People laughed at me when I said that we were now at war for the future...
Seems like I keep being proven right day after day.
Seems like I keep being proven right day after day.
We're long overdue for another environmental movement (helps that there's An Inconvenient Truth sequel coming out this year), so I hope that this administration's destructive denialism helps kick things into gear.
Ice Cap melting?
What Ice Cap?
Fake news indeed.
I see trump, spicer, Kelly Conway, and Nunes in this picture .... Rick perry too after he found out what agency he was going to lead
Sometimes I feel like our government actually wants to ruin things and see conditions worsen. It's easier to flex your authoritarian arms when the country, and world, are in bad shape.
the way the world is going, i'm glad i'm not having kids because there won't be a world for them at this rate.
it's always the old rich dumbasses ruining the world for people. what do they breathe and eat? money?
Don't act like anything for the future is confirmed.
People need to be working harder than ever now.
If the Ice Cap is really melting, how is Sonic able to snowboard like a badass? Global warming is a lie.
"Both sides" is a meme that will always be relevant. Hope the people happy about their "principals" that didn't vote are paying attention.
This is insane, its criminal, it doesnt even belong to them, they should be locked up for this.
Wow, it is really amazing how things can so suddenly turn on a dime for the worst.
This is the sort of crap former Canada PM Stephen Harper tried to pull. If it makes you all feel any better, it eventually bit him in the arse.
62m people voted for this. This is not the unilateral act of a dictatorship seeking to undermine its populace.
Trump was crystal clear that he thought climate change was bull, and of course tens of millions of people either agreed, or couldn't care less.
Information "burning", sweet. The age of ignorance indeed.
A stupid, vocal minority.
I am still fucking pissed at the people who stayed home, and I suspect I always will be.