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Trump call transcript with Duterte leaked, calls Kim Jong Un "madman with nukes"


Also, regarding his praise of Duterte, despite the jokes about Trump doing coke at the debates, he has been a complete teetotaler ever since his brother died of alcoholism. It's hardly surprising he despises drug use. I mean, he's still condoning state sanctioned murder, which is fucking gross, but it explains his gut emotional reaction a bit.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
don't know if I should be more scared of Trump considering civilian killing a commendable modus operandi or him admitting his administration is willing to bomb Pyongyang regardless of consequences


Should be the OP headline IMO.

I actually agree with him on NK and he's not wrong and NK doesn't care about personal sleights anyway.

In hindsight you are right. Too used to that you aren't allowed to / shouldn't post with title that isn't 1:1 or as little as possible changed from title of article. Reddit thing.




Also, regarding his praise of Duterte, despite the jokes about Trump doing coke at the debates, he has been a complete teetotaler ever since his brother died of alcoholism. It's hardly surprising he despises drug use. I mean, he's still condoning state sanctioned murder, which is fucking gross, but it explains his gut emotional reaction a bit.

People are getting murdered. Massmurdered. If your gut ain't telling you there is something wrong with that...


why is he considered dangerous and not the US considering the US has way more nuclear weapons? what about the fact that the us dropped over 26000 bombs in just 2016? why is it seen as the US fighting for their freedom when they drop bombs on other countries but when the DPRK just test their weapons they are chastised for it? why do people not go crazy when the US spend $600 billion on their military compared to the DPRK's $7-8 billion? why is kim jong un the dangerous one when the US literally carpet bombed their entire country killing a third of their population and continue to surround the border with US troops ready to intervene when the DPRK step out of their line? the US are the one being aggressors here, the DPRK are just progressing as a country and are understandably protecting themselves against US imperialism - understandable after the US literally killed a third of their population

Hey since you're here, everyone is wondering when your next nuke test will be.


I'd say the gleeful invitation of an open murderer is more of a headline than calling Kim Jong Un a madman. Everyone thinks that!
His administration has overseen a brutal extrajudicial campaign that has resulted in the killings of thousands of suspected drug dealers.

Trump has not spoken out against that strategy, and in their call he praised Duterte for doing an “unbelievable job on the drug problem.”

“Many countries have the problem, we have the problem, but what a great job you are doing and I just wanted to call and tell you that,” Trump said, according to the transcript.

This is the real news right here. Trump is in support of rampant murder as a solution.
From WaPo: The Post obtained the document from a person who asked not to be identified because the transcript, labeled by the Philippines government as “confidential,” is not intended for public release

That said will add Intercept link into OP because why not.

Fair enough; I couldn't actually open the link you posted due to WaPo's free article limit.


Unconfirmed Member
This is one of those leaks that I wonder if it does hurt national security while doing nothing positive.

You guys got mad at snowden who leaked less and accomplished more.
Let's be clear that they are talking about a campaign of murder without trial. Anyone suspected or accused of being a drug dealer in the Phillipenes is just taken out in the street and shot.
Not quite, my understanding is that it's mainly people in poor neighbourhoods that are targeted. Also it's apparently just open season on drug users as well, anyone the rabble thinks (or wants to think) might have something to do with drugs really.

One report I heard was about a man with a drug problem who turned himself into the police after this started, but was sent away because the prisons were full. Some time later gunmen burst into his home and shoot him, his wife and their child. Ironically, the man survived, the rest of the family was not so lucky.
If this was a perfect country Trump would be allowed to kill suspected drug dealers and immigrants also. #MAGA

Every time I think Trump couldn't possibly be any trashier he goes and opens his mouth. There is no limit to the depths he can sink to, apparently.
The media has done an absolutely horrible job relaying what exactly is going in the Philippines. Nobody knows what "extrajudicial killings" means and it's not just about drug dealers.

Duterte encourages regular citizens to straight up kill anyone you know who uses drugs. Got a friend who uses drugs? Kill them. You, yes you, personally, kill your friend, because it would probably be too hard for their parents to kill them themselves.

(Or, you know, if there's someone you just don't like, kill them and claim they're a drug user)
Later in the call, Trump raised the stakes of the escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula when he observed: “We can’t let a madman with nuclear weapons let on the loose like that. We have a lot of firepower, more than he has, times 20 — but we don’t want to use it.”

I wonder if he had a tone of disappointment when he said that.


Duterte = great friend

Kim Jong Un = Would be honored to meet him!

Australian PM mate guy = Fuck you Australia!

I wonder if he had a tone of disappointment when he said that.

For sure, just on the "but we don't want to use it part.".


This feels more like noise than news, to be honest. Heads of state have candid conversations with each other, separate from public policy and statements, and we've known he's complimented Duterte's drug crackdown in the past. The blustering about NK doesn't say much about policy either considering Trump's word isn't worth shit.
I'd love to know if Trump actually thinks that, he clearly just tells world leaders what they want to hear, undoubtably his idea of 'diplomacy', child-like as it may be.

Because if he does believe that, yeesh.

Yeah, I'd like to know too. Complimenting a leader on atrocities is terrible no matter which way you slice it, but it's slightly less worrying for US citizens (?) if he doesn't actually see it as an example for his own governing strategy.


Later in the call, Trump raised the stakes of the escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula when he observed: ”We can't let a madman with nuclear weapons let on the loose like that. We have a lot of firepower, more than he has, times 20 — but we don't want to use it."

As much as I hate the man, the only people "raising the stakes" here are the morons who leaked this shit.
Kim should have known that you can't engage the us in a game of one upsmanship. He pretended to act crazy and be in charge, the US actually found someone crazy and put them in charge.

We're done here.
Burying the lede here

Many countries have the problem, we have the problem, but what a great job you are doing and I just wanted to call and tell you that,” Trump said, according to the transcript.

Praising a state sanctioned massacre is vile shit. Then he invited the piece of shit to the WH.
As much as I hate the man, the only people "raising the stakes" here are the morons who leaked this shit.

The moron who can't keep his mouth shut is certainly equally to blame in this situation...in fact he is entirely to blame. If he didn't make these comments there would be nothing to leak. Don't blame the whistle-blowers.
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