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Trump Used Charity Funds to Settle Legal Problems

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Being the filthy socialist Canadian that I am can some explain something to me, can this guy just do what ever he wants because money?

I mean, where is the line drawn?

I would honestly like to see if he can indeed "shoot" someone and get away with it...
Is interesting to see that everything he accuses other of being is some sort of reflection on him:

Birther - His current wife real Situation as an Immigrant,

Crooked Hilary - His Shady Business dealing make him Crooked Don.

Lying Ted - This one doesn't need explanation.

Thank you.
Dont forget the latest one, "ISIS is hoping, praying Hillary gets elected!"

This is rovian tactics from hell.
Teflon Don keeps getting away with it just because Hilldawg coughed out a mucus ball into a glass of water

The media will blurb this then forget about it the next day to ensure the horserace narrative
Being the filthy socialist Canadian that I am can some explain something to me, can this guy just do what ever he wants because money?

I mean, where is the line drawn?

I would honestly like to see if he can indeed "shoot" someone and get away with it...

Two things give you immunity in this country- money and a badge*.

*must be white


When he said Hillary used the state department like a personal piggy bank, he was projecting on what he will do


Are you telling me that literally every single thing that Trump has accused Hillary of doing, instead Trump has done?

God, fuck this excuse for a man.


I'm not even shocked anymore, I mean, it's absolutely disgusting but kind of impressive at the same time. This dude is just working the system and those who seek to gain the least from him becoming President are lapping his shit up.

Well least financially, I would honestly be terrified if I was anything but white-Christian.

The Kree

These Donald Trump is a Piece of Shit threads don't get old. It's like watching human devolution in real time. Every story is worse than the one before, each new comment more heinous than the last.


And his momentum continues. People just don't give a shit as long as they aren't led by a woman.
That should be the takeaway. No more "(liberal commentator) DESTROYS Trump with the coldest ether" stories. None of it works. None of it matters unless some sort of formal indictment comes between now and November.

The lowest he got was a combination of Hillary getting a convention bounce plus the embarrassing episode with the Gold Star family. That's the only scandal or controversy or gaffe or heinous act that pierced his force field. And we've seen a near full recovery from it.

None of this matters because those voting for him don't care, and those not voting for him weren't going to be sitting on the fence about voting for him but for this or that scandal.

God help us if he surpasses the strategically set low expectations for these debates and appears collected enough to convince the remaining right wing voters not thrilled with him to swallow the medicine and pull the lever.


This should be headline news, but it's not. Instead we have celeb divorce headlines. Trump is a conman covered in cheetos and shame. I don't know how much faith I have left in other Americans anymore. At least we know part of the reason why he won't release his taxes.
Trump is literally a criminal and there are still people that think his personality can be ignored and wont affect his "strong" platform to make america great again.

Some people really choose to be blind so that their sports team can win.

That only applies to low/mid income people. For rich people it's a loop hole! Trump is going to close all the loopholes by building yuuuuge wall that racially profiles Muslims entering so that the police have the tools they need to do all the raping. It's absolutely disgusting what Hillary is doing!

Critical hit
The absurdity of out nation today. When a black man is gunned down by police officers everyone is looking for anything to besmudge their character. Both our presidential candidates break or have broken the law in significantly more serious ways (In trumps case seemingly often) and the message we send to the nation is. "Yea but it's not the same when you're a high profile person. You totally can still become president of the most powerful country in the world. No problem."

I really don't know what it would take to make it so someone like Trump would be untenable as a candidate. He'd probably have to come out and say "I'm an atheist" for that to happen.


Fuck this and everybody enabling that bullshit. What is wrong with this country?

Short answer: Greed.

The media keeps handling Trump with kid gloves because they desperately want this race to seems like a close one, because a close race equals higher ratings which equals more money.


It's so sad that these two are our candidates for President. Says a lot about our country.
"Trump smears feces on his face"

Man it sucks we have such terrible candidates

"Trump yells every known racial slur onstage"

I really wish we had better options

"Trump repeatedly slams baby's head in a car door"

The two party system is so stupid


Oh now I remember what this reminds me of, Bernie Ecclestone settling his bribing allegations in court by paying a fine instead lol.
"Trump smears feces on his face"

Man it sucks we have such terrible candidates

"Trump yells every known racial slur onstage"

I really wish we had better options

"Trump repeatedly slams baby's head in a car door"

The two party system is so stupid

LOL Toxi this is gonna make me laugh for a while


Kills Photobucket
Wow this is the first I've heard of this.

And thanks to our incompetent media, this will no doubt be the last I hear of it as well.
How is this not fraud or some form of tax evasion?
Again, I'll question the intelligence of anyone who thinks that guy isn't going to do the same with public funds if he gets the opportunity.

These Donald Trump is a Piece of Shit threads don't get old. It's like watching human devolution in real time.
That's a fine point for The Kree to make.


Can you imagine if the Clinton's had gotten fined and had funds from their charitable foundation used to solve their problem?

The double standards are out of this world.
This a million times. Where's the outrage and wall to wall coverage in the press?


Scumbag. This better fucking stick, I want to hear from his mouth multiple times the rationale behind cutting checks from charitable donations for personal matters. Yet I have so little faith in the media at this point to call this guy out, even when it comes to blatantly illegal practices.
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