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Transferring a Live account from one Xbox to another?

Can it be done? I asked this question in someone else's thread but I don't think I got an answer.

I want to trade in my standard Xbox for a crystal one. I resolved to losing my save files but I'm wondering about how I get my Live account across? I was looking on the dashboard for account ID and p/ws etc. but there wasn't really anything. If I bung in my username will it recognise my account? Or will I need to cancel my subscription on my current Xbox and just start another on the new one, in which case can I still use my old username?


I did this recently... you just need to enter all your account info again, exactly how it was entered originally. So it might be a good idea to write down the stuff you entered on the old Xbox so you don't spend hours wondering which phone number / c.c. number you used.
I'm not buying a memory card for a one off.

Jonnyram said:
I did this recently... you just need to enter all your account info again, exactly how it was entered originally. So it might be a good idea to write down the stuff you entered on the old Xbox so you don't spend hours wondering which phone number / c.c. number you used.

But it should then automatically recognise the account. Deleting the info from my current HDD before trading it won't affect this will it?


Just use account recovery and input the exact same details (CC, address, etc.) used when you signed up. Pretty easy.
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