they not be proud of who and what they are? I think you're just trolling and will never realise how stupid this is.

Police officer is not an identity.

Police officers do not face oppression because of their skin color, gender identity or sexual orientation.

Police officers are a symbol of the system discrimination that the LGBTQ+ community, the black community and several other minorities face on a daily basis.

Police officers are the reason why Pride began in the first place: Pride was a response to the discriminatory raids conducted in the 1980s.

Why should they be allowed to parade in a uniform that represents the very oppression that Pride stood in opposition to?

thank you for this, it should've been obvious but dude was too busy on that high horse


I think their efforts would be better spent pointing out the hypocrisy that undermines what is supposed to be a display of unity and support rather than try to get it canceled.


I mean you've already dismissed my example of how they target black folk as not relevant... so I really don't know what else to tell you...

How about making any kind of counter point or argument using logic and reason. If you think any person willing to march in support of pride as who and what they are should be banned from doing so you really do not get it. Start by providing more evidence of oppression than a policeman writing someones name on a piece of paper.


It's the City's money, it is not from the police budget.
Absolutely, but it's not totally unreasonable to expect the state to put some sort of backing behind their employees (even if the employees in question happen to be one of the worst parts of government in this case)

Don't get me wrong, I wish that the police union would get told to fuck off here just as they should every other time a police union says something stupid, but in this case their complaints have a little merit.


I'd advise you to actually read it because it most certainly is not.

Police did something not right but in fairness its a fairly new subject. A tribunal said it was wrong told them to fix their shit and you have one year to do it. The police said your right we will do ur best to fix our shit. Its a two year old story. Sounds like shit is working exactly as it should and the are evolving.
I'd advise you to actually read it because it most certainly is not.

Police officer is not an identity.

Police officers do not face oppression because of their skin color, gender identity or sexual orientation.

Police officers are a symbol of the system discrimination that the LGBTQ+ community, the black community and several other minorities face on a daily basis.

Police officers are the reason why Pride began in the first place: Pride was a response to the discriminatory raids conducted in the 1980s.

Why should they be allowed to parade in a uniform that represents the very oppression that Pride stood in opposition to?

Do you really believe police officers don't face discrimination amongst themselves for sexual orientation or especially gender identity? Because I would find it incredibly hard to believe that a trans police officer wouldn't face a ton of obstacles from fellow cops.


Do you really believe police officers don't face discrimination amongst themselves for sexual orientation or especially gender identity? Because I would find it incredibly hard to believe that a trans police officer wouldn't face a ton of obstacles from fellow cops.

Nothing like LGBTQ+ telling others what is and isn't an identity and who should and should not be excluded.
How about making any kind of counter point or argument using logic and reason. If you think any person willing to march in support of pride as who and what they are should be banned from doing so you really do not get it. Start by providing more evidence of oppression than a policeman writing someones name on a piece of paper.

Carding is a huge deal to the Toronto black community it's been written about in detail for several years now... that it doesn't mean anything to you doesn't make it not an actual relevant topic...

But here is more

Fatal Police Force/Shooting
While Black people represented only 6.7% of the population in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area, they represented almost 50% of all deaths caused by police use of force and two-thirds (66.7%) of all deaths caused by police shootings between 2000 and 2006.

In 2015, the federal incarceration rate for Black persons was three times their representation rate in general society.

Between 2005 and 2015, the Black inmate population grew by 69%

27.4% of carding incidents in Toronto was for Black people (while Black people represent 8.1% of the population in Toronto).

Black youth (age 15-24) are 2.5 more likely to be stopped by police compared to white male counterparts.

And from Ottawa

Between 2013 and 2015 in Ottawa, incidences of traffic stops for Black Drivers constituted about 8.8% of the total stops, while Black drivers represent less than 4% of the total driving population in Ottawa. Black drivers were therefore “stopped 2.3 times more than what you would expect based on their population.”

I think we simply disagree on this not being the right place for a fight... now granted I am tying in my lifelong issue with Pride, in that it has always felt as more of a show for queer folk to put on for the benefits of non queer folk... It's always felt to me like some sort of performance piece for amusement of non queer folk.

Pride Toronto has a near 30 year history. If you're arguing about representation. Yes, the queer standard is the gay white male. There's a reason the lesbian parade takes place the day before, and yes, minorities get the shaft like always. But bringing BLM representation singles out Black queers. And like I said before, Toronto has a large Caribbean population, who had no problem going to dancehall parties for decades, listening to lyrics that glorify the murder of so called 'faggotry'. This about face may be the tides changing, but I can still have my doubts.
Do you really believe police officers don't face discrimination amongst themselves for sexual orientation or especially gender identity? Because I would find it incredibly hard to believe that a trans police officer wouldn't face a ton of obstacles from fellow cops.

I think what they're trying to say is that when a trans police officer is oppressed, it is because of gender, not their profession.

Excuse me? What fucking bullshit is this?

Your reply was more biting when it was just "Excuse me?"

EDIT: Jeez you're turning your post into an essay at this rate :p
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