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Trump rakes in $10 million at first re-election fundraiser


Link: https://apnews.com/de6050f6126d4f54a7eef979998128f7/Trump-rakes-in-$10-million-at-first-re-election-fundraiser

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump was whisked a few blocks from the White House to the Trump hotel on Wednesday night for his first re-election fundraiser, where he raised an estimated $10 million behind closed doors.

Some 40 months ahead of the 2020 election, the president held court for about two hours at a $35,000-per-plate donor event at the Trump International Hotel. About 300 people were expected to attend the event, which was expected to raise about $10 million, said Lindsay Jancek, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee.

Security was tight at the hotel, where guests in long gowns and crisp suits began arriving around 5 p.m. But the event also drew critics. The president's motorcade was greeted by dozens of protesters, who hoisted signs with slogans like ”Health care not tax cuts" and chanted ”Shame! Shame!"

Trump's decision to hold a fundraiser at his own hotel again raised issues about his continued financial interest in the companies he owns. Unlike previous presidents who have entirely divested from their business holdings before taking office, Trump moved his global business empire assets into a trust that he can take control of at any time. That means that when his properties — including his Washington hotel — do well, he stands to make money.

Trump technically leases the hotel from the General Services Administration, and profits are supposed to go to an account of the corporate entity that holds the lease, Trump Old Post Office LLC. It remains unclear what might happen to any profits from the hotel after Trump leaves office, or whether they will be transferred to Trump at that time.

Under campaign finance rules, neither the hotel nor the Trump Organization that operates it can donate the space. It must be rented at fair-market value and paid for by either the Trump campaign, the RNC or both.
When the time comes, I don't believe it would be proper for a campaigning presidential front runner to select a nominee to replace any retiring supreme court justices. Just need to wait until after the next election.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
We have to win back the house in 2018 so we can finally impeach this grifter. There are so many different options to choose from for his impeachment


It was already confirmed a long time ago that this fundraiser was for the Republican party campaign in 2018. None of this is for trumps re-election that will happen in 2020. Fake news once again.
Between (eventually) repealing the Obamacare taxes on the rich and his (eventual) tax reform that will save them billions, what's a few million to throw ol' T's way?


The only thing I can get a little bit of comfort in is how he is swindling all these people out of money and coming up with ways to bank it. I'm going to die laughing my ass off if he announces he's not running for a second term.


It was already confirmed a long time ago that this fundraiser was for the Republican party campaign in 2018. None of this is for trumps re-election that will happen in 2020. Fake news once again.

Reading the source is hard
The first cut of the money raised goes to Trump's 2020 re-election campaign. The rest gets spread among the RNC and other various Republican entities. Having multiple beneficiaries is what allowed Trump to ask for well above the usual $5,400 per-donor maximum for each election cycle.


It was already confirmed a long time ago that this fundraiser was for the Republican party campaign in 2018. None of this is for trumps re-election that will happen in 2020. Fake news once again.
I sure hope you're trolling, junior.

The first cut of the money raised goes to Trump's 2020 re-election campaign. The rest gets spread among the RNC and other various Republican entities. Having multiple beneficiaries is what allowed Trump to ask for well above the usual $5,400 per-donor maximum for each election cycle.

Those contribution limits are likely to change because this fundraiser is so early that new donation limits for 2020 have not been set by the Federal Election Commission.
Edit: Beaten hard
It was already confirmed a long time ago that this fundraiser was for the Republican party campaign in 2018. None of this is for trumps re-election that will happen in 2020. Fake news once again.

You're about as nuts as the character in your username


It was already confirmed a long time ago that this fundraiser was for the Republican party campaign in 2018. None of this is for trumps re-election that will happen in 2020. Fake news once again.

Your username backwards is Sogylam. You're fooling no one!
It was already confirmed a long time ago that this fundraiser was for the Republican party campaign in 2018. None of this is for trumps re-election that will happen in 2020. Fake news once again.

So it's an RNC Fundraiser at a Trump Hotel that he leases from the US Government and the profits go to benefit him.

That's ok though?
It was already confirmed a long time ago that this fundraiser was for the Republican party campaign in 2018. None of this is for trumps re-election that will happen in 2020. Fake news once again.

The Republican party campaign just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about American culture (I'm an expert), but tax breaks and loyalty are huge parts of it. It's not like Democrats, where you can become successful by being corporate shills (#followteh$$$). If you screw your comrades over in the White House, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is ass-kissing repentance.

What this means is Trump, after reading this fake news, is not going to sign to the GOP's Congress bills again, nor will he invite them to his future Mar-a-Lago golden shower parties. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but the Republican party campaign has alienated the Trump empire with this move.

GOP, publicly apologize and fund the Trump campaign or you can kiss your Russian stock options and 2018 midterms goodbye.
It was already confirmed a long time ago that this fundraiser was for the Republican party campaign in 2018. None of this is for trumps re-election that will happen in 2020. Fake news once again.


dude, stop parroting that garbage line.


How stupid do you have to be to be throwing money at Trump like that. Just goes to show money can't buy decency, tact, or intelligence.


If he's already on campaign this early...are people allowed to raise a similar level of funds and use them against him at this time?


2020 will probably be worst than 2016. I expect a third party to fuck the Democrats and get Trump reelected.

Also, fundraisers like that are scams. No one is really giving money. It all gets paid back or tax deducted.

Edit: fuck I misread the prize of the toilet, in my defence I just woke up


He's neither going to include it into his, the GOPs campaign or his legal defense. He's propably gonna put it into a solid gold version of that fake Times cover or a diamond encrusted golfing set.


It was already confirmed a long time ago that this fundraiser was for the Republican party campaign in 2018. None of this is for trumps re-election that will happen in 2020. Fake news once again.

Uggh... they're among us, and just as dumb as i thought (maybe read before you post?).
2020 will probably be worst than 2016. I expect a third party to fuck the Democrats and get Trump reelected.

Also, fundraisers like that are scams. No one is really giving money. It all gets paid back or tax deducted.

I mean, that's partly what happened in 2016. Jill Stein largely fucked the democrats in a number of states and I find it very hard to believe that was unintentional. An investigation would almost certainly bring up some Russian ties.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I guess there are just that many rich shitheads who will donate to him.

It's kinda interesting how this guy just can't stop himself. He's obviously miserable as president. He's constantly stressed, angry, and exhausted. But he's full steam ahead when it comes to running for a second term, because stepping down or stopping at one term is just completely anathema to him. Probably because Obama made it two terms.

Well, either that or he's just fleecing all these donators and running away before the next election. He could very well be doing that.
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