For those wondering about characters like Soundwave:
The movie basically has three options: 1) Keep him in robot mode the entire time; 2) Don't have him at all; 3) Make him turn into something that doesn't ask the viewer to believe that robots that big can magically shrink down to something the size of a 1985 Walkman.
Don Murphy made this (the shrinking issue) his own, personal edict fairly early on. It's why Megatron will most likely become a tank, some other vehicle, or maybe (here's to hoping, actually) the mobile cannon form he had as Galvatron. Soundwave's a bit more tricky given the rules laid out by the movie. He obviously can't become anything normally associated with personal audio, so he can either turn into a giant PSP that hangs in a train station, or just keep his original pre-Earth form, which was Generic Radio Tower/Signal Thing.
Synthetic said:
Im fuckin pissed off at these guys right about now!
I wish they let the japanese handle this one.
At least they would have stayed true to the original.
So here it is, .... the movie ive been waiting for all my life (since i adore Transformers), and now its gonna be the same crap as Armada and all the other rubbish after G1.
Not to torch your entire po--aw, who am I kidding?
"Crap [like] Armada" is precisely what you get when you let the Japanese end of the Transformers partnership drive. Ever since the Beast wars/Beast Machines storylines wrapped up the original G1 universe tightly enough that it really shouldn't be explored further, things were reset once for Robots in Disguise; then again for Armada. Energon and the show following it, Cybertron, will stay within the Armada universe.
Why the hell cant Megatron be a gun? just becaue they cant actualy make a toy gun as merchandise for the movie?
Pretty much, yes. Current U.S. law all but prohibits Hasbro from making a toy gun with the level of detail G1 Megatron displayed, said laws go as far back as the late 80s. And before you ask, don't. No, they can't just make him in bright colors; no, they can't put an age restriction on the packaging; no, a warning won't do any good either.
Hasbro tried to re-issue Megatron along with the other G1 re-issues they put out. Yes, believe it or not, an actual, concerted effort was made. It simply can't be done while keeping the toy's form intact.
Why the hell cant Soundwave be a Tapedeck? cause children wouldnt know what a tapedeck is nowadays?
See above. Even in the realm of fantasy, the suspension of disbelief isn't indestructible. The producers believe that they'd lose the audience's "faith" if they're asked to believe a robot that big and heavy can turn into something as lightweight as a tape deck or CD player. It's like asking people to give a thumbs up to a Jeep-driving dinosaur in Jurassic Park.
Why the hell dont they make the movie like it were actualy 1984 or something.
I'm sure people were asking this same exact question in 1986, when the movie took place in 2005.
But noooooo, these arseholes , who made names for themselves in the industry ,think they can rewrite everything and come away with it.
Here's a little reality check for you: The Transformers continuity is so full of holes, it makes the Star Trek writing staff blush. G1 especially. Sure, Beast Wars and Beast Machines did a fine job of filling those gaping discrepancies, but a few still remain.
Well i say Fuck u Spielberg! Fuck u Raimi! Fuck u Don Murphy!
Glad ive got my G1 dvd collection complete!
I bet there's gonna be a lot of dissapointed Trans fanatics like me all over the world....
And what Spielberg and Don Murphy both realize is that no matter how many "true" fans hate the movie just because it doesn't kotow to their personal wishlist, they'll see it. Some will see it twice, maybe three times. Because at the end of the day, they're pretty fucking die-hard fans and simply can't help themselves.