Beer Monkey
This fucker is projecting everything. Everything he accused someone else of doing, he has done 50 times worse. This shouldn't be surprising.
See also: Morning Joe is dumb as a rock.
This fucker is projecting everything. Everything he accused someone else of doing, he has done 50 times worse. This shouldn't be surprising.
Ir's blatantly obvious that the GOP are now the party of Do as I say not as I Do.
Your ballot is secret. That you are registered to vote, when you have voted and what party you are registered with (and who you donated money to) are public records.I must admit I don't understand how who you voted for can be public knowledge. I know if you voted at all is public knowledge but I thought General Elections were a secret ballot. Can someone explain how anyone else can know which party you voted for in a secret ballot? Because if that's true then it's not a secret ballot and that's fucked up.
The ones against.
He doesn't need these lists to do that. The lists are pure political theatre./rolleyes
the fuck he needs my last 4 of my SSN?
He's going to fuck over dem voters,
He doesn't need these lists to do that. The lists are pure political theatre.
Absolutely, I'm not arguing that. Hell, I'm not even saying Trump won't try to suppress or intimidate voters. I'm just saying that asking for these lists doesn't support the conspiracy theories being trotted out. Trump surely already has these lists. The RNC already has these lists and more. Not to go all "both sides," but the DNC has these lists. Clinton has these lists. Effective use of these lists are part of what made Obama's campaigns so dominant. Shitty use of these lists is what made Romney's campaign stumble on Election Day (although he would've lost anyway.) Every semi-serious candidate has these lists. Putin doesn't need Trump to get these lists, he just needs 50 spies that can convincingly pretend to be candidates to get them.Political theater designed to cast doubt on our democratic institutions.
Michigan, pls.The ones against.
It's unreal how much this bothers him.He's such a idiot. The sorest winner ever.
The ones against.
Umm actually, I recently learned that the GOP are actually geniuses and are concerned about what the debt will be like in a few decades if they don't kill a bunch of poor people now. If they don't cull the herd today, even more will die in the future.
Because Hogan is a spineless party line sack of 'got mine' shit.Why the fuck is Maryland not on that list? Gotta make some calls I guess.
The ones against.
The ones against.
Not as hilarious as Kris Kobach and Kansas refusing a request from a commission spearheaded by Kobach.Indiana is on there which is hi-larious considering Pence is the former governor.
Where my MD.
Don't tell me you're rolling over Hogan. Here I thought you were one of the good ones.
Hours after the bill was made public, four conservative senators announced their opposition, saying the measure doesn't go far enough to unwind Obamacare. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, meanwhile, joined a chorus of centrist Republicans who are concerned about how the legislation would affect their states.
Hogan, a popular governor up for re-election next year, does not have direct influence over what is playing out in Washington and has largely avoided weighing in on national politics. But his position will almost certainly be used by opponents of the law to pressure Republican senators who are on the fence.
"We know the current system needs to be fixed, but the proposals that are being considered in Congress do not work for Maryland," Hogan spokeswoman Amelia Chasse said in a statement the strongest the governor's office has issued on the issue.
"Congress should go back to the drawing board in an open, transparent and bipartisan fashion to craft a bill that works for all Americans," she said.
of course fukcing Missouri.. ugh we need to really split this state in half.
Where my MD.
Don't tell me you're rolling over Hogan. Here I thought you were one of the good ones.
It's funny to consider that most of the states opposing this voted for Trump.
Thankfully SoS Grimes said no. Beshear and her are the only good things in the KY govt.Thank you. Relieved to see KY opposing it. I could see that shitheel Bevin giving the data over.
You guys are getting all up in arms about this, but as I'm reading these various states' responses, they're all just following state laws regarding voter registration lists. The ones who have stricter laws regarding them just get to score political points by "standing up" to Trump.
If Trump really wants the lists, he could get them as a candidate.
You are severely underestimating the power of data if you believe that to be true.
Why doesn't Trump give us his tax returns?
Hogan is a fucking turd in MD. Shameful that he ever got elected. He wouldn't join the Climate Alliance either.
Why doesn't Trump give us his tax returns?
I totally agree, here's one Marylander who did NOT vote for Hogan.
Defend voting rights for all Americans
This administration's commission to investigate almost non-existent "voter fraud" is nothing more than a cover for them to suppress voting rightsto threaten the most powerful tool of citizenship we have with registration barriers, restricted early and absentee voting, and other laws that obstruct an inclusive democracy.
We can't let it happen. Say you'll defend this basic right today
Obama's old group.Anyone know what OFA is?:
The ones against.