Am I currently talking to Alex Jones? Are you going to start telling me about gay frogs? So some backstory for those wondering what the fuck this guy is on about. Sinclair took a polygraph about his alleged gay sex/drug binge with Obama:
Ok fine, so he failed the test. Certainly he could just take another polygraph, this time one that's run by a third party! Oh,
I guess he's never done that, how unfortunate and surprising! Well let's get that limousine driver that was a witness to the Sinclair-Obama blowjobs!
No witnesses either. Darn. Well, as you said, must have rigged the polygraph due that libel case! Let's look at the court paper for it! ( Let's see. The owner, Daniel Parisi, was trying to sue Sinclair for damages since Sinclair claimed in a self-published book (the best kind!) that Parisi was bought off by the Obama administration to rig the polygraph against him. Parisi claims that this was damaging libel. What is the bar for proving libel in service of damages, according to the judge?
Oh, so for Parisi to win libel damages, he needed
evidence that Sinclair was
maliciously lying or using "reckless disregard" (i.e. showing
no interest if the information is true or not). Well, what was the evidence?
Oh, so Parisi lost the libel case because he had no evidence that Sinclair was
malicious. And since Sinclair asked Parisi, and a reporter, about this anonymous source info, he wasn't necessarily
wrecklessly reporting it. Sinclair's actions demonstrated
interest in verifying the phone call information, despite it
never actually being verified in the end. So this case has
nothing to do with Obama allegedly paying off the most well-regarded polygraph administrator in the world. It has to do with whether Parisi could prove Sinclair was being
malicious when making this claim in his book.
But wait, Sinclair asked that reporter, John Crewdson, to check out the anonymous tipper! Crewdson must've written a story about it, or at least something! *checks* Hmmm nope. Apparently the tipper told Crewdson the "same thing" as he told Sinclair. Which means the tipper gave Crewdson zero evidence and didn't reveal his identity, it was just another fun story time! How surprising that Crewdson, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, doesn't write salacious articles about polygraph bribery based upon a single anonymous tipper that could just as well be Sinclair using a voice masker on a cell phone.
Next let's address the Presidential approval ratings.
Rasmussen has a long history of strong right-leaning polls, just as other pollers like SurveyMonkey have a long history of strong left-leaning polls. You can read about it here: and here . To filter out polls that lean too hard left or right in their methods, there are poll aggregates like 538, who do a fantastic job in averaging out polls to give the most accurate number posssible. And if you start claiming 538 is biased, let me be clear, they were one of the
only polling places to accurately give Trump a near 30% chance of winning. Even Rasmussen had it in the bag for Hillary like most other polling places ( Trump's current aggregate rating is 42% approval while Obama's at this time was almost 48%. Nevermind that Trump wins the all-time record for worst approval rating for a President's first year. #Dealwithit "homie"