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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’


Good turnout. My conclusion from this whole weekend is that there are a lot of people that dont wanna hear about black people's problems. And wont ever want to hear it.
So I can sum it up:

People are tired of politics and want an exit from it, even for just a little bit. Sports is an outlet for some people. This is why they're upset. It's not causing the desired effect, in which it's symobilism is catered towards a group of people that's probably not in the majority of the sport, and instead it's enraging the opposite group, and also starting to piss off fence sitters.

To be fair, the national anthem is not "just for the military" as some think. It's respecting the country itself that grants people the freedoms and opportunities they have. So it's insulting the thing that gives people these freedoms. Instead, the players should make a mark by speaking out to media post-game and throughout the week who will happily give them a soap box for clicks/views. It also doesn't help that this country is what gives them this opportunity for their career, which they're collecting checks from which is infuriating people. So, another good point would be for MORE of them to give their lions share of their earnings away to groups in need, not buy that new Lambo, boat, house. Not take a picture of themselves standing in front of a closet full of new sneakers never used sitting in their boxes.

So that's the gist of it all.

First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."


Wait, the locked arms thing is the anti-kneel? I'd thought it was Diet Kneel. Disappointing.
It’s a diet-kneel, but it seems people are thinking it’s about unity with each other.

Feels like some people still don’t want to acknowledge shit is bad. It’s not just about healing negativity over the kneeling. It’s about police brutality and social justice for minorities in this country.


Good turnout. My conclusion from this whole weekend is that there are a lot of people that dont wanna hear about black people's problems. And wont ever want to hear it.

Muh privleage is to see these negros beat their heads without getting all uppity , MUH FLUG
So I can sum it up:

People are tired of politics and want an exit from it, even for just a little bit. Sports is an outlet for some people. This is why they're upset. It's not causing the desired effect, in which it's symobilism is catered towards a group of people that's probably not in the majority of the sport, and instead it's enraging the opposite group, and also starting to piss off fence sitters.

To be fair, the national anthem is not "just for the military" as some think. It's respecting the country itself that grants people the freedoms and opportunities they have. So it's insulting the thing that gives people these freedoms. Instead, the players should make a mark by speaking out to media post-game and throughout the week who will happily give them a soap box for clicks/views. It also doesn't help that this country is what gives them this opportunity for their career, which they're collecting checks from which is infuriating people. So, another good point would be for MORE of them to give their lions share of their earnings away to groups in need, not buy that new Lambo, boat, house. Not take a picture of themselves standing in front of a closet full of new sneakers never used sitting in their boxes.

So that's the gist of it all.

Somehow I don't think you'd be upset it it was Blue Lives Matter politics instead of Black Lives Matter politics

You could always be a NASCAR fan


First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."

I think about this MLK quote a lot.


I can see that the narrative is starting to change to the brave white football players standing up to the peer pressure of their horrible minority teammates and taking a stand to do what's right and respect the flag and the anthem. They've shown that Pittsburgh player multiple times now.


Lotta soldiers *shot* protesters during Vietnam.

Some soldiers fight for a paycheck. Some fight because they wanna go on adventures and kill darkies. It’s actually ok to decline to venerate the military.

I agree, purity tests are dumb, kneeling doesn't make you a sinner and being a veteran doesn't make you a saint. It's upholding the values of the country that makes a person a patriot. And sitting in the oval office may give you the designation of President, but it's nothing without the values of the office.


Eagles talking about Trump

Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins on Trump comments: "Honestly it's no different from any troll who's been coming after me on social media for the past year."

Jenkins has been raising his fist in the air since Kaepernick started this.


Eagles DE Chris Long says if Donald Trump isn't ok with peaceful protests, "Maybe he should go lead another country."



Unconfirmed Member
It's funny how much liberals are lectured to be tolerant of other political beliefs, and yet some symbolic gesture during a national anthem is enough to ruin people's enjoyment of the entire sport.

If you really, really do not want to engage with politics for a day, it shouldn't be that hard to ignore it. It's not like they're talking about it every single play of the game. There's some political beliefs that would be hard to ignore, but why would this one be so outrageous?


And it has been posted every day for the last 10 months. Unfortunate that is where we are. Re-litigating issues our grandparents were discussing.

That's because we went into "everyone is equal" mode after the civil rights movement and not "white people have responsibility to fix things" mode
Pro-Trump group America First Policies will be using donors’ money to run ads supporting an NFL boycott. This money would otherwise be used on ads that urge senators to support Trump’s agenda, for example.


Oh my freaking ass.

The people that want "politics out of sports" would be just fucking fine if Trump himself came on just before a game and saying shit that pissed off liberals they hate. They don't want an escape from politics. They just don't want to think about feeling bad for the privilege they have or the bullshit this country does sometimes. They don't want politics out of sports. They want shit that doesn't agree with their worldview out of sports.

The other salient point to make is that for minorities, "racial politics" is their *life*. It never goes away and they have no safe spaces from it (or when they try to create them, reactionary shitheads bitch about it, which amounts to the same thing as keeping their very existence politicized).

The inconvenience for white people, however slight, is but a taste of what the average person of color must go through every day in all of their public interactions. It is important, then, that these protest movements penetrate the "safe spaces" that white people carve out to get away from politics or whatever. The message of injustice should be everywhere.
He cares so much about us disabled people, that he wants to make sure we are priced out of health insurance.
Makes my blood boil too.

Don't forget this beauty.

That the DoD paid for, btw.

I say this as a veteran, I'd love nothing more for the national anthem to no longer be played before sports events. It serves no purpose.

I also love all of these people who spout 'merica bullshit actually go to war. See what it's actually like, might open their fucking eyes up a bit.

Get back to me when you have at least a 150lb IED detonate less then 5 miles from your camp, get back to me when you see people that you know lose their leg from stepping on an IED. Get back to me when you hear air raid sirens every morning from rockets being flown into your camp.

Nothing pisses me off more when people spout how they support the military, but do jack shit for military members.

If you haven't gone to war, don't speak for military members.

Sorry for the tangent, but this whole thing just pisses me off.

i appreciate the tangent.


Lotta soldiers *shot* protesters during Vietnam.

Some soldiers fight for a paycheck. Some fight because they wanna go on adventures and kill darkies. It’s actually ok to decline to venerate the military.

Well their personal belief is irrelevant to me. This is what they signed up for whether agree, or not. Maybe they didn't read the fine print.


And it has been posted every day for the last 10 months. Unfortunate that is where we are. Re-litigating issues our grandparents were discussing.

Considering Trump literally lived through the Civil Rights movement, you'd think he'd at least know how to temper being in the public eye combined with being a racist and when/where it's best not to pour the gasoline unprovoked. But then again, he's lived a privileged life that's yielded incredible amounts of positive reinforcement so, guess I shouldn't be too surprised that he gets all coked up on cheers at his rallies and his true shit self emerges.


It's funny how much liberals are lectured to be tolerant of other political beliefs, and yet some symbolic gesture during a national anthem is enough to ruin people's enjoyment of the entire sport.

If you really, really do not want to engage with politics for a day, it shouldn't be that hard to ignore it. It's not like they're talking about it every single play of the game. There's some political beliefs that would be hard to ignore, but why would this one be so outrageous?

I saw tons of comments today about how people won't watch NFL because of players kneeling.
The other salient point to make is that for minorities, "racial politics" is their *life*. It never goes away and they have no safe spaces from it (or when they try to create them, reactionary shitheads bitch about it, which amounts to the same thing as keeping their very existence politicized).

The inconvenience for white people, however slight, is but a taste of what the average person of color must go through every day in all of their public interactions. It is important, then, that these protest movements penetrate the "safe spaces" that white people carve out to get away from politics or whatever. The message of injustice should be everywhere.
Well stated.


So... who did the best today?

I want to say steelers, but then I heard the coach speak. Standing up with linked arms isn't doing anything for me.


So... who did the best today?

I want to say steelers, but then I heard the coach speak. Standing up with linked arms isn't doing anything for me.

Yup. If anything, the one dude who went out of his way to leave the locker room made their gesture do more harm than good since you know that'll be maliciously co-opted.
First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."

He's not a moderate.


Yup. If anything, the one dude who went out of his way to leave the locker room made their gesture do more harm than good since you know that'll be maliciously co-opted.

He served in the military. The team was probably fine with it (or understood it) since I'm sure he insisted on going out there.
So I can sum it up:

People are tired of politics and want an exit from it, even for just a little bit. Sports is an outlet for some people. This is why they're upset. It's not causing the desired effect, in which it's symobilism is catered towards a group of people that's probably not in the majority of the sport, and instead it's enraging the opposite group, and also starting to piss off fence sitters.

Except this is a very ignorant position and it disregards how often sports and politics intertwine: whether it's the Summit Series where people saw Canada vs. Russia as the extension to the battle of Capitalism vs. Communism, or Muhammad Ali being ostracized for not wanting to fight in the Vietnam war, or Max Schemling vs. Joe Louis which became a fight of Aryan supremacy vs. perceived "inferior" race, or how Hitler saw the Olympics as a stage for Aryan supremacy and hardening the German spirit (in fact so much so that he did not acknowledge wins by non-Aryans). The list goes on and on.

Point being, it is stupid to think that sports is ever escapism because guess what, real life is a part of sports too.


I saw tons of comments today about how people won't watch NFL because of players kneeling.

This really calls into question what they like about sports in the first place.

Maybe somebody should make a fantasy football league that gives bonus points for kneeling. People would watch then!
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