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Trump appointing THE ENTIRE SWAMP to the EPA


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
EXXON MOBIL MAY soon have a greater hand in shaping the science used to develop major environmental regulations.

The published list of potential names for the Science Advisory Board and the EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee includes many industry representatives and consultants. The panels are typically composed primarily of independent academics and researchers charged with reviewing agency science and advising the Environmental Protection Agency on major policy decisions.

While industry has always had a voice on those panels, comments from the Trump administration and the potential new appointees suggest the balance may soon change in favor of greater power for regulated companies, particularly the oil and gas industries.

The long list of potential new advisory board members includes officials from Exxon Mobil, Phillips 66, Alcoa, Noble Energy, Total, and the American Chemistry Council, a lobbying group for the chemical industry. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt will make the final determination to select the members of the panels.

In a move widely viewed as an attempt to make room for more industry representatives, the EPA in May dismissed at least five academic researchers from their position on the SAB. ”The administrator believes we should have people on this board who understand the impact of regulations on the regulated community," an EPA spokesperson told the New York Times.

Steve Milloy, a former Trump transition official, told E&E News that he believes the scientific advisory panels will be significantly ”reconstituted" to include more industry representatives and those in the industry-backed think tank world that have held hostile views to previous EPA decisions.

The push to remake the panels comes as industrial lobbyists and their allies in Congress have pushed to radically reshape the science used in environmental policymaking.

In March, the House of Representatives passed a pair of bills designed to change the way scientific research is used to formulate EPA policies.

The Honest Act, sponsored by Republican Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, would prevent the EPA from relying on the type of epidemiological research that was used to regulate leaded gas and the pesticide DDT.

Another bill, the EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act, allows industry representatives to serve on the SAB and other scientific research panels without receiving a special waiver.


Jeffery Lewis, current exxon mobile lobbylist, has challenged Air pollution regulations in the past.

Richard Belzer, Exxon mobile consultant who has challenged Obama admin's already lenient Ozone scientific findings in the past

Merl Lindstrom, vice president of technology at oil refinery company Vice 66

Sidney Marlborough, Environmental toxocologist at fracking company Noble energy

Rob Merritt, manager of Geoscience information at French oil company Total

Mark Monique, President of consumer chemicals company Savogran Co.

Laurie Shelby, vice president at Alcoa, a huge Aluminum production firm

Edwin Berry, "scientist" who compared the belief in climate change to ”Aztecs who believed they could make rain by cutting out beating hearts and rolling decapitated heads down temple steps."

Tony Cox of Cox Associates, nominated to both the SAB and CASAC boards, previously produced research for the American Chemistry Council on lung disease issues, as well as for the American Petroleum Institute, a lobby group for the oil industry, on the health effects associated with fine particulate matter and ozone. Exxon Mobil is a prominent member of the API.


It's actually impressive how he manages to pick the absolute worst possible people for every single position in everything


My favorite part of this presidency is how very obvious all these actions are. That doesn't fix any of it, but I have to imagine it is a wonderful way to get people to notice the bullshit that keeps occurring.
In a move widely viewed as an attempt to make room for more industry representatives, the EPA in May dismissed at least five academic researchers from their position on the SAB. “The administrator believes we should have people on this board who understand the impact of regulations on the regulated community,” an EPA spokesperson told the New York Times.

That's literally not what the EPA is there to do.

From their own website:

EPA's purpose is to ensure that:
all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and the environment where they live, learn and work;
national efforts to reduce environmental risk are based on the best available scientific information;
federal laws protecting human health and the environment are enforced fairly and effectively;
environmental protection is an integral consideration in U.S. policies concerning natural resources, human health, economic growth, energy, transportation, agriculture, industry, and international trade, and these factors are similarly considered in establishing environmental policy;
all parts of society -- communities, individuals, businesses, and state, local and tribal governments -- have access to accurate information sufficient to effectively participate in managing human health and environmental risks;
environmental protection contributes to making our communities and ecosystems diverse, sustainable and economically productive; and
the United States plays a leadership role in working with other nations to protect the global environment.
Richard Belzer?


Dude just keeps showing up in so many different universes it's insane!


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
It's actually impressive how he manages to pick the absolute worst possible people for every single position in everything

in truth, trump is not picking these guys, the industry itself is picking them, he and his team simply go along with their plans because they are all on the same team.

It only proves the point that the US government has been influenced significantly in a negative direction by corporations and major conflicts of interest in the past in regards to priorities, and Trump is simply taking that to a higher level and making these forces THE United States government itself, their voice is the only voice that will exist.

Its easier for them to do this than attempt to abolish these government institutions and raise alarm on a bigger scale. This likely won't get much(if any) air time in the corporate media whereas abolishing entire government agencies would force them to cover it

Its similar to how wall street has operated since Bill Clinton, just appoint regulators who either have no power or will not point out corruption or systemic issues because they are working against the point of their departments. Crooked cops are easier to get passed people than not having any cops at all.



I wonder power what Trump would contribute?




The way he's been chirping at other countries.

Super radiation?
I like that Exxon is slowly becoming the IRL version of Roxxon in the Marvel Universe.

Brought to you by Exxon News Network. The TRUE home of news.


in truth, trump is not picking these guys, the industry itself is picking them, he and his team simply go along with their plans because they are all on the same team.

It only proves the point that the US government has been influenced significantly in a negative direction by corporations and major conflicts of interest in the past in regards to priorities, and Trump is simply taking that to a higher level and making these forces THE United States government itself, their voice is the only voice that will exist.

Its easier for them to do this than attempt to abolish these government institutions and raise alarm on a bigger scale. This likely won't get much(if any) air time in the corporate media whereas abolishing entire government agencies would force them to cover it

Its similar to how wall street has operated since Bill Clinton, just appoint regulators who either have no power or will not point out corruption or systemic issues because they are working against the point of their departments. Crooked cops are easier to get passed people than not having any cops at all.
It's insane how you have to "both sides" even something like this by making it about the "US Government" instead of the GOP going all-in on industry-backed climate denial.


Hail to the KING baby
what i 'love' about this stuff is that there should be near zero appeal to this for even his base other then lol fuck libruls which i guess is more than good enough
Having read more comments from conservatives than I probably should have, I've come to realize their idea of "the swamp" is actually just democrats. Nothing to do with people who have conflicts of interest or are working for sleazy special interests... just democrats.


It's actually impressive how he manages to pick the absolute worst possible people for every single position in everything

Im actually impressed the world hasn't imploded yet.... It's like he's actively trying to destroy everything with his picks and the Earth keeps on ticking
"We really need to hire someone to watch all these sheep. I hear there's a pack of wolves near by, they could probably do it."


Is it possible this organization will be put as an unreliable source of information by other organizations because of this Shit?


Having read more comments from conservatives than I probably should have, I've come to realize their idea of "the swamp" is actually just democrats. Nothing to do with people who have conflicts of interest or are working for sleazy special interests... just democrats.
see also: "elites", etc.

It's Dems and city people in general.


Having read more comments from conservatives than I probably should have, I've come to realize their idea of "the swamp" is actually just democrats. Nothing to do with people who have conflicts of interest or are working for sleazy special interests... just democrats.

This has been obvious.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
It's insane how you have to "both sides" even something like this by making it about the "US Government" instead of the GOP going all-in on industry-backed climate denial.

I'm not trying to both sides anything. i'm trying to point out government and corporate collusion and note similar instances in history of when the corporate world has tried similar devastating take overs of sectors in our government.

I don't care which party does what if they do something unethical, but Trump and his team are clearly going far beyond even comparisons of the past because his administration is not concerned with keeping up appearances maybe another more establishment politician and his team might be more concerned with.


Having read more comments from conservatives than I probably should have, I've come to realize their idea of "the swamp" is actually just democrats. Nothing to do with people who have conflicts of interest or are working for sleazy special interests... just democrats.

Also people that dare disagree with them on anything.

It's why Flake, McCain, Murkowski, Collins, etc. are also the swamp.


This is like something in a shitty dystopia movie where all the old forms of law exist, they've just lost all meaning becuase they're owned and a tool of the wealthy and corrupt.

Environmental Protection Agency being stacked with nothing but rich dirtbags who want to kill and exploit the environment for financial gain.
It's actually impressive how he manages to pick the absolute worst possible people for every single position in everything

these are the friends of the people who paid for his campaign. he's fulfilling campaign donor promises. there's no resumes, interviews, or even scouting for these people.
Honest question: All his supporters realize and see how this is the exact (and unexpectedly literal) antithesis of "drain the swamp" right? They just don't give a shit or what? How do you even justify something like this with "freedom" or "conservative values"? It's straight-up ruining your environment, i.e. your home.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Having read more comments from conservatives than I probably should have, I've come to realize their idea of "the swamp" is actually just democrats. Nothing to do with people who have conflicts of interest or are working for sleazy special interests... just democrats.

the swamp is something altogether different than intra party politics or partisanship as Washington defines it.

their version of swamp is anything that is remotely not on the same wavelength as them regarding doing the bidding of the corporate world.

We should not boil this down to "hating democrats" any more than we should boil down the push for ending Obamacare to "hating obama". In truth its nothing to do with dems or Obama.

This is a hostile assault on the country by special interests who are trying turn us into 1984, and Trump and his team are their direct liaisons.

We should keep our eyes on what the actual enemy is. Its not a specific person and its not a party. Its the system we have in which these revolving door conflicts of interest are allowed and enabled, which has allowed it to get to this point.
Also people that dare disagree with them on anything.

It's why Flake, McCain, Murkowski, Collins, etc. are also the swamp.

Right, that too. I initially thought their understanding of the swamp was the same as mine: politicians who are too entrenched in special interest groups, politicians who have conflicts of interest, etc.

Turns out, nope. The "swamp" is just anyone in office who isn't as racist-facebook-meme conservative as they are.


Politicians lie.


I bet all those coal farmers are just hankering to get their $100k do-nothing jobs back.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Honest question: All his supporters realize and see how this is the exact antithesis of "drain the swamp" right? They just don't give a shit or what? How do you even justify something like this with "freedom" or "conservative values"? It's straight-up ruining your environment, i.e. your home.

Those people either don't know or don't care, and are brainwashed by right wing media(or corporate media in general honestly) to think up is down.

I can tell you not just right wingers, but many civilians who are not politically inclined will fail to see the far reaching importance of this, or even know that it is occurring just due to how things of this magnitude regarding corporate affairs are covered.
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