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Trump administration rolls back protections for people in default on student loans

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This President, his administration, and the GOP backing him are doing a great job of proving wrong any remaining notions that voting doesn't matter or that 'both sides are the same'. Too bad we won't be able to walk away clean from the damage done already and that which is still to come.


He's not being dumb. He's being malicious. People really should get angry about this.

His whole cabinet,GOP,administration are evil..there doing this because rich people are more important than the dumb,the poor,the handicapt,the old.

All trump voters or not trump voters will suffer with him this is beyond evil, you should be angry.
I'm so tired of this any time there's a poll. Hillary had 3 million more votes, and Trump received an elector victory by just 100,000 votes across three states. The polls were broadly accurate given their confidence intervals, and predictors giving Hillary ~80% odds to win were essentially correct given her huge win in the popular vote and how narrow her defeat and Trump's win was.

Right. National polls got it within the margin of error. It was state polls where things broke down... and approval ratings are national polls.

So yeah, maybe if you see a list of which states approve or disapprove take it with a pinch of salt, but if it's national numbers, people can't point to the polls for the general election to plug their ears and eyes with poll results they don't like.

I mean, they will, but it's totally wrong.


By the same poll that said Hillary going to win?
If I'm not mistaken that chart is from Gallup. Who did not poll the presidential election.

So not the same pollster, and from a polling company that did not even participate in the polling of the general election.


The only good thing about this shit that Trump keeps doing is that it gives that Democrat Candidate in 2020 a lot of material to work with. Can run a lot of their campaign on reversing harmful policies for poorer Americans.

It's whether people realise it was Trump doing it or know at all when FOX News and other crap is their source of information. Will they even care about most of his changes.

I think enough people will vote in future elections to get them out of office but the idiots voting for them won't change in great numbers. You could sit them down and point out every fact that they are getting screwed and it probably wouldn't register or they would waver until the ballot box then revert to same old.


I still can't believe student loan interest rates on average are higher than mortgage interest rates. I really don't get it.

Does anyone have a good explanation for that? Or is it something I'm just not seeing? lol
Trump is too stupid to see that the more good work he rolls back from Obama, the further he cements Obama's legacy. He is book-ending Obama's Presidency with complete and utter shit, making everything prior look even better than it was....it doesn't help a lot of what came prior is actually good in many ways. What a moron.
I still can't believe student loan interest rates on average are higher than mortgage interest rates. I really don't get it.

Does anyone have a good explanation for that? Or is it something I'm just not seeing? lol

If you don't pay your mortgage they take your house, so that's alot less risk for lenders. If you don't pay your student loans they take your...worthless peice of paper. More risk->higher interest rate.
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