What does that have to do with the FBI clearly being able to track down individual Russians without taking possessions of the DNC server.
It's people like you that make realize that my grandmother, who loved George Bush, hated Obama, and is OK with Trump, is actually pretty sane in her political beliefs. Because you are absolutely in love with internet conspiracy to the point where you may have some sort of mental health issue, all joking aside. The guy who made all of your Obama allegations of gay sex and etc, has a criminal record of 27 years. He has committed fraud repeatedly. He has 13 alias names because of his fraud attempts. But, yes, let's take his word that he had gay sex with Obama, because that certainly is a credible source when combined with Joan fucking Rivers.
The difference here is that all of the accusations made against Trump are based upon the shit that comes
out of his own mouth.
Trump is the one who said he could shoot someone in the street and lose no voters.
Trump is the one who signed a now public hush money deal with a porn star.
Trump is the one who said a latino judge shouldn't be allowed to sit on his case, which even Republicans called "textbook racism."
Trump is the one who is on tape saying he grabbed women by the pussy.
Trump is the one who endorsed an accused pedophile for Senate. None of these claims require some crack pot story from a 27 year criminal like your Obama stories do. The fact is that Trump has the most amount of
credible, factual instances of unethical behavior ever seen in a President. If all these things meant nothing to the average voter than why did Hillary have 3 million more votes than Trump despite her huge amount of baggage? Because plenty of "average voters" were literally disgusted by Trump.
And once again you are crapping words out your butt. Do you look up anything, ever? Like any statistics or data, ever? Trump has had the lowest average approval rating of any President on record. Specifically, Obama had an approval of 50% in his first year, and Trump is at 40%.
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/ Here you can see Trump's approval rating compared to past American presidents. Hint: he's doing horribly.