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Twitch ban Asmongolds alt account for racist content from other players using in-game chat (Up: Unbanned, Twitch realise their stupidity)


There's the need for a third actor in the scene, so we can all ditch youtube and twitch.


Gold Member
I dont know, everyone has their entertainment.
This and that other thread.
You can't possibly take this shit that seriously, do you?

Its entertainment. Roll with the punches.
If you make your money off donations and advertiserers. You are playing a game with a certain set of rules & consequences. (Yes, fairness is subjective)

This is TMZ level of drama.

Do twitch streamers donate to charity (regularly) or give back to the greater good?
By that I mean, NBA players are entertainers. However they indirectly keep people employed.
Arenas (maintenance), jobs (staff), airline industry, food and beverage (hospitality), sports medicine (kinesiology), fashion designers (clothing industry) and more. 100s of thousands of jobs.

How do streamers contribute to agriculture, science & tech, housing, land development, infrastructure. Things that keep the world moving.

Movie stars, professional athletes and yes even the Kardashians produce something with that entertainment.

If twitch left tomorrow, the advertisers just wouldnt be able to make as much money (would just find another way to advertise to you)
Farmers could still grow crops, games would still be made, cars would still be manufactured, houses and condos would still be developed, cures/research for diseases would still go about... Elon Musk would still be going to Mars...

Twitch just seems to be the lowest leechiest rung on the totem pole.
To each their own...
Its shallow entertainment (even more shallow than The Kardashians and thats saying something).
its here-its here. Its gone-its gone.

I feel like I'm missing something here...


Perpetually Tired
I dont know, everyone has their entertainment.
This and that other thread.
You can't possibly take this shit that seriously, do you?

Its entertainment. Roll with the punches.
If you make your money off donations and advertiserers. You are playing a game with a certain set of rules & consequences. (Yes, fairness is subjective)

This is TMZ level of drama.

Do twitch streamers donate to charity (regularly) or give back to the greater good?
By that I mean, NBA players are entertainers. However they indirectly keep people employed.
Arenas (maintenance), jobs (staff), airline industry, food and beverage (hospitality), sports medicine (kinesiology), fashion designers (clothing industry) and more. 100s of thousands of jobs.

How do streamers contribute to agriculture, science & tech, housing, land development, infrastructure. Things that keep the world moving.

Movie stars, professional athletes and yes even the Kardashians produce something with that entertainment.

If twitch left tomorrow, the advertisers just wouldnt be able to make as much money (would just find another way to advertise to you)
Farmers could still grow crops, games would still be made, cars would still be manufactured, houses and condos would still be developed, cures/research for diseases would still go about... Elon Musk would still be going to Mars...

Twitch just seems to be the lowest leechiest rung on the totem pole.
To each their own...
Its shallow entertainment (even more shallow than The Kardashians and thats saying something).
its here-its here. Its gone-its gone.

I feel like I'm missing something here...

The issue is that Asmongold was banned because someone in the game he was playing used a racist term. This is something no player has control over. It would be akin to you getting banned from GAF because someone else was being a racist asshole in proximity to you.

It would be utterly unfair and rather frustrating.


Gold Member
...just annoying attention-seeking man-children!"
Okay, I don't watch this guy a lot but I have seen a few of his videos. Maybe this is a case of "it takes one to know one?"

Wonder if we will start seeing chat masked in streams to prevent this kind of stuff?


The issue is that Asmongold was banned because someone in the game he was playing used a racist term. This is something no player has control over. It would be akin to you getting banned from GAF because someone else was being a racist asshole in proximity to you.

It would be utterly unfair and rather frustrating.
I’m pretty sure he understands. He’s saying why should you or anyone care? Streamers to me offer nothing to society IMO. If anything it degrades it. Ya it’s bullshit but it’s hard to care for someone that makes money offering nothing to society but playing games and collecting cash
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The issue is that Asmongold was banned because someone in the game he was playing used a racist term. This is something no player has control over. It would be akin to you getting banned from GAF because someone else was being a racist asshole in proximity to you.

It would be utterly unfair and rather frustrating.
I guess thats why they unbanned him


Gold Member
The issue is that Asmongold was banned because someone in the game he was playing used a racist term. This is something no player has control over. It would be akin to you getting banned from GAF because someone else was being a racist asshole in proximity to you.

It would be utterly unfair and rather frustrating.
This is their goal. Within the next year and a half it’ll be a crime to even look in the direction of someone thinking the wrong thing.


Gold Member
The issue is that Asmongold was banned because someone in the game he was playing used a racist term. This is something no player has control over. It would be akin to you getting banned from GAF because someone else was being a racist asshole in proximity to you.

It would be utterly unfair and rather frustrating.
I understand the sentiment.
But as you the viewer, what do you lose?
A piece of entertainment.

Im trying to understand the greater impact.
Thank you for using NeoGaf as an example. Its perfect.
You didnt say if Steph Curry was accused of a crime that put his, and by proximity, others livelihoods at stake.
You used something as trivial as a NeoGaf account.
To answer your question, I wouldnt bat an eyelash.

Asmon handles it like an adult handles it. Bring it up through the proper channels. Like an adult. Show your receipts, like an adult and go from there.
Like I said before, threads like these, the perspectives shown.
Sounds like highschool gossip girl shit.
Im not trying to shit on people having their fun, their watercooler talk. It just seems some are invested in it in a way that completely lacks nuance, perspective, and maturity.

Unfair, frustrating. These are words of a child. Welcome to the real world. Grab a chair. I'll have some beers waiting for you.

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.


Gold Member
We are nowhere near a 1984 scenario.
cbc kc GIF by Kim's Convenience
I understand the sentiment.
But as you the viewer, what do you lose?
A piece of entertainment.

Im trying to understand the greater impact.
Thank you for using NeoGaf as an example. Its perfect.
You didnt say if Steph Curry was accused of a crime that put his, and by proximity, others livelihoods at stake.
You used something as trivial as a NeoGaf account.
To answer your question, I wouldnt bat an eyelash.

Asmon handles it like an adult handles it. Bring it up through the proper channels. Like an adult. Show your receipts, like an adult and go from there.
Like I said before, threads like these, the perspectives shown.
Sounds like highschool gossip girl shit.
Im not trying to shit on people having their fun, their watercooler talk. It just seems some are invested in it in a way that completely lacks nuance, perspective, and maturity.

Unfair, frustrating. These are words of a child. Welcome to the real world. Grab a chair. I'll have some beers waiting for you.

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

The hell are you rambling about?

Yeah the world can be unfair, but ignoring when injustice is done is not gonna make it any better. Does Asmongold provide mere entertainment? Sure, but that doesn't exempt him from fair treatment. Is entertainment critical to keep the world moving? Of course not, but neither is commenting on a video game forum. So why, according to your own words, are you even here when it provides nothing of substance to the world?

Comparing Asmongold to the Kardashian is the dumbest thing I've read all week. He does not only stream games, he also produces other quite entertaining content like 'Dungeons & Degens' and provides decent and thoughtful commentary on general topics as well as the gaming world as a whole. Contrary to the Kardashians, he is also a pretty decent human being who often preaches modesty. I'd take one of his streams over any of the Kardashian's shitty pop-music.

Lastly, caring about people being treated fairly is not f*cking gossip!


Gold Member
Read 1984.
I have.
I get it.
Im speaking more to this thread.
Asmon handles it as only he can.

I will put it this way. This thread, once it runs its course, what did it actually do (to prevent the events of 1984)
I possit
The hell are you rambling , he also produces other quite entertaining content like 'Dungeons & Degens' and provides decent and thoughtful commentary on general topics as well as the gaming world as a whole.
Lastly, caring about people being treated fairly is not f*cking gossip
Fair points and I will check out his other content.
As to the 1984 comment.
I guess i see threads like these as merely venting.
Asmon knows what he has to do.
I see this as a black square come February. Or a rainbow logo come june.
Yes you can make the connection to 1984 as it fits into the greater piece of the puzzle of degradation of society.
I just have a hard time believing Twitch will be a serious part of that.
The pendulum has already started to swing away from the militant/stonch suffocating of opinions/views (which is a good thing) imo.


I think there has been some overreaction/overcorrecting, but people being held accountable for stupidity is probably a better thing overall. We are nowhere near a 1984 scenario.
You're correct, we aren't but nowadays the loudest dumbest thing gets repeated is taken for truth and if it sounds semi-intellectual people gravitate toward it more, in this case the quote is based on a book than more people repeat it. Repeating a stupid thing doesn't make it true. China is in a worse than 1984 scenario, the west however is not.

This entire incident isn't a "1984" style event, Twitch is a private service, and the chat is full of trolls. There is no government powered BIG BROTHER watching, there are corporations that are worried about their precious money getting hurt, that is not at all what 1984 is about.

ManaByte ManaByte If you want to go around spouting racist stuff, then go ahead, it's in bad taste and might make you a racist, it's still within your freedom of Free Speech though, but if you do that on a privately owned service then look out for consequences. Maybe you should reread 1984 instead of watching the movie, or reading a summary, or just quoting it whenever you feel authoritarian power is used. "It's like 1984" is the new "worse than Hitler".
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Gold Member
ManaByte ManaByte ManaByte ManaByte If you want to go around spouting racist stuff, then go ahead, it's in bad taste and might make you a racist, it's still within your freedom of Free Speech though, but if you do that on a privately owned service then look out for consequences. Maybe you should reread 1984 instead of watching the movie, or reading a summary, or just quoting it whenever you feel authoritarian power is used. "It's like 1984" is the new "worse than Hitler".
Asmongold didn’t say anything racist. Try reading the thread.


He was banned for something someone in his chat said. He was banned for something he couldn’t control.
You're supposed to have mod bots in place.

Also again I've already covered this, Twitch is a corporation, it's not the "PUBLIC" despite what you might think, whatever is done on there is subject to a TOS.

This is NOT 1984 FFS, no matter how many times you nitpick my responses.


Gold Member
You're supposed to have mod bots in place.

Also again I've already covered this, Twitch is a corporation, it's not the "PUBLIC" despite what you might think, whatever is done on there is subject to a TOS.

This is NOT 1984 FFS, no matter how many times you nitpick my responses.

Twitch streamers CANNOT moderate in-game chat.



Twitch streamers CANNOT moderate in-game chat.
FFS it's still not 1984 dude, also typically the streamers of his size have a mod team.

Trolls do this type of thing all the time they make donations and the streamer has an autoreader and it reads racist stuff out, it's nothing new.

It's not 1984 no matter how many times you reply to my fucking post dude, you were 100% wrong on that.


Gold Member
Trolls do this type of thing all the time they make donations and the streamer has an autoreader and it reads racist stuff out, it's nothing new.
It's not his chat. It's the chat in the game itself.

That's Blizzard's job not Twitch or Asmongold.


FFS it's still not 1984 dude, also typically the streamers of his size have a mod team.

Trolls do this type of thing all the time they make donations and the streamer has an autoreader and it reads racist stuff out, it's nothing new.

It's not 1984 no matter how many times you reply to my fucking post dude, you were 100% wrong on that.
He was banned for something written in the in game chat of the game he was playing. At least ha a basic understanding of the topic before posting please.


He was banned for something written in the in game chat of the game he was playing. At least ha a basic understanding of the topic before posting please.
The main issue is, this is NOTHING LIKE 1984.

Streamers usually have a secondary game chat blurred to avoid such nonsense or they have the game they're playing chat hidden.

This is still NOTHING AT ALL like 1984.
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Gold Member
The main issue is, this is NOTHING LIKE 1984.

Streamers usually have a secondary game chat blurred to avoid such nonsense or they have the game they're playing chat hidden.

This is still NOTHING AT ALL like 1984.
Still blaming Asmongold and not the idiot danger hair mod who banned him. You might be more comfortable somewhere else…
Yeah this is a dumb ban; people can't control what other people say in the in-game text chat, that responsibility should fall on Blizzard's hands, not Asmongold's. It'd be one thing if it was his own Twitch chat and it was unmoderated, but that isn't even the case.

Who are wizards at Blizzard who decided not to have an active filtration system for chat text in an online MMO for 2022? It shouldn't be the streamer's fault for shitheads taking advantage of an easily exploitable system IMHO, nor should it really be on the streamer to assume "Hey, guess I have to censor the in-game text chat with a cover-up graphic myself!" or even dumber stuff like not stream the game at all (someone on the other site actually suggested this 🤣🤣).

No, this is clearly a failing on Blizzard's part for not implementing an auto-filter system for text chat (which they could then provide user controls for to determine what type of language is actually censored). All that ABK money but can't do something companies with way less have managed is embarrassing.

Thats what I was thinking.
Any game with ingame chat you can now just stream snipe them with "bad words" and they will likely get banned.
They cant really moderate in game chat.

He basically got WingsOfRedemption'd; this kind of stuff happens to that dude ALL the time 🤣
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Still blaming Asmongold and not the idiot danger hair mod who banned him. You might be more comfortable somewhere else…
Completely ignores the fact that he was throwing 1984 around to seem intellectual, and continues to nitpick. Brilliant.


Gold Member
Yeah this is a dumb ban; people can't control what other people say in the in-game text chat, that responsibility should fall on Blizzard's hands, not Asmongold's. It'd be one thing if it was his own Twitch chat and it was unmoderated, but that isn't even the case.

Who are wizards at Blizzard who decided not to have an active filtration system for chat text in an online MMO for 2022? It shouldn't be the streamer's fault for shitheads taking advantage of an easily exploitable system IMHO, nor should it really be on the streamer to assume "Hey, guess I have to censor the in-game text chat with a cover-up graphic myself!" or even dumber stuff like not stream the game at all (someone on the other site actually suggested this 🤣🤣).

No, this is clearly a failing on Blizzard's part for not implementing an auto-filter system for text chat (which they could then provide user controls for to determine what type of language is actually censored). All that ABK money but can't do something companies with way less have managed is embarrassing.
Asmon explained in his video that the game does have a filter, this person got around it by putting a . between each letter.
Asmon explained in his video that the game does have a filter, this person got around it by putting a . between each letter.

Wait, that's all it took? They must've spent Dollar Tree money and called it a day, how did the people who programmed the filter not foresee that type of circumvention? 🤣

Stopped using Twitch a while ago.

Other platforms aren’t much better, but that one is by far the worst. Worst UI, worst ad structure, worst chat box, worst emoji interface, worst moderation, etc.

Twitch sucks. Stop using it.

Better Twitch TV & Twitch Adblock are your friends.

Though it doesn't help with the UI, and you still have to press other keys to pause the chatbox if you want to follow any conversation in even moderately-fast chats.
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Rodent Whores
I’m pretty sure he understands. He’s saying why should you or anyone care? Streamers to me offer nothing to society IMO. If anything it degrades it. Ya it’s bullshit but it’s hard to care for someone that makes money offering nothing to society but playing games and collecting cash

I understand the sentiment.
But as you the viewer, what do you lose?
A piece of entertainment.

Im trying to understand the greater impact.
Why should anyone care? What is the greater impact?

To sum it up - we can all agree that ultimately this is an example of a powerful organization acting unfairly and unjustly (either through ignorance, malice, or indifference) to an individual with less power, yes? When you boil it down to a basic level, this is what is happening, right? We can all agree to this characterization? We're on the same page here?


Gold Member
The hell are you rambling about?

Yeah the world can be unfair, but ignoring when injustice is done is not gonna make it any better. Does Asmongold provide mere entertainment? Sure, but that doesn't exempt him from fair treatment. Is entertainment critical to keep the world moving? Of course not, but neither is commenting on a video game forum. So why, according to your own words, are you even here when it provides nothing of substance to the world?

Comparing Asmongold to the Kardashian is the dumbest thing I've read all week. He does not only stream games, he also produces other quite entertaining content like 'Dungeons & Degens' and provides decent and thoughtful commentary on general topics as well as the gaming world as a whole. Contrary to the Kardashians, he is also a pretty decent human being who often preaches modesty. I'd take one of his streams over any of the Kardashian's shitty pop-music.

Lastly, caring about people being treated fairly is not f*cking gossip!

People over the internet are like, 'its not happening to me so who cares?' and forget how much of a problem those precedents get open.

Folks lost a bunch of empathy, but I sure they'll remember as soon as happen to them in the same way.

Ignorance is becoming a 'thing' over and over on social media, they totally forgot the Presumption of innocence . I feel like wanting justice was a lost art and got replaced to 'I don't care, and you shouldn't care too'.
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I keep seeing these threads about streamers being banned from youtube / twitch and I'm literally like


If they were neogafers then I might pay some interest. But beyond that I don't understand the running commentary on them. Unless it's a socail media thing where these individuals have large followings, which someone is interpreting as them being important to the wider gaming community?
Jesus wept.

My dude, stop being willfully ignorant and look at the bigger picture. They literally banned one of the biggest streamers on the platform (wow how can that be, someone that Pelta88 doesn't know has made a name for themselves? Outrageous!) not because of supposed racist chat in his own community but because of the in-game chat.

If you don't feel like we should "run some commentary" on this then I don't know how else to spell it out for you lol.
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