Trump Casinos’ Tax Debt Was $30 Million. Then Christie Took Office. - NY Times

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The casino finances are not reported in a person's personal tax return, just like we wouldn't know the finances of the Clinton Foundation from Hillary's tax returns.

My point being that if Trump's business dealing have been this shady out in public his tax returns might yield some Nixon level revelations.
Damn. With this along with the Manafort material and their editorial writers taking turns beating up on him it is like Trump ran over the Times's dog.

I mean, he (or his surrogates) have accused them of fabricating stories without (or made-up) sources, declared their work to not be Constitutionally protected speech, and outright said that he wants to change the law so that he can sue them, in specific, or shutter their operations, not to mention his threats of revoking press credentials.

Next, perhaps he plans to tell the world the Secret Service are garbage people who can't do their job, and announce his intentions to dissolve the service and have all present members executed as soon as he becomes President.

I'd make a joke about him publicly humiliating the RNC and getting everyone related to his campaign fired, too, but that seems a little on-the-nose.
I'm sure this has been said millions of times, but it bothers me that some people get so upset about individuals taking advantage of welfare or social security, but there is no outrage over dudes like Trump scamming the country out of tens of millions of dollars in taxes. Sheesh.

Being from NJ it's hard not to point at Trump as one of the reasons Atlantic City is regressing so bad right now. The city is in some serious problems and stuff like this is only adding fuel to the fire.


Pretty sure it's meant to sound German to evoke Nazi imagery. But it's not and never will be clever or funny and to everyone else it's about as intelligent as saying "Obummer"
Its his familys original name that was changed when they immigrated. Obummers a lame pun. Drumpf is literally his name.
Its his familys original name that was changed when they immigrated. Obummers a lame pun. Drumpf is literally his name.

Must be fun in the land of make believe..
I'm not afraid to admit I'm wrong. But on the other hand, people do use it in that context.

Edit: then there's also the fact that it isn't his name now so bringing it up is still entirely irrelevant unless: see my post above.


Ms. Anderson also wrote that Mr. Trump’s flagship casino, the Taj Mahal, had reported to the casino commission that it paid $2.2 million in alternative minimum assessment tax in 2003, which was not true. The company had paid only $500 in income taxes.
Is that a typo?
Gee, this is shocking information. Christie did favors for Trump and effectively didn't pay what he owed in taxes? Donald Trump, the bastion of integrity and truthfulness, didn't pay his fair share? Golly. Everything I knew is wrong.

Also, lol at people still whining about "Drumpf".
Gee, this is shocking information. Christie did favors for Trump and effectively didn't pay what he owed in taxes? Donald Trump, the bastion of integrity and truthfulness, didn't pay his fair share? Golly. Everything I knew is wrong.

Also, lol at people still whining about "Drumpf".
You know, by talking about it no matter what side you're on you're still contributing, making your point hypocritical.
You know, by talking about it no matter what side you're on you're still contributing, making your point hypocritical.

Not really. Besides amusement (and me pointing out that amusement), I don't have a dog in the fight.

Also, didn't you make it more relevant by responding to it?
Also, lol at people still whining about "Drumpf".

seriously the people complaining about it are magnitudes more annoying than actually reading drumpf in a post

great work by the new york times, im going to subscribe to them very soon. i bet there will be more of this kind of crap leading up to november.
Is there a bigger chump than Christie?
Not really. Besides amusement (and me pointing out that amusement), I don't have a dog in the fight.

Also, didn't you make it more relevant by responding to it?
Yeah, but I mean, I'm not really complaining about other people contributing to the drumpf discussion. Which is the point I'm trying to make. Npt trying to be hostile or anything, just kinda ironic.
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