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Turkey's imponent autocrat summoned German ambassador over satirical song

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Turkey's Foreign Ministry summoned Germany's ambassador last week over a satirical broadcast by German television station NDR, Spiegel magazine's online edition reported on Monday.

The ambassador, Martin Erdmann, was called to the ministry last Tuesday over the NDR broadcast on March 17 that featured a two-minute satirical song mocking Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, Spiegel Online reported.

The German Foreign Ministry declined to comment. Turkish officials could not immediately be reached to comment.

The report comes at a time when German Chancellor Angela Merkel is actively seeking closer ties with Turkey, a candidate for European Union membership, whose help she needs in tackling Europe's migrant crisis.

Merkel led efforts to seal a controversial EU deal with Turkey earlier this month intended to halt illegal migration flows to Europe in return for financial and political rewards for Ankara.

Erdogan has harshly criticized Western diplomats after several showed up on Friday to support Can Dundar, editor-in-chief of the Cumhuriyet newspaper, and his colleague Erdem Gul on the first day of their trial in Istanbul.

Erdogan is known for his sensitivity to criticism. Turkish prosecutors have opened nearly 2,000 cases against people for insulting Erdogan since he became president 18 months ago, the country's justice minister said this month. They include cartoonists, academics and even schoolchildren.


The song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2e2yHjc_mc

Seems like Erdogan wants his press "freedom" in other countries too.


Turkey really need to get this guy out but from what I've read and heard..it isn't as simple as voting.
Seems like the Turkish like him quite a bit, especially the uneducated.

Because he will "make Turkey great again" .. by replacing freedom with more state mandatet Islam. Back to the middle ages.
If you listen carefully you will hear Ataturk rotating in his grave.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Seems like the Turkish like him quite a bit, especially the uneducated.

The economy flourished under Erdogan. I guess this plays a major part. Otherwise, this guy's attitude and borderline authoritarian/theocratic views and methods are certainly not increasing Turkey's chances of EU membership.


The economy flourished under Erdogan. I guess this plays a major part. Otherwise, this guy's attitude and borderline authoritarian/theocratic views and methods are certainly not increasing Turkey's chances of EU membership.

He will blackmail his way in probably, now that he is in a position to do so.


Based on a new SPIEGEL report, the Turkish government demanded that the video is going to be deleted lol

The video is now also available with English subtitles. I cannot post it as the website of the broadcaster and the YouTube video are blocked where I live.
I love how he wanted the video to be deleted and the creators where like "Lol" and instead added English subtitles.

@Shiggy The video in your OP includes the English subs.


All around ridiculous behaviour. I think my favourite quote has to be:

Spiegel said:
Der Vorgang sagt einiges aus über das türkische Verständnis von Pressefreiheit: Offensichtlich glaubt die Regierung, ein deutscher Botschafter könnte Einfluss nehmen auf die Programmgestaltung eines Fernsehsenders. Denn nur dann wäre er in diesem Fall die richtige Adresse für Kritik.

What a joke.


another example for streisand effect.
No way it's going to quietly go away now.

Why would he think this is a good idea? He probably already had a place in the next karneval, now its guaranteed. Very much looking forward to it.
Sounds like poor guy's in dire need of some South Park approved Safe Space together with his own social media assistant Leopold 'Butters' Stotch.

Back to being serious, this guy is really annoying. Backwards thinking (his wife, too), fear mongering against the Kurds, even going back to attacking them, and so full of himself to the point of provoking Putin, and just risking another conflict in the region...

Atatürk would role in his grave ...


I love how he wanted the video to be deleted and the creators where like "Lol" and instead added English subtitles.

@Shiggy The video in your OP includes the English subs.

Oh, sounded to me as if they had uploaded a new video and I was too lazy to check via VPN. So thanks for letting me know!


He will blackmail his way in probably, now that he is in a position to do so.

I think his recent view has more been "fuck 'em" especially since the Eurocrisis began in earnest and his foreign affairs have become more interested in expanding their influence in Syria and Iraq.
Edrogan deserves all criticism coming at him,

Dictators don't know how to deal with the age of the internets

can we kick Edrogan out of NATO please?


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.

Press freedom is non-negotiable for Germany in its talks with Turkey, a foreign ministry spokeswoman said on Wednesday, responding to questions about Turkey summoning Germany's ambassador over a satirical broadcast in Germany.

"(It has been) made clear that despite all the interests Germany and Turkey share, the view on press freedom, freedom of expression is non-negotiable for us," said the spokeswoman at a regular government news conference

What other response did this idiot expect?
So... He just has everyone whose ever made fun of him in any way arrested? Why would anyone want to strengthen ties with someone like that?


Because European countries focus much rather on themselves than solving pan-European problems together, which put the EU in a position where it is dependent on the help of Turkey.
They didn't, the silence from Berlin is actually quite telling. Germany can't risk an angered Turkey with the whole refugee crisis going on.

How is it quite telling? Press freedom is non-negotiable, that's really all that needed to be said (if anything).
This whole thing is just ridiculing Erdogan as the fool he apparently is. Why make more out of it?


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
The TV show that created the song has broadcasted it again yesterday, now with Turkish subtitles.

They also awarded Erdogan the "Employee of the month" award for helping them in creating a good show.



The TV show that created the song has broadcasted it again yesterday, now with Turkish subtitles.

They also awarded Erdogan the "Employee of the month" award for helping them in creating a good show.


God, I love the Extra3 crew. :D
Good Guy Erdogan, creates more youtube clicks and therefore more money for Extra3!


And we just gave these clowns 6 billion euro.

Yes we did because we do not want to handle our problems and would rather export it by paying for it. We also put them in a position to continue blackmailing us. Don't want to pay? Let's open the gates to teach them a lesson. lol



If you ever wanted to see the Streisand effect working. The video had about 60.000 views before the whole affair got out of hand.

Sölf;199736346 said:
God, I love the Extra3 crew. :D
Good Guy Erdogan, creates more youtube clicks and therefore more money for Extra3!

There shouldn't be ads on the extra3 youtube channel, since it's financed by the so called Rundfunkgebühr.


I can't believe how brave this guy is. And now the coup talks are currently happening among Turkish Army and NATO, he should be afraid. He should be very afraid.
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