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Toronto residents: TTC calls wildcat strike

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Strike shuts down TTC
May 29, 2006. 05:55 AM

Thousands of commuters in Toronto will have to find alternate ways of getting to work today.

The Toronto Transit Commission has shut down service to about 700,000 commuters due to a strike by maintenance workers.

TTC spokesperson Marilyn Bolton confirms ?there is no service this morning due to an illegal job action.?

Union officials could not be reached for comment.

The union-management battle has been brewing for months on several issues including driver security, health premiums, job evaluations and shifting for employees who do track maintenance and cleaning for the TTC.

The TTC wants 53 of 87 janitors and 53 of 91 subway track workers permanently moved to the night shift from day jobs as part of a cost-savings measure.

Toronto Mayor David Miller called on the province?s labour minister over the weekend for help and a provincial mediator is expected to contact both sides today to try to resolve the issues.


Second long weekend in a row for me! Suits me just fine...I can just fiddle around with the new WE9 option file.


Didn't really want to go out into that smog anyways.

For real. How lucky can we get...hottest week of the year approaches and we have time off :) I didn't want to get to downtown to volunteer at a hospital tomorrow anyway..here's hoping it'll last 2 days.


This thread broke the news to me. I hate the news, I love gaf. Dammit!

Our transit is so screwed up. Just a few days ago we had (still have?) transit workers not disputing fines, resulting in a play what you can system, and now we have a different area of employees going on strike? what's next?
Found out about it this morning. With 35+ degree weather, there's no way i'll be walking 50+ minutes to work, especially with the crap i have to wear.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Man the stupid TTC is a terrible piece of garbage...

3? fare hikes since I've lived in Toronto, 2 strikes, rude drivers, and those GODDAMNED STREETCARS! Not to mention the Sheppard line that goes nowhere, and in one conversation I overheard, the drivers know it was a stupid decision.

The thing that sucks though is that Torontonians don't have much choice, some of us HAVE TO use it...


I'm in the office today as I take the GO train, but it's definitely a quiet day here. Our train got delayed by 20 minutes as we were picking up stragglers from the other stations which weren't part of our route. Hehe.


I'm tanking for Kabanov!
Looks like I am taking the day off of work then, hmm maybe I should go on vacation. I don't feel like driving and its too damn hot.
Kuro Madoushi said:
So did you get to work on time junior member?


In the future, you can save me some time by refering to me as Steriletom; I had to scroll through the thead to see if there were any other junior members in here.

As to your question, I haven't started work yet. Is your laughter implying that it'll be any more difficult than it is on any other day?


Steriletom said:
In the future, you can save me some time by refering to me as Steriletom; I had to scroll through the thead to see if there were any other junior members in here.

As to your question, I haven't started work yet. Is your laughter implying that it'll be any more difficult than it is on any other day?

:lol I think he was responding to me and my new tag. UGH.


I'm tanking for Kabanov!
Kak.efes said:
Convenient, that this strike would take place on Bike Week.

Biking in smog, +35 degree weather = good times.

lol, I just stepped outside for like 5 minutes and I started sweating. I think I am going to stay in til like 6 pm.


I'm almost a little pissed that they didn't announce this last night so I could sleep in. :lol

Thankfully, I'm in a position where some of the work I do can be done from home, but this has probably fucked over a ton of people.


In my town, the air quality index shows it's worse than in Toronto (in fact, the worst of all Ontario). However, only 150,000 people live here :/


It doesn't look like they'll be able to start up TTC service today for the trip home. I'm gonna have to beg someone for a ride, and I don't see anyone willing to wade through this kind of traffic to pick me up. Blah.


I thought the mayor said it was illegal for them to call a strike? oh well I'm glad I don't have to go to the office downtown till Friday. The city must be a mess right now without the TTC running, BRAMPTON/MISSISSAUGA FTW!


Looks like the union is telling their members to return to their jobs...a press conference with that dipshit mayor David Miller and the union head has been scheduled for 3pm. The service might only be limited for the afternoon rush, but it'll be better then nothing.


Jason said:
I just went out to do some grocery shopping and the air out there is just horrendous.
Ugh, I'm about to be forced to do the same. My place still doesn't have AC, but it's even hotter outside. I hate you, TTC!
Am I the only one who thought of:


when reading this thread's title? :\
Driving on my way to work this morning was fun as I'd pull up to a stop sign or red light with a bus stop and ask people why the fuck they were standing there for....


:lol That's been the most amazing thing about today...the number of people that hit the bus stops and subway stations with no fucking clue that the TTC was on lock. In this day and age you'd think people would have the TV or radio on for even a half hour before heading out, just to hear what's going on.

And people like to say we're the wired generation...guess that's true if it's after 9am. :lol


Another strike may happen tomorrow :S\

Exactly one week after a wildcat strike caused Monday T.T.C. closures and wreaked havoc on Toronto’s streets, residents of the city who ride The Rocket as well as those that drive it could be preparing for exactly the same thing.

“You just hear a lot of talk going around,” said streetcar driver Faye Budree.

“There could be something happening tomorrow again, that’s all I want to say.”

The previous week’s one-day strike shut down all the transit systems throughout the Greater Toronto Area, leaving thousands of would-be passengers stranded and many of them equally furious.

The issue stems in part from T.T.C. workers complaining of management not taking enough responsibility for their day-to-day safety. The problem of driver and employee safety is a real one, but responses and solutions have been slow to come.

Understandably, this has led to aggravation on both sides of the debate.

“There will always be frustration,” said a driver that asked not to be identified.

“It’s never going to stop now.”

Two court orders were needed to force transit employees back to work last Monday, and this time officials with the City of Toronto say they have a plan should another strike take effect at 12:01am Monday.

“Our senior staff are going to be standing by going into work tonight if anything happens, and we’ll make sure we get a warning out if it does,” said T.T.C. Chair Howard Moscoe.

“But they’re (T.T.C. employees) are going to squander any goodwill whatsoever that they’ve built up with the people of Toronto.”

Most workers and union representatives are keeping quiet about just how realistic a strike could be, but since any work stoppage would technically be illegal that should come as no surprise.

Union head Bob Kinnear says he’s given no instructions to walk off the job to those he represents, but it’s happened before, meaning there’s no reason it can’t and won’t happen again.

* Adding injury to insult, there was another assault on a T.T.C. employee when a female driver was attacked around 5:30pm Sunday at Sheppard Avenue West and Sentinel, near Dufferin. The driver suffered scratches to her face and was allegedly spat on. Thankfully no weapons were used and officers are looking for two young female suspects.



Man, the people are going to despise the TTC workers if this happens again. It was bad enough last time..So many passengers were getting into (near) fights with the drivers the day after the 1 day strike. At least it won't be as miserably hot as it was last time. Hopefully it doesn't happen.
You've got to be kidding me.

Last Monday was my first day at a new job, so the strike was a complete pain in the ass since I didn't want to miss my first day.

I finally got there, but I was an hour and a half late and getting home on the Go Train was even more fun.

They better not pull this crap again tomorrow :(


I'm tanking for Kabanov!
fallout said:
Bleh, at least tomorrow I'll be able to walk. Thanks for picking a nicer day TTC workers!

They should strike on a Friday, 3 day weekend for the win.


Word has it the last strike was called right before the subways went out...so it was about 5 am. They said we'd know by 12:01 tonight, but it's not looking like we will..so the guess is that we won't know until the morning. Blegh. Good thing I don't need to take the TTC anywhere tomorrow.


I seriously have a hard time blaming the drivers for walking off...this city has done nothing but pay lip service to the safety issue the last five years, while the bus drivers are still fully exposed. London Regional Transport drivers have been driving vechiles behind sealed lockable doors for what, 30 years now? The **** is taking the TTC so long to offer a similar solution?

There's also the fact that Mayor David Miller has basically bent over for every other union in town the last three years, and the TTC guys figure they oughta be able to get the same pound of flesh that everyone else got.

And there's also the fact that Howard Moscoe is a ****ing prick.

Doesn't look like there's a strike going on today, so I guess that's cool. Looks like it was very close though.

On a lighter note, the TTC unveiled the design for the new train they're looking to build, in time for 2009.


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