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Trump: Same-Sex Marriage is "Fine", “It was settled in the Supreme Court."

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I honestly see a shit ton of LGBT people dropping protests if that's the case.

1) Don't believe his lies
2) Mike Pence
3) anti-LGBT leaders in cabinet positions for domestic affairs
4) Even if same-sex marriage was protected, they sure as shit are going to attack trans individuals. We're the next punching bag and anyone who is in the community and drops protest comes across to me as a "fuck you, got mine" shitbag. I wouldn't be surprised tho since some in the community don't give a fuck about the T in the first place.
I'm very curious of a case that somehow comes out with the ruling that abortion is ok in one state and not in another...

Well, in a state like NY or California which is far more liberal and less religious, it makes sense for there to be more Planned Parenthood centers than, say, deep-red Christian values Alabama or Oklahoma.

I'm not saying that it's a fair argument or even a good one, but I can see where the state-by-state basis makes sense as a compromise to the religious right. If they had their way, they'd outlaw it entirely, so this might be for the best. It would totally suck to be a woman in the South needing an abortion and having to travel hundreds of miles to get one, which is why this argument is stupid.


This guy is going to be a moderate president. I think he said outrageous things to get elected. It's tragic all the violence that has come from the outrageous remarks. Republicans who voted for him will likely feel betrayed. I don't think he's going to do any of the outrageous stuff he said he'd do

Best case scenario: hes a moderate and does no lasting damage.

Worst case scenario: we end up with Bush/Cheney 2.0, where Pence rules from the shadows ad Trump finds himself increasingly overwhelmed by having to be president.

Pence, as well as almost literally everyone on his short list, is not only far from moderate, but the insane kind of conservative.


i didn't realize trump's wishy washy opinions stopped the rest of the republican party from trying to fuck over people


He most certainly didn't during his campaign, for people who were paying it any attention.

The best-case scenario is he actively opposes or lies to his cabinet and party, becoming the moderate mole president that they didn't see coming and can't pass any of their bullshit through.

I have little faith that will happen.


As encouraging as that is, it isn't much considering who he's already surrounded himself with and the power they'll be given.


I honestly see a shit ton of LGBT people dropping protests if that's the case.

I don't, I doubt he's going to make any attempts to further LGBT rights in general, such as anti-discrimination laws, the works.

I'd like to see him prove me wrong on that though.


On the subject of overturning gay marriage legalization: “I would strongly consider that, yes,” he said in a January Fox News interview.

I know he always flips back and forth between statements, but I thought gay marriage was really a non issue for him. I'm really trying to give him a chance, but he's not making it easy.


Unconfirmed Member
As usual, Trump is inconsistent. Only thing we know is that we have no idea what he is actually going to do.

I expect him to be pretty passive in the end and basically be a yes-man to Pence and the Republican controlled congress.


I'd wager that Trump's willing to backpedal here because opposing marriage equality is a business-negative look. Chik-fil-a and mom and pop bakeries seem to be the only places that can really get away with it successfully nowadays. I mean, that's a 'probably wrong fact from my ass', but overall, the backlash towards visibly supporting the repeal of marriage rights seems to hurt more 'general population'-focused businesses than help them.

So, *crosses fingers* lets hope someone figures out how to make denying climate change sting bad enough that it negates the benefits of cozying up to energy companies.
4) Even if same-sex marriage was protected, they sure as shit are going to attack trans individuals. We're the next punching bag and anyone who is in the community and drops protest comes across to me as a "fuck you, got mine" shitbag. I wouldn't be surprised tho since some in the community don't give a fuck about the T in the first place.


“North Carolina did something — it was very strong — and they’re paying a big price,” Mr. Trump said. “And there’s a lot of problems. And I heard — one of the best answers I heard was from a commentator yesterday saying, leave it the way it is, right now.”

He added that before the law passed, there had been “very few problems” but now North Carolina is experiencing an exodus of businesses and “strife” from people on both sides of the issue.

“You leave it the way it is,” he said. “There have been very few complaints the way it is.”

North Carolina’s law, which also removed anti-discrimination protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and the backlash to it are now at the heart of the state’s hotly contested governor’s race.

Asked if the Trump organization employs any transgender people, Mr. Trump said he truly did not know, but added, “I probably do.” And in response to a follow-up question, he said that if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use a bathroom, he would be comfortable with her choosing any bathroom she wanted. “That is correct,” Mr. Trump said.


Incredibly Naive
As I've said it's been pretty obvious he is completely fine with gay marriage. This is why we don't want pence. When it comes to social issues regarding the lgbtq I don't see him having any adverse affects on their rights.
In conjunction with his recent rollout of a Catholic advisory group, Donald Trump articulated his dedication to a number of issues of critical importance to American Catholics, including his hard-line defense of religious freedom. Among his many promises, Trump pledged to sign the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) if Congress were to pass the legislation during his presidency. The bill — co-sponsored by Republican senator Mike Lee of Utah and Representative Raul Labrador, an Idaho Republican — is narrowly tailored to protect from government discrimination those religious Americans who believe that marriage is a union between one man and one woman.

Agreed, but this was him earlier this year.

“WALLACE: But -- but just to button this up very quickly, sir, are you saying that if you become president, you might try to appoint justices to overrule the decision on same-sex marriage?”

TRUMP: “I would strongly consider that, yes.”
He actually said nothing in a long-winded way here. Like, it sounds like what his supporters want to hear, but he could easily later say he "strongly considered" it but still decided not to do it.


I know it's foolish to think so but I do hope he doesn't repeal every single good thing we've gotten in the last 8 years.

I've accepted that the trade deals and climate bills are dead, that's just Republican agenda. Medicare will hopefully only take a hit but not go away completely.


He actually said nothing in a long-winded way here. Like, it sounds like what his supporters want to hear, but he could easily later say he "strongly considered" it but still decided not to do it.

In the same interview, he said the same about incarcerating Hillary based on his campaign rhetoric, preceded by "I don't want to hurt them."

I'm hoping "strongly considering" is Trump-speak for "don't think so."

Fox Mulder

As usual, Trump is inconsistent. Only thing we know is that we have no idea what he is actually going to do.

I expect him to be pretty passive in the end and basically be a yes-man to Pence and the Republican controlled congress.

He can flip flop all he wants, the party actually has true believers. His cabinet appointments, desire to overturn roe vs wade, and a republican controlled congress say enough.
1) Don't believe his lies
2) Mike Pence
3) anti-LGBT leaders in cabinet positions for domestic affairs
4) Even if same-sex marriage was protected, they sure as shit are going to attack trans individuals. We're the next punching bag and anyone who is in the community and drops protest comes across to me as a "fuck you, got mine" shitbag. I wouldn't be surprised tho since some in the community don't give a fuck about the T in the first place.

This. Words are simple and actions are a different story. His entire cabinet shows he actually doesn't give a fuck about LGBTQ+ issues. Even if he did, the people he's surrounded himself with and the party in general are going to grind that bit of resolution in him to dust. People shouldn't look so desperately for reasons he might actually be a stand up guy. He spent a year and a half showing his ass. Without pushback from marginalized groups, he's not going to move an inch from the GOP's regular heinousness, let alone become some kind of progressive anomaly.


Mike Pence must be furious right now


I don't believe for a second he'll hold this view.

He backtracked on that and said it was up to the states to decide. Because of course he did: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry...ina-bathroom-bill_us_571a50c5e4b0d912d5fe6dc1



I already know about this incident.
Trump literally only said from a business prospective it didn't benefit to fight against trans rights. And he only said that because of the protest against NC. That is not a statement of support for trans-rights. Not to mention how before we were on the cusp of being the next target anyway since same-sex marriage succeeded. The right-wing is wetting themselves at the prospect of punishing us right now.
Also, as the poster above me said, he backtracked on that.


...and his conservative supreme court selection(s) and senate will change those laws.

Nobody should be fooled by this. He is conning everyone, big shocker. Marriage equality is gone, it's only a matter of time.

This. This is no new news. He's powerless about this unless he explicitly uses this issue as a litmus test for SCOTUS nominee selection, which he certainly won't do.


There is some sort of bizarre accountability mania going on here where people will say "Just because I voted for him doesn't mean I support his horrible polices, I'm just giving him power." and then Trump himself will say "Hay just because I nominated those supreme court justices, doesn't mean I agree with their horrible policies. I'm just giving them power."

Like some horrifying political game of "I'm not touching you!"

Obnoxious and deadly.
Trump has pretty much always been in favor of LGBT rights, no matter what Washington Post tells you what to think.

He's indifferent at best. If he was pro LGBT, Mike Pence would not have been his running mate. He just regurgitates whatever he thinks would make the last person he spoke to happy.
America really has no idea who they elected.

On the contrary, we know exactly who we elected.


Michael Moore already said it. Trump is there as the "biggest fuck you in human history" to the people in power. He's the "human Molotov cocktail" that the American voters have thrown at Washington to "blow up the whole goddamn system".

Trump is the first American President who has no previous political or military experience. He is literally the wild card. In the Tarot Major Arcana, he is the Fool. He is the Joker, and he's there because enough Americans wanted to see the world burn on November 8th, 2016.


He's doing exactly what my friends who voted for him said he'd do, seems they were right. Yep. Everything's going as planned.


There is some sort of bizarre accountability mania going on here where people will say "Just because I voted for him doesn't mean I support his horrible polices, I'm just giving him power." and then Drumpf himself will say "Hay just because I nominated those supreme court justices, doesn't mean I agree with their horrible policies. I'm just giving them power."

Like some horrifying political game of "I'm not touching you!"

Obnoxious and deadly.



I'm never ever going to forgive the man for the things he's said publicly to get himself into the oval office. That said, I would be content with him being a moderate knowing it'd be a "fuck you" to all the fanatic shitbags who elected him, even if it wouldn't necessarily be a significant one.

It's really the cabinet he's picked that worries me more so.

It's just an elaborate troll for both sides; Trolling the left by saying all of those things and winning, then trolling the right by winning and not doing any of the things he said.

He's just holding up a mirror to society, man, we won't appreciate his brilliance until he's gone.



Say one thing, do another.

...and his conservative supreme court selection(s) and senate will change those laws.

Nobody should be fooled by this. He is conning everyone, big shocker. Marriage equality is gone, it's only a matter of time.

A lot of people in here are going to be shocked, just shocked when an all-Republican government passes something like First Amendment Defense Act, aren't they?

They don't need to overturn anything, they just need to protect people who are "just obeying their religion" to make Women's Health and LGBT+ rights nonexistent in this country.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
It's just an elaborate troll for both sides; Trolling the left by saying all of those things and winning, then trolling the right by not doing any of those things he said.

He's just holding up a mirror to society, man, we won't appreciate his brilliance until he's gone.


Oh, of course he's a total fucking idiot. What I'm saying is that if he manages to fumble in a way that fucks us over the least possible way (though I'm not holding my breath on that), I will be fine with that if that means spiting the Legion of Doom.
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