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Trump Invites Rodrigo Duterte to the White House

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Just saw this on my feed.

New York Times

President Trump on Saturday invited the president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, to the White House, embracing an authoritarian leader who is accused of ordering extrajudicial killings of drug dealers and who crudely disparaged Mr. Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama.

Mr. Trump had a “very friendly conversation with Mr. Duterte,” according to a statement issued by the White House late Saturday. It said that the two leaders “discussed the fact that the Philippines is fighting very hard to rid its country of drugs.”

In fact, Mr. Duterte’s war on drugs has resulted in the deaths of several thousand suspected drug dealers, bringing condemnation from human rights groups and many Western governments.

A spokesman for Mr. Duterte, Ernesto Abella, confirmed the White House invitation, saying that Mr. Trump had expressed “his understanding and appreciation of the challenges facing the Philippine president, especially on the matter” of drugs.

He's going to praise Duterte's extrajudicial killings isn't he?

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Trump so wants to be a dictator. Its legit disturbing.

Thank God he is more stupid than his ambitions can carry him.


TBF, I wouldn't consider it unusual for the president (and I use the term loosely) to meet with the leader of a major ally. It's not like Obama hasn't met with a Saudi prince before...
You know, I get how the Philippines is a traditional U.S. military ally and critically important in maintaining American reach in the Pacific - not as important as Japan or even as crucial as Guam, but still.

Of course, the Trump administration has zero credibility here. So I just think that Trump likes dictators.
this could be a way for trumps coup detat. he could order his minions to shoot any democrat in the face during the war against the constitution


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
You know, I get how the Philippines is a traditional U.S. military ally and critically important in maintaining American reach in the Pacific - not as important as Japan or even as crucial as Guam, but still.

What? They made us vacate our Navy base in the early-'90s.


The President of a country that is steadily legalizing marijuana invites the dictator who is mass murdering his own civilians for enjoying the same to the White House.

Humiliating doesn't even begin to describe
LOL... this is too much.

When is Robert Mugabe getting an invitation?

The US has supported the Nguema regime in Equatorial Guinea for decades. That family has killed or displaced hundreds of thousands of innocent people. But they have oil, so Democrats and Republicans alike turn a blind eye. This sort of thing is nothing new.


Just waiting on the Putin invitation at this point.

Yeah, meeting the leader of the country with the biggest pile of nukes? Where will it end? Look I hate Trump as much as the next Gaffer but the US has long list of of having relations with deplorable countries. Every nation on the planet does. I don't consider this a big deal because it's not usual or unexpected. It's just foreign policy.


Yeah, meeting the leader of the country with the biggest pile of nukes? Where will it end? Look I hate Trump as much as the next Gaffer but the US has long list of of having relations with deplorable countries. Every nation on the planet does. I don't consider this a big deal because it's not usual or unexpected. It's just foreign policy.

So much for American exceptionalism. Just because everyone is being a shit doesn't give you an excuse to be one.

Scumbag countries don't deserve our friendship and should only be delt with as necessary.


Sucks at poetry
Hasn't Duterte literally murdered people with his own hands? I'm not sure the official White House policy should be anything other than stern condemnation.
Hasn't Duterte literally murdered people with his own hands? I'm not sure the official White House policy should be anything other than stern condemnation.

Well Trump probably reveres him because of that alone, he wishes he could kill someone with his tiny baby hands but they're too small to grip anyone's neck.


This gives me such a profound feeling of despair. Murdering thousands of people in their homes and on the streets isn't something to condemn or fight against apparently. That's left to volunteer Rights organisations with few resources. It's not only that he's meeting him; Trump is specifically praising the fucker for his murder campaigns. If the US government can't at least show international leadership in the "don't murder your citizens in great numbers" issue, then they can fuck right off from everything.


Extreme times call for extreme measures. Americans need to pause for a moment and consider if one bloated sociopath is worth the systematic destruction of the nation, and the ripple effect it will have. Act accordingly.


Goddamn, this pisses me off so much more than his usual antics. Must be how blatantly guilty Duterte is.

Meh, the American Right have become such snowflakes they don't even have the balls to deal with a lying con-artist. If we treated his class the way we do everybody else he'd be sitting in solitary in some private prison dungeon somewhere.
I cant believe this is happening. Just saw it on Facebook. Dude is a straight cold blooded murderer. I believe he has admitted to murder, right? WTF.
So when Charles Manson starts singing praises of our Great Leader Trump, and how good Trump is for America, and how much Trump improves the lives of all people and even inmates, will Trump arrange for Manson to come to the White House too?

The answer is yes.
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