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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’

Seth Meyers Closer Look about it was savage!


Holy shit at the look Randy Moss is giving Rex when he says he supported Trump



What is his long-standing grudge with the NFL? Was he in on the XFL with his bff Vince Mcmahon?

Back in the 80s he was a driving force in making the USFL switch from a spring schedule to a fall schedule to directly compete with the NFL, and possibly merge with the NFL the way the AFL did in the 60s.

Also he tried and failed to buy the Buffalo Bills a few years back.


"The only way out"

What the fuck does that mean? That clearly sounds like a goddamn threat.

I think he's implying that it's the only way for the NFL to get out of this media firestorm/controversy. Like he somehow thinks most of the US is taking Trump's side on this matter, so it's on the NFL to set the ship straight.


Can Wapo or the Times please do an oppo droppo so we can finally get President Dumbass to fuckin stop tweeting about the NFL?

I'd love for the media to move on to something else. At least they are now starting to cover Puerto Rico a little more.

No I hope Trump tweets more about it, NFL gets alot of eyeballs so a good place for protests


Really Really Exciting Member!
Isn't football the most popular sport in USA? Surely Trump going after NFL is not good in many american eyes. Or are Trump supporters so unredeemable that even if they're the biggest football fans, they'll side with him?


Isn't football the most popular sport in USA? Surely Trump going after NFL is not good in many american eyes. Or are Trump supporters so unredeemable that even if they're the biggest football fans, they'll side with him?

They'll side with him, yet still watch the NFL games.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Isn't football the most popular sport in USA? Surely Trump going after NFL is not good in many american eyes. Or are Trump supporters so unredeemable that even if they're the biggest football fans, they'll side with him?

Trump supporters have absolutely no problem being the biggest hypocrites in the world so they will side with him and talk shit about the NFL and pretend to boycott it but still watch.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Isn't football the most popular sport in USA? Surely Trump going after NFL is not good in many american eyes. Or are Trump supporters so unredeemable that even if they're the biggest football fans, they'll side with him?

Trump could probably say he rapes children and his supporters would do Olympic level mental gymnastics to paint that as a positive.


So, for real ... are the protests during the anthem actually unpopular? Is 45 siding with the majority opinion of Americans?


there is joy in sucking dick
They'll side with him, yet still watch the NFL games.

On an NPR segment today they were talking to Arizon fans in Phoenix. They interviewed one older married couple and the wife was adamant this would be the last game they watch this season, pretty angry. Then they go to the husband who's chuckling and says something akin to "uhhhh we'll play it by ear lol"


Trump could probably say he rapes children and his supporters would do Olympic level mental gymnastics to paint that as a positive.

I think the only thing Trump can do that would make his base turn on him is if he took a hard stance against white supremacists and started attacking them.
On an NPR segment today they were talking to Arizon fans in Phoenix. They interviewed one older married couple and the wife was adamant this would be the last game they watch this season, pretty angry. Then they go to the husband who's chuckling and says something akin to "uhhhh we'll play it by ear lol"
Oh, they’ll watch, just yell and sigh and curse at the screen in anger about “these knuckleheads” and “disrespecting the real heroes” when they see players kneel


Had a shower thought earlier, I don't really even understand the point Trump is trying to drive across(I do however understand the point he is actually driving across and denying), he really wants the NFL and it's teams to "fire" players who don't stand and salute for the anthem? That's essentially killing the NFL, because just about every team had a number of players that are going along with the protests, that are disagreeing with Trump. Nearly the whole league just gave Trump the middle finger this past weekend. To "fire" all those players would ensure the destruction of the whole league. Is that really what he wants?

His whole argument is extremely shallow, it's mind-blowing.

He like many fans root for laundry. It duwsbt matter who is actually on the field - we'll as long as the coach, QB, and middle linebacker are white.


I grok the point of the article, but I'm not comfortable equating Trump's behavior to that of dogs, as dogs are far better behaved and admirable than Trump is on his best day.

It's not about equating dogs with Trump as much as it's about our tendency to project complex emotions on creatures without the necessary level of self-awareness to have such emotions.

Dogs are clearly far less narcissistic than Trump.


So, for real ... are the protests during the anthem actually unpopular? Is 45 siding with the majority opinion of Americans?

Who gives a shit either way. We are not dictated by mob rule in this country. Peaceful protest will always bring out the worst in people who choose not to know better.


Isn't football the most popular sport in USA? Surely Trump going after NFL is not good in many american eyes. Or are Trump supporters so unredeemable that even if they're the biggest football fans, they'll side with him?

Facebook posts from NFL related content is filled with “boycotting the NFL now” responses. Kraft has a post about hurrcaine relief and the responses are the same. They say kneeling is disrespectful but flooding “boycot nfl” posts regarding hurricane relief is one of the most disrespectful things I’ve seen on that site. These people are scum; it’s not about “disrespecting” the flag to them. It’s about their inability to have compassion and their blind allegiance to the worst president this country has ever had.
Isn't football the most popular sport in USA? Surely Trump going after NFL is not good in many american eyes. Or are Trump supporters so unredeemable that even if they're the biggest football fans, they'll side with him?

I'm convinced a lot of Americans watch football to see Black men injure each other. (Although this might be a better explanation of college football than the NFL.)


Facebook posts from NFL related content is filled with “boycotting the NFL now” responses. Kraft has a post about hurrcaine relief and the responses are the same. They say kneeling is disrespectful but flooding “boycot nfl” posts regarding hurricane relief is one of the most disrespectful things I’ve seen on that site. People are scum; it’s not about the flag. It’s about their inability to have compassion and their blind allegiance to the worst president this country has ever had.

Yeah this is pretty annoying, like the NFL power rankings posts aren't full of the usual smack talk, instead it's a bunch of jackoffs claiming "the NFL sucks, I'm not watching anymore, yada yada yada!" Like, can't we go back to smack talk, go back to talking about how the Patriots suck?
Not sure if posted but CNN asked some Trump voters how they feel about him taking on this issue.

Now while I have to applaud them for actually being introspective and noticing the stark difference between how Trump is handling this issue compared to Charlottesville I don't have enough LOLs in me to cover the fact that each and every one of them pulled a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ when asked why they believe Trump had harsher language for the NFL players than the Nazis.



Yeah this is pretty annoying, like the NFL power rankings posts aren't full of the usual smack talk, instead it's a bunch of jackoffs claiming "the NFL sucks, I'm not watching anymore, yada yada yada!" Like, can't we go back to smack talk, go back to talking about how the Patriots suck?

What is actually hilarious is they keep talking about boycotting the NFL...on the nfl page, on the nfl social media pages, yesterday during the game they were attending and watching. Come Sunday, they’ll be yelling for 3 hours at the TV how they’re boycotting the NFL as they watch it.
This has been without question the dumbest few days of Facebook ever. And that includes Chewbacca Mom.

If there's anything at all positive to take from this trump presidency it's the collapse of the right wing worldview. Trump has effectively exposed the stupidity and hypocrisy of these folks on practically every issue since taking office.


The funny thing with people complaining that athletes or actor or comedians (Jimmy Kimmel recently) shouldn't voice their political opinion, is that they are basically shooting themselves in the foot. If public figures can't say anything because they are "only" entertainers/don't know enough about the subject/it's not their job, what does that say about the people commenting? If someone on TV can't say what they want, shouldn't comment sections be removed too? I thought these people were fighting for free speech.. oh.. right...

“Stick to ____” became dead when a reality television host became president.
What is his long-standing grudge with the NFL? Was he in on the XFL with his bff Vince Mcmahon?

He was a team owner in the USFL and strong armed the league into competing directly with the NFL, which never happened because the league went broke after he pursued an anti-trust case against the NFL, which he won but was only awarded $3.

Also he tried to buy the Bills a few years ago but the league pretty much blocked him.


This has been without question the dumbest few days of Facebook ever. And that includes Chewbacca Mom.

Yeah, apparently I'm related to a bunch of racist shit heels. I have a bunch of relatives on my Grandmother's side I've never met, and she keeps liking all these posts they are making about the protests. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills and I'm the only one out of all my friends and family that supports taking a knee.
He was a team owner in the USFL and strong armed the league into competing directly with the NFL, which never happened because the league went broke after he pursued an anti-trust case against the NFL, which he won but was only awarded $3.

Also he tried to buy the Bills a few years ago but the league pretty much blocked him.

I don't think the league blocked him, I thought he was just flirting with the idea the whole time and would never actually commit?
The great thing about this whole protest is that logically, it doesn't bother anyone. They aren't infringing on anyone's right to stand or whatever. It doesn't effect those negatively speaking out against it either. They're essentially pissed at someone that has a right to do said thing BECAUSE of the flag.


The great thing about this whole protest is that logically, it doesn't bother anyone. They aren't infringing on anyone's right to stand or whatever. It doesn't effect those negatively speaking out against it either. They're essentially pissed at someone that has a right to do said thing BECAUSE of the flag.
That’s like everything that upsets conservatives. They are upset at gay people for existing, upset at minorities for protesting, upset at transgender people for choosing their own destinies. They’ll always turn the ability for other people to live freely into some kind of assault on their rights.
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