King Gilga
I said many, I didn't include MMPR.
MMPR is the only power ranger that really counts or matters in any real context.
I said many, I didn't include MMPR.
MMPR is the only power ranger that really counts or matters in any real context.
What about Turbo, Zeo, In Space?
I find that the themes of the Super Sentai series that many of the Power Rangers series that were adapted from to be much better than the themes made for the Power Rangers series.
MMPR is the only power ranger that really counts or matters in any real context.
MMPR is the only power ranger that really counts or matters in any real context.
They didn't have much of a choice asI'm gonna be honest with GAF, the writers messing around with the most favorite Ranger (the Green) is working.
Power Rangers 3rd season involves the Alien Rangers.....but it's sentai counterpart is Kakuranger which is a Ninja theme rangers. How can you fucked up so badly to make Ninja Rangers turned into Aliens.
Kakuranger opening:
Power Rangers/the fad died therefore it's the only one that counts.
You are wrong.
MMPR is unbeatable.
I wonder if this Sentai series would ever be adapted:
You're talking about the people that didn't even acknowledge the Super Megaforce ranger suits being pirates.
Tommy is pretty much the only character that had any kind of character development in MMPR
ep 69? nice.
Trini overcame her fear of heights in ep 2. Kimberly learned empathy via a body-swap with Billy and also illegally landed a plane.
ep 69? nice.
Trini overcame her fear of heights in ep 2. Kimberly learned empathy via a body-swap with Billy and also illegally landed a plane.
It's not even the best theme the show had in the 90's.
It was.
Also, the Super Sentai team made that show inbetween the hiatus between JAKQ and Battle Fever J.
Tommy to me is like Vegeta. He has the most growth and eventually outshines the "main" in becoming the fan favorite.
Huh!!! What comic book series is that from?
when does bulk and skull become cops?
at some point you would think the rangers do the whole Zord finishing move from the get go instead of slugging it out for a few minutes first .
Huh!!! What comic book series is that from?
Pink ranger's helmet is really starting to annoy me in this watch through. The pink/white combo when everyone else's is a solid colour is jarring from the back as is the fact that everyone else's helmet is the head of the animal, whereas hers is an outline of the entire silhouette of hers.
It's actually making me quite angry, though I suspect this may be down to lack of sleep more than anything else. And I can't sleep 'til we get to the new rangers and GLITTER SUITS.
In Space? Psycho Rangers? Bulk and Skull final growth in the final episodes? shatteing zordons energy tube? Many other things? Nah. Now Turbo and possibly Zeo I'll give you
MMPR is the only power ranger that really counts or matters in any real context.
When is white ranger. Finishing beetle episode.
Spider-Verse. Spider-Men/Women from different universes team-up to take on creatures that were hunting and killing them.
It was not a good book, to be honest.
When is white ranger. Finishing beetle episode.
Tired of these GR patches. He needs the WR rework already D:
looks like Spider-verse? I don't remember that part tho.