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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’


I don't think the league blocked him, I thought he was just flirting with the idea the whole time and would never actually commit?

Yeah the NFL didn't block him, he was outbid. He later claimed that he was grateful he didn't win the bid, because after the failure he decided to run for president.


Trump's football interest outlived the league. In 2014 he even bid on the Buffalo Bills. He says he offered $1 billion, all cash. Fracking magnate Terry Pegula landed the team instead for a reported $1.4 billion. "I'm glad, because if I bought the Buffalo Bills, I probably would not be doing what I'm doing now, which is much more important," says Trump. "I would have done a good job with the team, but I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now. So you understand. Now, that's today. I'm No. 1 in the polls. Ask me that question in two months; who knows, right?"
This is incredible.

I knew I would hear about this at work once I saw the Cowboys take a knee. What I didn't realize was that I would hear craziness as I was walking in the door.

One of my coworkers was on the phone outside canceling his service with Nationwide. Then he tells me he's done with Papa John's and then the NFL. He's definitely being less rational then usual.
What did I miss? What does Nationwide and Papa John's have to do with all this mess?


family members continuing to show their ass while pretending to be in support

yall got people who claim to support equality yet drape themselves in whatever they can to undermine the protests? how do yall combat that thinking without just flipping out?

is standing behind an oppressed people screaming out for help not the easiest fucking reason to support these protests?

this shit is infuriating
The funny thing with people complaining that athletes or actor or comedians (Jimmy Kimmel recently) shouldn't voice their political opinion, is that they are basically shooting themselves in the foot. If public figures can't say anything because they are "only" entertainers/don't know enough about the subject/it's not their job, what does that say about the people commenting? If someone on TV can't say what they want, shouldn't comment sections be removed too? I thought these people were fighting for free speech.. oh.. right...

Anyway, as a european this whole thing is a bit weird. First of all, why do you have the national anthem playing before a game at all? We only play national anthems when two countries meet in a sport, not on club level.

Secondly, why is the flag and the national anthem automatically linked to the army, veterans and police etc. and not teachers, doctors, social workers etc.? It feels so brainwashy it's scary. Support the army no matter what, even though they send their soldiers to unnecessary wars and don't give veterans the help they need. If I would be completely pessimistic, there's something with the timing of Trump. He stirs up the beef with NK and then goes on a nationalistic/racist rant against the NFL. It reminds me of the "if you're not with us, you are against us" from George W. Bush before the Iraq war.

Thirdly, it blows my mind how right wing media spins anything. It's a fucking cancer you need to get rid off.
You basically typed all of my thought on this as well and I'm not European, but Mexican. This is so bizarre.

And yes, stop playing the anthem for ever NFL game. Save it for the Super Bowl or special ocasions.


Last week a guy literally won a court case to give him the right to burn the flag, a right given to him by the Constitution. This is a non issue that racists want to make into something bigger. It's a simple protest but racist whites really showing off how much they want to hold down minorities.
He was a team owner in the USFL and strong armed the league into competing directly with the NFL, which never happened because the league went broke after he pursued an anti-trust case against the NFL, which he won but was only awarded $3.

Also he tried to buy the Bills a few years ago but the league pretty much blocked him.

The USFL was so much fucking fun. It was just a great product. My dad would take me to Memphis Showboats games after we moved there from the midwest.

Then Trump fucking ruined it. Even as a kid in the '80s I knew Trump was a scummy piece of shit.


Unfortunately it appears that the majority of Americans agree with trump about the flag/anthem protests. :(
Anything that raises awareness of discrimination or attempts to improve the condition of minorities in the US will be opposed by the majority of the nation.
Isn't the NFL and all those pro Trump owners thrilled that the orange shitstain won and gave them this PR nightmare in exchange for their support?

There's no denying the NFL will survive this unscathed eventually but man, what a shitshow they must be going through. I hope they're cursing Trump's me under their breaths.


You know something is wrong with this when a pompous blowhard like Nick Wright who consistently gets so much wrong, can be so on point with this issue


You know something is wrong with this when a pompous blowhard like Nick Wright who consistently gets so much wrong, can be so on point with this issue
What’s wrong is that it’s so easy to say what Nick did. It’s depressing how hard it is for some people.





A lot of truth being dropped... also shamelessly stole this image from a twitter reply...

At this point NFL is a religion to a lot people. Like you said they say one thing and do another. I don't watch the NFL anymore. Only thing I do is check scores online to see if my team won or not. I might try to ignore it altogether though.

Tom Brady and Michael Strahan have a series called Religion of Sports on this topic. It's pretty good.


What’s wrong is that it’s so easy to say what Nick did. It’s depressing how hard it is for some people.

I'd settle for being depressed if all this wasn't terribly disgusting. The mass buy-in for this ridiculous deflection about patroitism to avoid/muddy the waters about racial inequality is just disgusting. From top to bottom. From the president himself all the way down to the people who can't hold back their racist rhetoric when their beloved sport gets hampered with social issues. It's a bigger blight on this country than if Kaep/athletes were actually genuinely protesting the flag/anthem
That’s like everything that upsets conservatives. They are upset at gay people for existing, upset at minorities for protesting, upset at transgender people for choosing their own destinies. They’ll always turn the ability for other people to live freely into some kind of assault on their rights.

Conservatives legitimately believe that freedom in America means the freedom to live exactly how they live and not any other way. You're free to believe in whatever God you want as long as he is white and his son is Jesus. You're free to love whoever you want provided you stay within your race and outside your gender, of which there are exactly two. You can protest, provided I can't see or hear you, and let's face it, if you're going to protest, really you should just leave the country, because who could complain about the perfection that is the greatest country on Earth? Conservatives have wrapped themselves in the flag so tightly it's cutting off oxygen to their brain.
Isn't football the most popular sport in USA? Surely Trump going after NFL is not good in many american eyes. Or are Trump supporters so unredeemable that even if they're the biggest football fans, they'll side with him?

These are black men using their platform to protest police brutality against American citizens of colour. Who do you think Trump supporters are going to side with?

Its wrong to do it in the streets.
Its wrong to do it in the tweets.

You cannot do it on the field.
You cannot do it if you've kneeled.

And don't do it if youre rich,
You ungrateful son of a bitch.

Because there's one thing that's a fact,
You cannot protest if you're black.

edit: another great line regarding Stevie Wonder kneeling and being called an "ungrateful black" for it -
When a white billionaire spends a year screaming that America is a disaster, he's in touch with the country. But when a black man kneels quietly, he should be grateful for the successes America has allowed him to have?


edit: another great line regarding Stevie Wonder kneeling and being called an "ungrateful black" for it -
When a white billionaire spends a year screaming that America is a disaster, he's in touch with the country. But when a black man kneels quietly, he should be grateful for the successes America has allowed him to have?

"ungrateful" is the new "uppity"
Its wrong to do it in the streets.
Its wrong to do it in the tweets.

You cannot do it on the field.
You cannot do it if you’ve kneeled.

And don’t do it if youre rich,
You ungrateful son of a bitch.

Because there’s one thing that’s a fact,
You cannot protest if you’re black.

edit: another great line regarding Stevie Wonder kneeling and being called an "ungrateful black" for it -
When a white billionaire spends a year screaming that America is a disaster, he's in touch with the country. But when a black man kneels quietly, he should be grateful for the successes America has allowed him to have?

God, I hate that North Korea "argument". That's like the defacto response you always hear. "Oh, they should be grateful they're not in North Korea, or else they'd be punished for protesting." You know, while those people exclaim how the players should be punished for protesting

Counterpoint: They should not be grateful because here you get murdered for being black by the state, in North Korea at least it's equal opportunity so you would have just as much chance as someone else.

Chris R

So, I sometimes listen to talk radio on my lunch break to really get a better understanding of what the right can believe on certain topics.

Today of course, the discussion was all about the NFL.

Caller: "You can't be American and disrespect this country or it's flag. We should just send them all back to Africa."

Host: "I agree with your first statement, but please, don't head down the racist path."

Caller: "I don't think it's racism to send them back to Africa."

Host: "Well, ok, what do you do about the non-black players who participated?"

Caller: "Can I use the n word?"

I fucking KID YOU NOT, this exact bit played out on radio not more than 10 mins ago... Old ass racists are destroying this country. People more now than ever need to make sure their asses are in the ballot booth for EVERY election, city to national.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Woah. I want to see more of that guy tackling other issues. Great presence and points.

Damn straight, he's on point.

Nick Wright is great. He was doing that kind of stuff on local sports radio 4-5 years ago here in Houston, so he's not just some new comer either.

i almost threw up in my mouth when the Daily Show showed the news clips of white talking heads talking about this shit.


Neighbours from Hell
I don't believe anyone other than casual "I watch football every once in a while whenever I have the time" fans are actually boycotting the NFL. Football is just as addictive as smartphones. If an Apple exec came out and trashed Trump, I'm sure a lot of hardcore right wingers would say "I'm never using an Apple product again!" Yeah, sure you aren't. Your face will be right back in that phone in about 20 minutes. You're all addicted and can't help yourselves.

Maybe I'm cynical(for lack of a better term) but most people in this world are slaves to their favorite forms of entertainment. Even scientifically in recent years these things have been proven to literally be addictive like actual drugs. So, yeah... basically what I'm getting at is all this boycott stuff is all for show trying to make a point and promote an agenda. Every die-hard NFL fan who was before will still be and won't be able to help themselves. That's my theory anyway.

On a side note, this whole thing just brings to light one of my biggest pet peeves of people in this country, and it's probably not just this country but the world. Why does anyone care what other people think about certain issues who you don't even know? If some dude who you never met wants to kneel for a flag, why the fuck does anyone care?

It's like if you tweet out or post on a message board "I think ____ team is going to lose this game on Sunday" people will freak out. "Dude, you think they're going to lose??? Some fan you are! Go root for someone else!"

It's like why the fuck do you care what I think about the outcome of this game? How does it affect your life. The amount of time people spend in this country on worrying about what people you don't even know and have never met think about certain issues is mind-boggling.


Its wrong to do it in the streets.
Its wrong to do it in the tweets.

You cannot do it on the field.
You cannot do it if you’ve kneeled.

And don’t do it if youre rich,
You ungrateful son of a bitch.

Because there’s one thing that’s a fact,
You cannot protest if you’re black.

edit: another great line regarding Stevie Wonder kneeling and being called an "ungrateful black" for it -
When a white billionaire spends a year screaming that America is a disaster, he's in touch with the country. But when a black man kneels quietly, he should be grateful for the successes America has allowed him to have?
The paragraph is white man privilege in a nutshell.
Caller: "You can't be American and disrespect this country or it's flag. We should just send them all back to Africa."

Host: "I agree with your first statement, but please, don't head down the racist path."

Caller: "I don't think it's racism to send them back to Africa."

Host: "Well, ok, what do you do about the non-black players who participated?"

Caller: "Can I use the n word?".



I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
If you don't think "world's largest prison population" is a "disgrace to America" then fuck you you're a goddamn fascist.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
That sentence right before the one you quoted though:

Oh the irony. And I'm pretty positive the Saints will get on just fine without this dipshit watching or attending.

Great opportunity eh? He says it like they don't belong in the NFL. Like they didn't work hard for it.
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