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Triple H breaks character to console crying fan

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this whole postmodern internet phenomenon where any time someone does a simple act of kindness they get a circlejerk in their honor is really getting old

As is the postmodern internet phenomenon of cynical threadshitting when a human interest story gets nearby.


When I was in High School I was basically in the "baby IT dept" in that I got to run the library along with a few other guys. The librarian took us on a tour through the company Running With Scissors (the company that made the Postal game), and it just so happened that The Undertaker and The Giant were there as they are friends with the owner.

Man, those two guys were freaking awesome. They were geeking out with us about games. I mean, we had these two dudes that could (and did!) grab our entire heads with just one hand, and there they were giggling like school girls when talking about games to some high school kids. They talked about how they had to be in character pretty much at all times, and they really liked the fact that they could just chill and be themselves here in Tucson. It was a real eye opener, though I wasn't a huge fan of wrestling or anything, but I gained respect for them.
I don't necessarily understand that as breaking character. A villain is a villain for the protagonist(s), does a villain need to hate everyone and everything?

Though I suppose wrestling drama needs to be kept extremely simple...

part of being a villain(or heel) in WWE is to also shit on the fans, it's not just about the other guy.


41 > 38
This is a guy who a week ago in story fired made John Cena come out to the ring for an "appreciation event", proceded to fire all of Johns friends because of what John did, and then have cheerful music and tons of confetii fall from the sky in celebration of this, while making out with his wife.

The character of HHH is -not- a nice guy.

This sounds hilarious... is there a video I can watch? I can't seem to find one.


But the whole point of wrestling is to make little kids cry.

They've completely lost focus.

Back when heel Undertaker would make his entrance, sometimes they would get shots of the kids crying in the crowd. Bobby Heenan would make fun of them.

Good times.


This sounds hilarious... is there a video I can watch? I can't seem to find one.

The description is funnier than the footage.

He buried those tears.

That's a good one...

Nice thought, but he should have had someone else do that for him if he was gonna have the kid consoled in public during the show...

Back when heel Undertaker would make his entrance, sometimes they would get shots of the kids crying in the crowd. Bobby Heenan would make fun of them.

Good times.

Yeah, I don't see how they expect people to get as invested as back then when they constantly mess with your suspension of disbelief in the middle of the stadium. I remember going to a WWF show in the 80s and my family still jokes about the guy in front of us just about crying when the Million Dollar Man lost.
He screamed: "You pick him up, Virgil!" and applauded as he was helped to the back.

It wasn't just the kids that were super invested back then.
Was it this guy?

Immediately afterwards, he went back in character, beat the child unconscious with a sledgehammer, and buried the child alive.

When asked why he would do such a thing, he simply said that it was somehow "best for business."


Mixed feelings on it- yes, it's a cute moment, but having children weeping is kinda what you want when your a heel. I'm surprised HHH, who admired guys like Flair, would do that.

Back then, wrestling really wasn't for young children.
The fact that something like this happens rarely enough that it becomes a news story is really disheartening.

I'm sure it's just a case of someone catching this on camera.

I remember CM Punk walking around and shaking the hand of everyone ringside after the last RAW I went to in Toronto. He didn't have to do that but he spent a lot of time taking pics and showing his respect to the fans. I thought that was great.


heels can love too. that kid is going to show up in the next promo speaking to the new generation of H fans. if theyr'e smart.
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