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Trump seems to have signed anti-porn pledge

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On Monday, advocacy group Enough Is Enough announced via press release that Donald Trump, serial woman-cherisher, had signed an anti-porn pledge, vowing to “prevent the sexual exploitation of children online,” and to “make the internet safer for all.” That really is something.

“Mr. Trump’s leadership and commitment to uphold the rule of law is demonstrated by his signing of the Children’s Internet Safety Presidential Pledge,” said CEO and President of the organization Donna Rice Hughes in a statement. “Governments can’t parent and parents can’t enforce the law. Parents alone cannot prevent internet crimes against their children.”

After the New York Post published nude photographs of his wife Melania Trump published in a 1996 issue of Max Magazine, the presidential candidate said, “Melania was one of the most successful models, and she did many photo shoots, including for covers and major magazines. This was a picture taken for a European magazine prior to my knowing Melania. In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common.”

These comments were published in an article dated August 1. The pledge was supposedly signed on July 16.

In a 2003 interview with Howard Stern, he objectified an intern (“By the way, your intern is incredible. Julie. It’s her first day. Get her out here, she’s amazing... Look at the face,” he said), discussed J. Lo’s butt (“I really like J. Lo but that ass is... I mean...”), and said that he had watched Paris Hilton’s sex tape even though he had known her since she was 12 and is close with her family.

While the Trump campaign has not responded to a request for comment regarding the press release’s veracity, Enough Is Enough’s website features a page dedicated to the presidential pledge, and allows visitors to see Trump’s signed copy of the pledge. The press release noted that the Clinton campaign declined to sign the pledge because of a policy against signing pledges, and that Gary Johnson’s campaign had failed to respond.

Trump likely signed the pledge (if he even knew what he was signing) because of the Republican party’s new platform position on pornography, which also declares it to be a “public health crisis.”

Trump losing that channer vote

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
What are they going to make you sign into "porno-net" with your ID? Doesn't sound feasible


Was he aware of what he was signing?
Either way, he'll just not keep his pledge, I think that's pretty clear at this point. Does he even believe in contracts?
Ever get the feeling perhaps Trump isnt crazy but he just secretly really doesnt want to be president so he is just doing the dumbest stuff that in theory should turn his voters away to try and get out of it?


There probably wouldn't be as big an issue with children and porn if

a) Education wasn't awful

How embarassing... penis... oolololo.... vagina.,..... lololo.... intercourse..... We can't say these things to kids in schools! Let us go with the storks bring babies nonsense.

b) Discrimination wasn't at alarming levels

Gay people do what? Oh dear God, praise Jesus, hail mary! The anus? Eat da poo poo? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjnrLt3VuSM

Lesbians? But how? You need a penis? Nah lesbians are just things you see on pornhub. They ain't real.

c) Parents weren't fucking idiots

Sex education is for schools. Wait what Bobby?! They showed you an erect penis and mentioned how a condom works?! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS YOU ARE 12 YEARS OLD. SEX IS FOR 40 YEAR OLD MARRIED COUPLES. LET US SUE THE SCHOOL.

d) Masturbation and biological urges weren't taboo

Again, parents, kids fucking masturbate. Stop being hypocritical douchebags. Sex is also used as a pleasurable act. Get a life. Simply encourage safe and respectful sex not abstinence because your sex life might be in the gutter. Also help in teaching porn is acting, and not everything you see is healthy or real.

So yeah, after that rant, can you blame kids unfortunately seeking out flawed answers online? Half of them probably don't know porn is acting in the first place.

Shame on Schools. Shame on parents. Shame on bigotry and LGBT abuses. Also America, stop being so fucking crazy about sex. I thought I had it bad in the UK growing up, America sounds like Bible Camp on steroids.

Also, just fuck Trump.
In all honesty, I don't think he cares about the subject. At most he just cares about getting support from the GOP institution. He will put anything they put in front of him to sign.

Trump is basically:


Work, work, work, work...
Ever get the feeling perhaps Trump isnt crazy but he just secretly really doesnt want to be president so he is just doing the dumbest stuff that in theory should turn his voters away to try and get out of it?

People keep saying that, but I feel like if that were true, he would drop out of the race. The counter to that is that he doesn't want to look "weak," but he could easily drop out and talk about how the thing is rigged, and then go on and give conspiracy theory style lectures about his experiences and how they were all against him and blah blah blah.

I think the simplest explanation is that Trump is campaigning in the general election the same way he was campaigning in the primaries: by catering to one particular group, the extreme right, in the hopes they will carry him to win the general. I think he wants to win, legitimately, but I also think he's become so self-typcast that he's sort of stuck.


It's both, but most likely using the former as a guise for the latter.

They want all pornography laws enforced more strictly.

I have the feeling the former is completely by accident if it is implied, as it would be difficult to find any mainstream candidate that doesn't oppose cp.


Have serious doubt someone as sexist and mysoginistic as Trump is anti porn. The creepy fuck wants to bang his daughter, that's literally one of the top categories on Pornhub right now.
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