Clydefrog said:what? what was bigger than super-size? mega-ultra super-size???
AbsoluteZero said:Have you ever tried pineapple on a hamburger?
So good.[/url]
I'm guessing it's because "Advertisements depicted children disgusted with the burger".Not sure why it bombed?
clemenx said:I loooooved the Big N' Tasty. Hope I could still get it.
Cindres said:The Arch Deluxe looks fucking tasy.
yes, loved it.-Pyromaniac- said:The pizza was great!
AbsoluteZero said:Have you ever tried pineapple on a hamburger?
So good.[/url]
Wow, really? McDonalds in bulk?TommyT said:"Humongo-size" was what it was called. You could get fries or a drink in a 44oz cup and that is how you would ask for it. They also used to have 50 piece buckets of chicken nuggets.
Mr. B Natural said:Wow, really? McDonalds in bulk?
Mr. B Natural said:Wow, really? McDonalds in bulk?
I try and make a point to not call anything "Mc-" if I can get away with it. "Nuggets", "Chicken Sandwich", etc.MIMIC said:Needs more "Mc". God, this is exactly how Apple names its products...just glue a lowercase "I" in front of everything.
Good point, it probably made them a ton of money while it lasted even though they had to stop it for PR reasons.ReturnOfTheRAT said:I supersized when I used to eat McDonald's. It shouldn't be categorized as a failure though.
DMPrince said:Supersize was awesome. would always get it because i enjoy the fries lol.
AbsoluteZero said:I used to like Supersize because it meant I could get one value meal and whomever I was with could just get a sandwich then we'd split the drink & fries.
DMPrince said:Supersize was awesome. would always get it because i enjoy the fries lol.
Gouty said:It's not on the list because it makes money, people like it.
As for why they take it off the menu, apparently the McRib lives and dies by its celebrated cult following. When its takes up permanent residence on the menu the novelty wears off and people stop buying it.
It think it's similar to Disney's approach to their animated films and the vault.
Derrick01 said:Yup, dunno why they got rid of it because a guy ate nothing but that for a month. Of fucking course it's unhealthy but no normal human eats it that much.
*thumbs up*AbsoluteZero said:Have you ever tried pineapple on a hamburger?
So good.
"Give" as in present tense? I find it strange they would still do this but got rid of the tame in comparison "super-size" concept. But I guess it's all about that marketing and name recognition.Hasphat'sAnts said:Our campus' McDonald's give you a free 2 gallon jug of sweet tea if you ordered 50 nuggets.
Very popular item on Friday nights
Birbo said:Bring back the Arch Deluxe! So good.
Side note: I find it rather odd that for years I thought McDonalds was disgusting and always went to Burger King, but over the past 5 years or so, I've totally reversed my stance.
RedNumberFive said:I'm not a huge fast food guy. But about once a year, I have to buy one of these badboys:
Mr. B Natural said:"Give" as in present tense? I find it strange they would still do this but got rid of the tame in comparison "super-size" concept. But I guess it's all about that marketing and name recognition.
And I can't stand the smell of 1 white castle. Can't imagine what your house will smell like after eating all those, man. Don't get near me haha.
^because it backfired horribly and thus failed spectacularly?
Joe Shlabotnik said:Hahaha. I think that qualifies you as a "huge fast food guy", ipso facto.
I do love me some White Castle though. I ain't knockin' it.
Trin3785 said:Cant have a thread with McDLT and not have this commercial starring GEORGE COSTANZA! hah
$1 BnTs were the only reason I ate at McD's once everyone started using healthy fry oil. Now I only eat the apple pies.Dresden said:I remember the Big n' Tasty.
TommyT said:I worked there during the reign of the Big N Tasty... was always on special and we had to discontinue it when the lettuce and tomato prices were going up due to some hurricane at the time. People ordered the shit out of that thing.
edit: I like how they talk about "super-sizing". That wasn't even the biggest size! Also, you can still get it (super sized orders), it just isn't called that anymore.
Yes, it worked great until it failed spectacularly. You can have a huge success that fails spectacularly in the end. Time is not unified. The beginning can be one thing, the end another. They're called one hit wonders, they're called ponsy (sp?) schemes, they're called a lot of things for a lot of situations and it can happen in marketing if it backfires. There are too many rags to riches and riches to rags stories to name.Alucrid said:It worked great until it didn't.