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Tsilon Version 2.0: The Arcademy


How do I do that for the Flappy Bird one? I can get a screenshot of my high score - 44 or so - but how do I show a username...put it on paper, then get a picture of the high score and the phone?

For mobile games we tend to just allow direct screencaps to be submitted. If the game supports Google Play / Game Center leaderboards like this one, then screenshot the logged in leaderboards view.

edit: http://arcademy.net/forum/index.php/topic,157.msg1398.html#msg1398


How are we supposed to take screen shots of exact moments like that? Beating bowser in 6-4 with firepower? You need to screen grab the exact second Bowser dies. The only way that's even possible is if you have someone else in the room with the camera ready. Either that or you use an emulator with save states which defeats the purpose.


How are we supposed to take screen shots of exact moments like that? Beating bowser in 6-4 with firepower? You need to screen grab the exact second Bowser dies. The only way that's even possible is if you have someone else in the room with the camera ready. Either that or you use an emulator with save states which defeats the purpose.

Pause as you''re about to hit the axe.

But we've never demanded absolute frame-perfect screenshots. If we can reasonably believe the task was completed, it will be accepted.


For the SMB challenge I submitted a screenshot of my post on Miiverse. Hope that does the trick.



I sent a PM as well.

I logged onto tsilon again to reconfirm my levels and stuff. And found that they are still doing challenges... which are until the end of time.

What is the exact relation between this and tsilon?


Who do I msg to get my level etc... carried over from tsilon? I was level 52 there

Oops, level 55

PM sent

Thanks! The reattachments will be done as a batch. Until then, the site can be used as normal. The reattachment process will keep anything you've done so far.

It should also be noted that the front page now exists.
nice to see the spiritual successor to Tsilon finally get going. im guessing I wont need to hand out invitations to friends like last time?


Been waiting for my Brothers entry to switch off 'pending' for days now so I guess it's the spiritual successor of Tsilon in more ways than one lol


Had to finish a couple of backend features and style the confirmation emails before they could be processed. Should all be going out now.


hmm my tsilon login doesnt seem to work.

how can we transfer over stuff to the new account on this site? or is there even a way to do that?


Mine didn't work either. I signed up for a new account and got an automated welcome message. I replied to that asking about my tsilon account and he replied to say they'll do it in a batch update.


Mine didn't work either. I signed up for a new account and got an automated welcome message. I replied to that asking about my tsilon account and he replied to say they'll do it in a batch update.

Private message me over at Arcademy with your new account and as many details as you can remember for your old account (name and email work great).

At some point in the near future, everyone will be re-attached to their old data that has sent a message. The most important thing you will be keeping is Lives, and you'll be able to use those lives you earned in the old word on Arc.

Sorry for the small hoop we have to make you jump through to keep your old data, but it is how it is.


How do you know your stuff is transferred over properly? I don't see anything regarding my lives but I see something about "completing challenges in the old world"


How do you know your stuff is transferred over properly? I don't see anything regarding my lives but I see something about "completing challenges in the old world"

When it's done you'll have a little badge in your profile, you'll see Legacy Challenges in your challenge log and Legacy Dailies in your daily log. If you have lives, it'll show those too, wherever those will be shown.

If you already see Legacy Challenges, you're already good to go.
I had to register a new account and sent a PM when I did a while back on the arcademy forum. I'm guessing that you don't verify that with a reply since there's probably a ton of PMs that flow through your inbox.

I totally haven't had the inclination to do any of the trials this week haha...maybe I'll procrastinate some more and start next week. Good to know that the trials have expiry notices and are updated pretty well this time around.
Plans around that side of the site are still coming together. We know people didn't like how we'd say something and have it not pan out (I read every single post in that other thread), so we're going to avoid saying stuff until it's locked down tight now, especially since we'll have more control over the entire thing.

Trials will start next week with all new grade system, in the meantime.

Any updates yet? I'm really hoping for something that rivals the $20 pre-order discounts that were available on Tsilon through Futureshop. I'll never pay $70 for a game, and I'll probably never pay $60 either. So sites like this are one of my only chances to buy new release games.


Any updates yet? I'm really hoping for something that rivals the $20 pre-order discounts that were available on Tsilon through Futureshop. I'll never pay $70 for a game, and I'll probably never pay $60 either. So sites like this are one of my only chances to buy new release games.

Seems like their partner this time around is EB so.... yeah. :S


EB, lol.

Did anyone get their level/lives transferred yet that was going to have theirs manually added?


Any updates yet?

boring paperwork stuff still being worked through

Did anyone get their level/lives transferred yet that was going to have theirs manually added?

No transfer of my old world stats yet.

Canabalt challenge is ruining me. >_<

Yeah, my stats haven't transferred over yet either.

I haven't done the transfers yet. Do not worry about it. I have to write all the stuff to handle it, and have to fix / make stuff now then do that during the next lull.


Unconfirmed Member
I haven't done the transfers yet. Do not worry about it. I have to write all the stuff to handle it, and have to fix / make stuff now then do that during the next lull.

No problem. It's not like I'm missing out on anything without my old world data at this point so it's fine.


tagged by Blackace
So.. will this new Tsilon ever have rewards worth putting time into? Wasn't much time before the old site became nothing more than a playground for challenge junkies or a place for EGM92 to get pissed at GAFers for criticizing.


Wasn't much time before the old site became nothing more than a playground for challenge junkies or a place for EGM92 to get pissed at GAFers for criticizing.

Steadier flow of rewards for our players is part of the plan. Of course, "worth your time" is going to be subjective. The old world had one too many rugs pulled out from under it, so the fire was kept stoked hoping for things to come back around, and never did.

You'll be hearing about it for sure once that stuff is all locked in. And if you're from the old world we have stuff in mind where old worlders get first dibs or some sort of other bonus.



Sorry for the extremely short notice, but if there was a post or PM you want to keep from the old world, you should go and copy it off to a text file like.. right now. As soon as possible.


You had to be certain levels like 10, 20, 30, or 40 to get perks and invites to give to other people that gave you bonus point multipliers. I don't even think you could access the forums or do challenges till you'd reached level 10 from answering trivia questions. Challenges were usually around 1000 points and sometimes a 1up depending on how difficult they were, and the daily trivia questions gave 100 points usually. You needed like 12K points to reach level 20, 29K to reach level 30, or 58K for level 40.

I'm not really too sure how the points and levels will translate over from tsilon, since all the challenges I've done so far have only given 100 or 150 points for getting an A, which seems like so few points for so much work: it would be impossible to ever level up really high if the point requirements are the same as tsilon. But there may not be any practical reason to level up on arcademy, so it may not matter that much.


So I think I'm almost at level 2. Can someone explain how Tsilon used to reward users and what leveling up meant?

Basically, as you leveled up you got access to perks. While I was there, it was usually 20 dollars of a pre order for a new retail game from futureshop. I joined tsilon in 2012, as they were giving away free copies of Assassins Creed 3 to anyone who registered at fan expo in toronto.

It kinda died out mid 2013, and I assumed the site had died since activity was lowered. Glad to see it returned in some form.


You had to be certain levels like 10, 20, 30, or 40 to get perks and invites to give to other people that gave you bonus point multipliers. I don't even think you could access the forums or do challenges till you'd reached level 10 from answering trivia questions. Challenges were usually around 1000 points and sometimes a 1up depending on how difficult they were, and the daily trivia questions gave 100 points usually. You needed like 12K points to reach level 20, 29K to reach level 30, or 58K for level 40.

I'm not really too sure how the points and levels will translate over

The progression is different on Arcademy. Scaled differently as well. A 1000xp challenge in the old world is roughly equivalent to a 100pt trial on Arc. Points needed for levels are scaled with that.

You keep your old levels and exp as legacy data, which you can look at and we have some neat stuff we'd like to do with those that have it. Lives come over and will be spendable. Points are Arc's xp.
The progression is different on Arcademy. Scaled differently as well. A 1000xp challenge in the old world is roughly equivalent to a 100pt trial on Arc. Points needed for levels are scaled with that.

You keep your old levels and exp as legacy data, which you can look at and we have some neat stuff we'd like to do with those that have it. Lives come over and will be spendable. Points are Arc's xp.

Cool. Do you think you'll have any perks to announce before E3? I'm itching to pre-order about 5 games and will do so from EB Games in a heart beat if pre-order discounts become available.


Waiting on boring legal stuff to clear through. It's going to be a while before you hear about perks. We are going to be rolling out other features in the meantime that don't depend on boring legal stuff to deploy.

When perks return, you'll definitely hear about it. Until then, buy wherever!

Old world data is also being slightly held up by boring stuff as well, but that should be in the immediate future. You'll know it's happened because you'll get an email when your transfer is complete. At a certain point we will have to cut off the requests, but the cut off date will be announced well in advance.

If you've got any questions I'll try to answer them, as always.
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