This is some boss ass info!
Thanks a ton.
More than happy to help!
There are also several third party Masterpiece Springers in the pipeline. Fanstoys Apache is looking like the most promising at the moment, but XTransbots Virtus could be a winner, too, if it matches the CG renders they've shown.
Here's the Fanstoys one:
Eh, not really a fan of either of the alt modes. The T30 one has possibly the most car-looking car out of all Springers I've seen.
Hearing we're getting a PoP Voyager Starscream had me super excited until I actually saw the pictures of it.
Those are some boxing arms. Popeye, is that you?
Thanks a lot for the news, going to check them out now.
Edit: My thoughts:
- That "Prime Masters" mini-pretender looks kind of silly.
- I don't quite get the "matrix swapping parts" gimmick, it was terribly explained. It seems the matrix is a shell for a Titan Master that turns into the matrix crystal? Well, at least you can recreate the Functionist Council with it...
- Rodimus doesn't look bad, would like to see its Deluxe form. Is this the first official (first party) toy that has Rodimus combining with his cab?
- Starscream looks eh. It doesn't seem to have any gimmick?
- Kind of interesting that they're releasing more CW limbs. Actually I'm kind of pissed that they didn't make a mold like Jazz originally, with the car hood on the robot's chest like Primus intended, and instead we had every single car following the same (mediocre) transformation scheme.
All in all a quite disjointed batch, it seems HasTak ran out of ideas after CW and TR...