Canis lupus

Noticed Turkish psych is gaining popularity in the West recently and artists like Dr Dre, Mos Def and Gaslamp Killers sampling Turkish beats so here's a thread to introduce you to this great genre. Not many may have heard of it on gaf but was hugely popular in Turkey
Turkish psychedelic rock, also known as Anatolian rock, gained popularity during the late 1960s and early '70s, mixing traditional Turkish folk with the sound of the Western rock groups of the time. The style has found a new audience in recent years thanks in part to reissues and compilations by labels like Finders Keepers and Bouzouki Joe, and from DJs like Bariș K, who has released a series of Turkish psych and disco re-edits, allowing a new audience to hear the sounds of artists otherwise omitted from the Westernised music canon, like Erkin Koray, Selda, and Moğollar
Barış Manço - Dönence
Selda Bağcan - Yaylalar
Erkin Koray - Cemalim
Barış Manço - Sarı Çizmeli Mehmet Ağa
The Gaslamp Killer - Nissim sample
Özdemir Erdoğan - Gurbet original
İnce İnce Bir Kar Yağar" by Selda Bağcan original Dre Dre - Issues on the new Compton album
Mos Def - Supermagic sample
Cem Karaca - Islak Islak
Üç Hürel - Ömür Biter Yol Bitmez
Bunalim - Yollar
Erol Büyükburç - Allahım Beni De Gör
Ersen & Dadaşlar - Kozan Dağı
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