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Tribes:Vengeance beta VIDEO!


Are there any tribes 1 players? I never got a chance to play it, but comparing this vid right now, which game is faster paced?

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
mint said:
Are there any tribes 1 players? I never got a chance to play it, but comparing this vid right now, which game is faster paced?

Vengeance seems to be a lot more fast paced, at least if its a good player playing, like this one, while an editor from IGN playing it, seems to be very slow, he just plainly sucked, even at flying. This guy though, damn, i would think twice before going into a duel with him, but then again, i havent played the game and dont know how easy the shield is accessible, but switching between the shield and disc launcher so rapidly and pin pointing the enemy as he did, its skills.

Its hard to judge though, it all depends on the map design and the video didnt show long enough portions to judge that, the cave level seems small enough though, could be very fast paced :)


Map design is kinda cool, but perhaps its just me but graphically it doesn't wow me or look all that much better than Tribes 2.


Did you note the settings he had on? 800x600 and all at the minimum. (except fog, looks like all this player wants is fps lol) I still think the graphics are nice even at that
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