GoldenEye 007
"Just cast my 3rd party vote. I'm totally confident Clinton will win."
"I also recognize that voting 3rd party takes away from Hillary. Won't make me vote for her though. I'm not voting for a candidate I dislike."
"I put a lot of weight on candidate's foreign policy as well and I think Hillary will be worse than Trump..."
"I don't make a distinction between Bush and Obama or a Trump and Hillary. In fact, I think Obama is actually WORSE than Bush. But at least with Bush, things were more overt. It's like the differences between dejure Jim Crow and defacto Jim Crow (redlining, steering, etc). Nothing really changed, but the most dangerous part of the latter is that, to some, it represented "progress" since the discrimination wasn't so overt."
"It only takes one accident. Just one. Where US downs a Russian plane or Russia downs a US plane and it could escalate. I don't think this scenario would play out now. But once Hillary gets in, I expect the chance of things getting out of control much higher."
"Basically, whether Hillary or Trump, we'll still have the same fascist elements in place and there will be the same amount of human suffering as there is now. The only difference is more people would see and be aware of it with Trump. It would be behind the scenes with Hillary (like it is with Obama)"
"She'd be Bush 3.0 though... 2.0 was Obama."
"I'm not voting in national elections anymore. I've totally given up on this (for a variety of reasons). I don't feel the need to participate any longer."
"I'm not necessarily opposed to Trump being elected..."
Lord have mercy.