But Halo is dad?

But Halo is dad?
You think games just somehow retain all there players after a few months without any significant content updates.
So they essentially just want a Battle Royale mode. I wonder if thats even possible with the current engine and netcode. BTB maxes at 24 players. There might be a technical reason for that.Lmao, I wonder if that tweet was in response to this article:
GTA VFortnite had 2 months of zero updates after release. It skyrocketed in player count during those 2 months.
Rocket League, Rainbow Six Siege, GTAV Online, Warframe, Minecraft all had essentially no support in the first months after launch. They all grew because fun + depth is waaaay more important than "significant content updates".
New maps, new weapons, new skins will have minimal impact on Halo Infinite. 343 needs to create a mode that's fun + depth for a wide spectrum of gamers.
So, did anyone actually read this article? Is it me or does the title not match the contents?
This graph for Xbox is in the article and they talk about how the player count is dropping off in total ...
And quotes like this ...
So yeah ok. I mean read the whole thing, the data doesn't match the title whatsoever. There is a massive drop in players on Xbox as well. I'd be counted in that recent player graph though.
Cool, I guess, thanks for letting us know.
That and there were far fewer FPS options no? So many FPS IPs nowadays.i'll get hate for this but i was always under the impression that halo enjoyed its popularity due to the immaturity of the console gaming / competitive fps as a whole, combined with underdeveloped competitive gaming for normal folk. when halo2 was huge (in ancient times, when i was in college), kids had pcs but still they chose to play halo on xbox over the LAN. why? because PCs are hard, xbox on the other hand has a controller and is meant for playing games.
of course, i was a quake guy. but 98% of those kids, despite having their own pc and being in college, never even heard of quake, all they knew was halo. i don't think they even understood you could play pvp fps on PC.
it took 20 years but i think people are finally starting to realize that halo just isnt that great of a game, the gameplay, art direction is unashamedly derivative, etc i could go on.
Right so it's dropped significantly in player base. So I don't get how your quote changes that?You could have at least finished the quote. Instead of stopping at that sentence. (I highlighted a couple lines for context)
You could have at least finished the quote. Instead of stopping at that sentence. (I highlighted a couple lines for context)
Damn, it's almost as if Halo Infinite is outperforming even Forza Horizon 5 and COD Vanguard on the platform in terms of player count. But, why aren't people making FUD narratives that those games are dying off, too?
Is it because by focusing on Halo, which is often seen as the face of the Xbox brand, that by implying it's dying they can then trick people to infer that Xbox as a brand is doing badly? No way, there's just absolutely no way people could be wanting to do that. I'm shocked!!
There are no numbers, its a percentage of the accounts that share data with True Achievements that have played Halo Infinite on any given day. Since they are only looking at people who share their account with TA, this data may be more useless than Steam numbers.So, did anyone actually read this article? Is it me or does the title not match the contents?
This graph for Xbox is in the article and they talk about how the player count is dropping off in total ...
And quotes like this ...
So yeah ok. I mean read the whole thing, the data doesn't match the title whatsoever. There is a massive drop in players on Xbox as well. I'd be counted in that recent player graph though.
Fortnite didn't start losing players until ~1 year after release. And even then, the player decline was minimal. Halo Infinites player decline is super unhealthy and happened immediately after release.
Fortnite (2017) is XBox Lives most played game today. Halo Infinite (2021) is now 6th and we're 3 months in.
The idea that all games lose players immediately after release has been proven wrong time after time.
Fortnite became an event of its own, not every game can do that. LOL
As the article states, no other multiplayer game released near Halo even hit 10% and all dropped. Steep declines are normal outside of a handful of games. Keep trying though.
Halo being n6 on 3rd month is great, since Most people finished the SP mode. Not to mention the game has little content for now. That itself is achievement.Didn't Naraka Bladepoint release a couple of months before Halo Infinite? Go compare that games retention numbers to Halos. Night and day.
The multiplayer successes we've seen over the last 7, 8 years are mostly games that steadily climbed in popularity after release.
And let's be real, if Halo Infinite had a big BR esque mode right now it would almost certainly be far more popular.
The BR they should have cared about was Battle Royale.
BR mode is not an easy task. For BR mode, you need constant content, and good progression mode. With current Halo progression, the BR mode would be dead fast. Until they fix the progression mode, BR is of the table.
Respawn didnt have new engine work, and story mode.Respawn Entertainment had ~ 100 employees and 2 years to produce Apex Legends.
343 had ~ 500 employees and 6 years (or 4 years depending on when they should have decided) to make one.
The idea that 343 didn't have the time or resources to produce a multiplayer mode that resonates with the wider audience is a little silly if you ask me.
Didn't Naraka Bladepoint release a couple of months before Halo Infinite? Go compare that games retention numbers to Halos. Night and day.
The multiplayer successes we've seen over the last 7, 8 years are mostly games that steadily climbed in popularity after release.
And let's be real, if Halo Infinite had a big BR esque mode right now it would almost certainly be far more popular.
The BR they should have cared about was Battle Royale.
Not quite. For me, it's a sample size of accounts interested in sharing their data with an Xbox fan site. This sample shows us a steady decline in player population. Steam is another sample, this time of specifically PC players on Steam, and it also shows a steady decline in player population. If we're seeing a decline in two samples for the same game across the same timeline, the odds of it not representing a trend in the greater population is basically zero. Looking across social media and discussion forums, the general feedback is Halo Infinite's core gameplay is rock solid, and literally everything else needs to be completely re-done. This sentiment fits with the steady decline in players across both samples - the game simply has too many issues for most to stick with it.There are no numbers, its a percentage of the accounts that share data with True Achievements that have played Halo Infinite on any given day. Since they are only looking at people who share their account with TA, this data may be more useless than Steam numbers.
No one realistic ever expected Fortnight levels of success, even seeing Apex over it is no surprise. Halo obviously isn't as big as it used to be. Nevertheless, it is far from a flop on the Xbox platform.
There's a NeoGAF poll here that asked members to predict when it would fall out of the top 3 on XBL Most Played. 76 percent predicted after the first 3 months. It's now #6 and we're not at the 3 month mark.
I'd say it's performing below expectations for a Halo game.
I don't think GAF polls are a good indicator of anything in the games space. GAF predicted Switch failure too. GAF was certain MS would drop out the hardware market, some even thinking so AFTER the announcement of the Activision acquisition. It is way too early to predict failure for the new Halo and comparing it to the most successful MP games on the market isn't the best barometer.There's a NeoGAF poll here that asked members to predict when it would fall out of the top 3 on XBL Most Played. 76 percent predicted after the first 3 months. It's now #6 and we're not at the 3 month mark.
I'd say it's performing below expectations for a Halo game.
I pretty much came in to say this but don't have to now because you did already, so thanks.So, did anyone actually read this article? Is it me or does the title not match the contents?
This graph for Xbox is in the article and they talk about how the player count is dropping off in total ...
And quotes like this ...
So yeah ok. I mean read the whole thing, the data doesn't match the title whatsoever. There is a massive drop in players on Xbox as well. I'd be counted in that recent player graph though.
It's a sample size of people who are achievement hunters , whom by nature move on from a game once they have all achievements. In other words, it's a horrible sample to use for measuring longevity.Not quite. For me, it's a sample size of accounts interested in sharing their data with an Xbox fan site. This sample shows us a steady decline in player population.
And? How many votes was that, 100 - 200?
Like I said, if you were "realistic" it was obvious that Halo was going to need to find its footing again. The IP has definitely softened over the years, but if it can hang in the top 20 for an extended period after launch and the TV show does anything, it can still find evergreen status. Every game doesn't stay top 20 for years, even bona fide hits. Staying ahead of Fortnite and GTAV can't be the only barometer of success, unless you are saying almost everything that is released is a failure.
It is way too early to predict failure for the new Halo and comparing it to the most successful MP games on the market isn't the best barometer.
In a multiplayer game with lots of achievements designed around encouraging long term play measured across the three months the game has been officially available?It's a sample size of people who are achievement hunters , whom by nature move on from a game once they have all achievements. In other words, it's a horrible sample to use for measuring longevity.
Their unforgivable act is making the franchise a 10 year game. That is not a good idea, for a video game, unless the resources are there on day1.Now imagine what population Infinite could have grown and kept outside the US with proper player server selections.
Now imagine what Infinite could have sustained with optimised PC support and better anti-cheat systems.
Now imagine what Infinite could be with monthly content drops ready out of the bad.
Now imagine what a Battle Royale mode or a PvE coop at launch could have done.
I'm not after the fall of Halo or failure of 343 but I'll be damned if I don't hold them accountable to opportunity loss; just as they did with MCC's launch and early years.
Waiting for the God of War pc decline story
God of War - Steam Charts
An ongoing analysis of Steam's player numbers, seeing what's been played the most.steamcharts.com
So is Halo for a lot of ppl. Not everyone plays all games modes.It's a...single player game?
Now imagine what population Infinite could have grown and kept outside the US with proper player server selections.
Now imagine what Infinite could have sustained with optimised PC support and better anti-cheat systems.
Now imagine what Infinite could be with monthly content drops ready out of the launch bag.
Now imagine what a Battle Royale mode or a PvE coop at launch could have done.
I'm not after the fall of Halo or failure of 343 but I'll be damned if I don't hold them accountable to opportunity loss; just as they did with MCC's launch and early years.
So is Halo for a lot of ppl. Not everyone plays all games modes.
I don't consider Bioshock 2 to be a multiplayer game and never touched the multi.
Did they check the five games ahead of it? How can you simultaneously claim it has the highest % of retained players for the userbase while it is also behind older games?You could have at least finished the quote. Instead of stopping at that sentence. (I highlighted a couple lines for context)
But kingfey weren't you the one fooling everyone with those steam numbers to begin with?Don't let those Steam numbers fool you...
The multi-player competitive shooter space has changed significantly since the last Halo game. On top of that Halo 5 was released only on X1, a platform that wasn't MS's best effort.Why wouldn't we compare it to the most successful multiplayer games on the planet? That's what Halo historically has been. It's had more advantages at its disposal than 99 percent of the top multiplayer games.
It's literally The Yankees, with the highest payroll in baseball, saying "It doesn't matter that we missed the playoffs. We finished with a better record than half the league and dog gone it, that's pretty good."
In sports, many industries probably, if you don't deliver when you've been given more resources than your competition, you pack your bags because ownership replaces you.
We'll see if Joseph Staten is the new guy or not.
That post wasnt about keeping players, but how many people tuned out to test the game. Same for god of war steam chart. That was for US pc players.But kingfey weren't you the one fooling everyone with those steam numbers to begin with?
Halo Infinite multiplayer is 113k concurrent player on steam now
https://steamdb.info/app/1240440/graphs/ Update: 127k now 132k now. edit 2: 139k now. Road to 200k today. 152k now. 157k. edit: 167k now Edit: 176k now. Only 24k left for 200k. edit: 219k Yay, we broke the 200k:messenger_clapping: 233k now. 242k. road to 300k. 253k now. 47k left for...www.neogaf.com
Halo in its prime didn't have the competition it has today. That being said it is doing quite well considering no other platform holder has put out a superior product.
This on other hand, is about Xbox players. Since Halo is mainly an Xbox game. They are the one who are playing this game. not us PC players.
Yup, people have other games to play on pc.250k concurrent PC players played the game. ~235k have seemingly stopped.