Ah, I was just catching up on some episodes from last week while I did my daily workout, and it's Michelle Wolf - I couldn't remember the name before. She's absolutely the weak link in the lineup right now. There's something about her voice and candor/delivery that make her unpleasant to watch. People say they don't like how Noah laughs at his own jokes and generally seems self-satisfied, and I've never gotten that vibe from him, but holy shit do I suddenly understand what you mean watching Michelle.
She reminds me of the woman from an Onion video from a few years ago who just keeps talking louder and louder on the phone about extremely personal and embarrassing topics until the anchorwoman finally calls her and tells her she needs to shut the heck up. She's got this nasal, whiny voice, she's constantly flubbing lines, and she's always smiling and laughing at her own bits harder than the audience ever is.
I just don't understand how she got the job at all.
A couple of her pieces have the only times I can think of in more than a decade that I've shut off an episode because I just couldn't handle how painful it was.
John Oliver was fine at first but his material is so formulaic ("Topic! It's like the A of B") that it's gotten distracting and hard to find especially funny.
Also the yelling a kid's name thing sucks.
At least he seems to have finally stopped screaming and repeating "Janice from Accounting" as though it's the greatest joke ever written.