Same here and don't forget the freeze frame high five.I will always love how many older TV shows did the whole:
*insert cheesy joke*
*pause everybody laughing*
None, that is just the full version (every ranger intro is cut short)
So why did Tommy like, also disappear from school? He just went out sightseeing?
I will always love how many older TV shows did the whole:
*insert cheesy joke*
*pause everybody laughing*
WTF?!?!? Why even release a 2:20 theme song and not even use it in the televised version???
Zedd and Goldar's character designs are still pure money.
None, that is just the full version (every ranger intro theme is cut short. Good thing cause your ears will bleed if you listen to mystic force full theme).
This is the main in space theme (intro, credits, zords, hype)
zedd's lack of skin makes me think the air stings
skull was wearing a civil war union military hat. strange.
We need it.Except oddly Zeo
Never found a full version of that
What air ? they are on the moon .
Looks like from Jojo Stardust Crusaders.
It's not even fair how much better zack's out of costume fights are better than than the others.